The Poor, The Rich

Opinion polls indicate that most Americans want all citizens to be covered for medical care, like every other advanced nation in the world does.
That should not really be a problem if common sense would prevail.
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." US Constitution Preamble
We have liberty?
Opinion polls indicate that most Americans want all citizens to be covered for medical care, like every other advanced nation in the world does.

Lord Jesus commended the good Samaritan who provided medical care to a man in need, then told people to go and do likewise.
Every other advanced nation in the world envies the medical system in the U.S. --- at least how it was when I lived there...
and those that can afford it come THERE.
Then you don't get it. You've bought into the "welfare queen" trope that Reagan started. Tell me why people should go bankrupt or rely on "Go Fund Me" to pay medical bills. Tell me why, in the allegedly richest country in the world, children go to bed hungry. You have the same attitude of so many..."yeah, I used government help but I got mine now, so you get yours and no you can't have any help".

However, I'd like to thank you for paying for my husband's cancer treatment, his list of specialists and the medications he needs. I'd also like to thank you for paying for mine. My husband donated 24 years of his life to the US Navy. He's rated 100% disabled now, directly related to that Naval service.
I'd like to reply to your points but I'm not going to engage with the labeling, belittling, and name-calling. Sorry.
Opinion polls indicate that most Americans want all citizens to be covered for medical care, like every other advanced nation in the world does.

Lord Jesus commended the good Samaritan who provided medical care to a man in need, then told people to go and do likewise.

in a 2 party system-- especially one with an Electoral College, disenfranchised felons in many states, and heavy gerrymandering--I don't think it much matters what the majority wants, at this point. And with the SCOTUS stacked, too...

outlook rather dismal for most of us, here in These United States. :-(
It is true that God instructs us to take care of the poor and destitute among us. To do so is honorable and appropriate. But, it is equally as important to not take the blessing of others for granted. We are to do our share. As Paul put it in 2 Thessalonians, "Those who do not work do not eat." (paraphrased) Scriptures speak against being a sluggard.
it isn't just about the poor, now. the middle-middle class has been decimated over the decades since the mid-to-late 70s, accelerating under Reagan. many of the former "have a bit more than enough" people are now "have nots." and on the flip side of that...

-some- parts of what was once a wide, vast middle class are now considered "upper middle class" under some forms of analysis, straight up "upper class" in some others. on the one hand, good for them...

on the other hand, the US class system is turning into something out of a 3rd world country. having a wide, vast middle-middle class was awesome for the mean upward mobility, a safety net, good infrastructure, and a vibrant economy. know what happens when people don't have enough? they spend less. know what happens when people have more than they need, sometimes way, way, way more? they invest more (this does not necessarily lead to new jobs, btw--trickle down theories don't work in practice), use more resources, and figure out way to dodge taxes. an economy that only works for the upper classes is an economy that is not truly healthy and is probably going to decline further...

taking much of the society with it, sadly enough.
There has also been a movement in our society toward the world. I submit that a great number of us struggle from paycheck to paycheck simply because we feel entitled to worldly things that require we live above our means and we're not willing to part with it. We give in to the lure and lie that our society owes us a particular lifestyle and we stop at nothing, living on credit, to have today what we can't afford. Our treasures lie in things of this world and not on the things of God.
Yes, that's true. The US system works well for the very rich.
The Point is this M,
the rich come to the U.S. because it has the best health system in the world.

If it becomes socialized it'll be like the system the rich folk are running away from.
We have freedom of religion. The state does not execute people who convert to Christianity in the USA, like it does in some other countries.
Well, you're right.
We're not getting executed ... YET.

Freedom is an illusion.
We're not free at all but are beholding to our governments.
Then you don't get it. You've bought into the "welfare queen" trope that Reagan started. Tell me why people should go bankrupt or rely on "Go Fund Me" to pay medical bills. Tell me why, in the allegedly richest country in the world, children go to bed hungry. You have the same attitude of so many..."yeah, I used government help but I got mine now, so you get yours and no you can't have any help".

However, I'd like to thank you for paying for my husband's cancer treatment, his list of specialists and the medications he needs. I'd also like to thank you for paying for mine. My husband donated 24 years of his life to the US Navy. He's rated 100% disabled now, directly related to that Naval service.
My mother died of cancer...
2 1/2 years of operation and treatments.
It didn't cost her anything.
That's only because common sense has become extinct.
You didn't post my entire statement so I don't know how to answer you.

I always post entire statements,,,it's only right.
Then I highlight what I wish to speak about.

So,,,you might be in agreement with me -- or not.
Health care rationing has been a topic in political circles for those on public welfare programs... including the retirement program Medicare.

Nursing home insurance is extremely high... because the chances of people needing a nursing facility when elderly is extremely high.
And the cost of nursing facilities is high...but lower than hospitalization. Which consumes most of the public health care dollars.
Those purchasing medicare supplemental policies do much much better in their choices for skilled nursing facilities. The strictly medicare facilities are rather abysmal at best.

I've seen people die from a lack of health insurance or funds for treatment while at a hospital. Where it's not a warm fuzzy feeling, there's nothing that could be done either. Personal responsibility has to come into play sometime... especially when you knew the risks long before you got to that point.
It's kinda like mandatory military/public service required by some countries. Options exist for delayed entry or opting out...but the cost is high and some things aren't really good to try and do.

Some just want to change the rules of the game after deliberately failing to take person responsibility for themselves.
The Point is this M,the rich come to the U.S. because it has the best health system in the world. If it becomes socialized it'll be like the system the rich folk are running away from.

Does the bottom 90% really care if foreign rich people come to the US for care? The majority want care that they can afford. US prices are like nowhere else in the world. What use to the majority is a system that the majority can't afford?
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Let me give you one example of US prices. Acthar costs $8 per vial in places like Europe, and $38,892 in the U.S. This price diffference is absurd, and Americans are forbidden from importing Acthar from Europe or Canada for $8.

How is over charging Americans in agreement with the Bible?
