Osgiliath said:
Originally posted by parousia70
and must, by necessity of the view, be being persecuted by them right now, to this day and beyond, since ONLY Christ's coming was to give them rest from that persecution. Not Death, not the passage of Millennia, but Christ's Coming ALONE.
Please elaborate on the specifics of that statement if you would.
Sure thang Oz,
As promised in the passage, the AD 70 Parousia ended that persecution of the Thessalonian congregation. Are the Thessalonians still suffering their first-century persecution? Does the Thessalonian church even still exist? Of course not. Paul made very clear that their persecution was to end by way of Christ's coming, and Christ did not fail to fulfill this promise to them:
For, after all, it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you and to give relief to you...when the Lord Jesus will be revealed (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7)
Did you catch that Os? God was to repay the Thessalonian persecuters and Give relief (rest) to the Thessalonain faithful "
WHEN the Lord Jesus will be revealed". Not before, not by death or the passage of millennia, but ONLY at the Parousia.
Are the Thessalonians still suffering their crisis as the passage states would continue until the second coming? No. The Parousia took care of that, as promised in the passage. The Parousia was the precise event that would provide them relief from their persecutors. We must note that any "persecution relief" thousands of years removed from those to whom the promise of relief is given is no relief at all. If I am presently suffering from cancer and you tell me that I will receive relief from my cancer thousands of years from now in the far distant future, you haven't helped me at all. I must suffer for thousands of years. Such is exactly what futurists have Paul stating concerning the sufferings/persecution of the 1st century Church at Thessalonica. For certain, the Day of the Lord as a thief in the night overtook the contemporary enemies of the Thessalonican congregation historically identified at Acts 17:1-8. The Parousia overtook them, as promised:
destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief. (1 Thess 5:3-4)
The obvious first-century expectation cannot be overlooked. The Day of the Lord as a thief in the night (1 Thess 5:2/Matt 24:43/Rev 3:1-3) was promised to bring relief to the Thessalonians by overcoming their contemporary enemies. We cannot emphasize enough that Jesus also applies His "thief-in-the-night" coming to the first-century Church of Sardis (Rev 3:1-3). This locks in a first century fulfillment, according to Jesus. This exact pattern of relief was promised to many of the first-century Christian churches, for their last-days sufferings were going on worldwide (1 Pet 4:7,12-13; 5:9), and they would get relief via the Parousia. Compare the relief promised to the Church at Thessalonica with the relief provided by Christ's Parousia to the other First-Century churches:
Christ's Coming to First-Century Thyatira
promise: Rev 2:18-25
result: the false prophetess and all her followers at the Thyatira church were killed off via Christ's coming. The Church was granted Christ's authority.
Christ's Coming to First-Century Pergamum
promise: Rev 2:12-16
result: the heretical first-century Nicolaitan sect was put down at Christ's coming to Pergamum. They that were causing them to break the decree of the Council of Jerusalem were put down (cf Rev 2:14; Acts 15:28-29).
Christ's Coming to First-Century Sardis
promise: Rev 3:1-5
result: Christ's "thief-in-the-night" coming came upon the Sardis church. They had not been faithfully expecting as per Matt 24:43/1 Thess 5:2-5. However, a few in Sardis were found worthy and had not soiled their garments. At His coming to them they walked in white, for they were worthy (Rev 3:4-5).
Christ's Coming to First-Century Philadelphia
promise: Rev 3:7-13
result: Christ put down the then-contemporary Jewish persecution against Philadelphia (Rev 3:9). He preserved the Church at Philadelphia through that testing which at that time came upon the whole empire (Rev 3:10). God made his faithful ones "pillars" in the Temple of God.
Christ's Coming to First-Century Laodicea
promise: Rev 3:14-21
result: Christ knocked "at the door" as promised in Matt 24:33 (cf also James 5:9). If the Laodiceans didn't repent, they were annihilated, while repentent and obedient followers became partakers of Christ's heavenly authority.
Those churches all received their promised relief. So, the answer to the question is found in scripture itself.
1)the Parousia Happened, on time, as promised, or
2) these 1st century people are still today suffering their then contemporary persecution by their then contemporary afflictors as they await the Parousia which is the only event that will give them rest from that persecution and repay their afflictors, or
3)Christianity is False.
Which option do you prefer?