NJBeliever said:
veteran said:
What you appear to really be saying is, "I've never thought about that before",
Dude, I've heard this "the seals are just information" argument many times in the past. And as my questions indicates, there is no biblical warrant for that statement. So that's why I said, where is this in the Bible? The seals are just what the Bible says they, seals that are keeping a book secure and confidential. What book? The book that God was holding in his Right Hand.
The seals mean the opening up of something. In the case of our Lord's Book of Revelation, it means to reveal, opening up of things previously unknown, a revealing. That's the purpose of the seven seals. But the trumpets, they sound the order of battle. And then the seven vials give the judgments. No one has to have a seminary degree to understand that.
NJBeliever said:
veteran said:
It does matter what order we go by per the seals, trumpets, and vials our Lord gave in Revelation. He gave us the three woe periods with the last three trumpets, and that shows a specific order of events that can't be mixed up or confused. It is a mistake to try and read Revelation as if each chapter follows chronologically. The visions John were given were not always given in chronological order.
Again, there is absolutely no reason to come to this conclusion. The Bible tells us the exact opposite.
There's events given INVOLVING the saints in later chapters, even way past that Rev.6 chapter of the seals. If Revelation was in chronological order, then everything should be over at the 6th seal you're wanting to stay planted upon. By what you infer, we shouldn't even need to study past Revelation chapter 6. Lot of the Pre-Trib folks even stop at Revelation chapter 4, and say everything after that is about those who are 'left-behind' to go through the tribulation. I cited several Revelation examples of events involving the saints in later chapters, which shows our Lord's Book of Revelation is layed out similar to peeling the layers of an onion.
NJBeliever said:
Revelation 1:19 19Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;
Jesus ordered John to write in chronological order. You have no Scripture to demonstrate why it would be okay for John to not follow this command. I never get why people just ignore this verse and say Revelation was written in some chaotic, haphazard fashion.
It's not really hap-hazard, it's simply the way God teaches in His Word. Revelation is not the only Book of The Bible that follows that style. Isaiah 1 covers a summary of events that are further explained as the Book continues, the timeline constantly changing from past, present, and future. Revelation follows that same kind of style, layer after layer being peeled back. In that, Revelation's style is more like the Books of the Old Testament prophets, and less like the New Testament Books like the Gospels, or Acts, which the events do flow chronologically. So no, our Lord Jesus did not specifically tell us, or John, that what he was given to write all flowed in chronological order. That's simply your assumption.
NJBeliever said:
As for your point about saints, it does not seem that compelling. Yes, there are souls of martyrs under the altar. Yes there is a multitude of raptured saints in Chapter 7. The 144,000 being sealed are specifically on a mission from Jesus. The saints who are killed by the Beast are those who convert and refuse to take the mark. All these things are clearly stated in Revelation. it does not indicate some sort of chronological disorder.
You should automatically see a problem with any doctrine that teaches some of the saints are raptured while some saints are left on earth to go through the tribulation. That idea is simply not taught in God's Word regardless of the type of mission some saints might be given. In Rev.7 with the 144,000, those are 'sealed' by God's sealing, meaning those are saints. And per Rev.9, that sealing by God is specifically against the deception that will take place during the tribulation. In other words, those represent Christ's elect servants of Israel. Those of Rev.7:9 forward represent those of the Gentiles who are sealed, out of all nations, and the Scripture shows they also come out of great tribulation, meaning, they suffered through it like those 144,000 do. That's why it mentions their washing their robes, making them white in the Blood of The Lamb. There is no "secret rapture" idea in that Rev.7 at all.
NJBeliever said:
veteran said:
Why do you think our Lord Jesus gave the events in His Book of Revelation in such a fashion? It's so we would have to become a 'workman' in ALL of His Word first. It's so we'd have to FIRST understand the events given, and their relation to the rest of The Bible. So the new Christian gets curious, and thinks since they'd believed on Jesus and been baptized, that they automatically should be able to go into Revelation and understand it WITHOUT first studying the majority of God's Word.
Where are you getting this from? Where are we told that Jesus made Revelation a puzzle of some sort to whet our appetites? This is just pure speculation. I don't see this in the Bible. The Word says to be a "workman" but that's in reference to studying the whole Bible.
Revelation is definitely a puzzle (or riddle) to those who have NOT studied much of God's Word and don't care to do it His Way. That's not speculation, but it is even a Message in God's Word about those who stumble and become snared, Christ and His Word even becoming a 'stone of stumbling' to them, simply because they refuse line upon line study (Isaiah 28; Isaiah 8; 1 Peter 2).
NJBeliever said:
veteran said:
Well, what are the events shown in Rev.11 with the 3rd last woe period? If you'll notice, it's when the 7th trumpet sounds, and at that point all the kingdoms on earth become Christ's posession, and He begins His Milennium reign. On what 'trump' did Apostle Paul teach that the event of the resurrection and change at a twinkling of eye happens on? Didn't you notice 1 Thess.4:16 mentions a trump sounding with Christ's coming to gather His saints? All that certainly is logical, so easy a little child can understand it. And I know many young children that do... understand the resurrection and Christ's coming happens on the 7th trumpet, as written.
1 Thes 4:16 discusses the Last Trump in reference to Christ coming to meet us in the clouds. Not coming to Earth (the Second Coming). And Again, the last Trump is not a reference to the trumpet judgments, it is a reference to the Last Trump of Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets. The blowing of the Shofar is the Last Trump. Jesus already fulfilled the spring feasts in His First Coming. Now the Fall Feasts are being fulfilled. Paul, a former Pharisee is making a specific Jewish reference because he knew the readers were familiar with these things. And if you study the old Testament, you'll know that Rosh Hashanah is the only feast where the people do not know the time or day it will be begin. Not to mention that we don't even see Christ until chapter 19. So again, I think you are really off in your biblical interpretation here.
The "last trump" Apostle Paul taught in 1 Cor.15 is... the 7th trumpet of Revelation. Trumpets sounded for feast and holy days is one thing, but trumpets sounding the order of battle is another. In Revelation it's about the order of battle, i.e., spiritual battle. You have understood about a battle between two great armies given in Revelation for the very end of this world haven't you? With many, the popular notion that our Lord Jesus is to return some time around the Feast of Trumpets has clouded over the real purpose for the Revelation trumpets, which are about spiritual war.
NJBeliever said:
veteran said:
I don't believe the first four seals are the "day of the Lord" either, nor everything mentioned in the 6th seal (like the untimely figs and falling stars event). The "day of The Lord" begins the first day of Christ's "thousand years" reign on earth. That also is when His coming to gather His saints happens, also when the resurrection happens, and also when the cup of God's wrath is poured out upon the wicked. It ends the "great tribulation", and is the event of Christ's coming to destroy that Wicked (one) of 2 Thess.2.
I keep raising Isaiah 2 to you. The 6th Seal fulfills it. Which means the Day of The lord has begun. Which again means your theory is incorrect. It's just not Biblically supported. Christ's Second Coming and the Day of The Lord are 2 different events. happening at different times.
Isaiah 26:19Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead. 20Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. 21For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.
This is God speaking to the dead. They are going to literally rise form the graves in the same manner Christ did. And they are going to hide in their chambers until the indignation is past. The dead in CHrist rise first. Then we go. Then the Day of The Lord. And this happens at the 6th seal.
Look again at the 6th seal...
Rev 6:12-17
12 And I beheld when He had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
That's the part you say proves the end of it all, with that great earthquake, sun becoming black, and moon as blood, right?
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
But what is that event, with the stars of heaven falling unto the earth like untimely figs? You can go to Isaiah 34 and find this. But what does our Lord mean in the Isaiah 34 version that His sword will also be bathed in Heaven? I'm not going to go deep into that here, but the stars falling like untimely figs is an important endtime event you're missing, and it's associated with the 6th trumpet.
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him That sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"
The last three verses are 7th trumpet events, the time of Christ's coming and His judgment upon the wicked. Don't just skip over the 'woe' examples I mentioned from Rev.11 in my previous post.