Hi folks! To start off my post tonight I would like to clearly state that, as far as this thread is concerned, if I am commenting on any particular post I will quote that post. If I do not quote your post, my comment is not about you personally, even if it is about the same subject you also posted on. I hope this will prevent any misunderstandings.
Sam, you said:
This type of thing bothers me too, that so many people seem to feel this behavior is excusable and should be overlooked. After all, Hinn did say “The Spirit tells me, Fidel Castro will die in the 90's.†and the 90s are long gone with no death of Castro!
Also, if I understood you correctly when you said:
, you were referring to different individuals being moved by the power of different spirits, not one individual sometimes being directed by the Holy Spirit, sometimes (when publicly prophesying, etc) being directed by some sort of “personal†spirit, and yet other times being directed by demonic spirits. Jesus was speaking of just this thing when he said: “By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.†(Jesus, Mathew 7: 16-18, NIV, bold type added) so unless I am misunderstanding this, Jesus himself tells us that a person will not be a true prophet one day, a false one the next, then back to a true prophet again, on and on.
And in Deuteronomy we are told: “You may say to yourselves, "How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD?" If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.†(Deut 17:21-22, NIV) (By the way, the Hebrew translated here to “Do not be afraid of him†is “guwr†which also means not to dwell or seek hospitality with.)
So it seems to me that once a person, whoever they might be, claims to be giving a revelation from God (i.e. “The Spirit tells me, Fidel Castro will die in the 90's.â€), and that revelation turns out to be false, we are to recognize them as a false prophet and have nothing more to do with them (not dwell or seek hospitality with them). We are not to simply excuse them and go on listening to and following them. If we don’t obey these scriptures, and still listen to what the false prophet says in hopes that the next time his prophesy truly will be from God, how are we to know if it is or not? How can we know which of his future prophesies are from God, and which are from some other spirit? We can’t know, so when we excuse the false prophet and continue to listen in hopes next time the message will truly be from God, we violate this scripture and we open ourselves up to being led astray. This is not condemnation of the person’s heart, it is accusation of false prophesy (or whatever the falsification was). There is a difference.
Sam, I have to agree with you that there is much in the Charismatic movement (as also in many other parts of Christianity) that is not from God. Just to be clear, by your definition I am Charismatic, although I don’t refer to myself that way. I have spiritual gifts and have used them in ways that have been proven to give glory to God. One of those gifts at certain times has been prophesy in the way it has been described here, and the knowledge I was given came true every time. I have “performed†miracles (although I don’t like to use the word “perform†because the miracles had absolutely nothing to do with anything I did beyond following God’s word, and only God's word, to the letter!) and these miracles were clearly visible, supernatural, instantaneous, and verified by outside sources. But all the glory was always to God and the only dramatic show was the power of God itself. I only mention it here to establish that I am not anti-Charismatic nor ignorant of spiritual gifts. I have also directly faced a demon and rebuked it (and don’t care to ever have that experience again!), so I know that demonic spirits are very real and can have very real influences on us when we allow them. But, like I spoke of in another thread lately, this tolerance that we see among many Christians of those who falsely prophesy, perform false miracles, and bring attention and glory to themselves is truly troubling to me as well.
This is the main reason I don’t openly identify myself as Charismatic, and it is a shame that this has to be so! It is incumbent on our leaders to denounce these practices and expose them for what they are in order to give credibility to us all!