- May 4, 2020
- 2,896
- 1,306
Well, if God loves everyone the same ... why does He love (volition to favor) babies, the aborted, miscarriages more than most of mankind? I keep harping on this point because it is a huge piece of evidence that God does not favor (love) everyone the same which is a focal point of your argument.FF, this is a subject you've hammered to death.
However, yes, all babies go to heaven because Jesus died for them.
They are included in the ALL that Jesus died for besides us.
Fact: Up to 1800 approx. 40% of people born did not live past age 5, by 1960 20% did not live past age 5, now it is 2%. The current world abortion rate is 4% and the miscarriage rate if 25% (all info from father Google).
This is proof that a majority of people in heaven are there solely because of God and not libertarian free will (indifference of choice).
I agree there is one gospel. You can correct me here, but I believe you said those that have not heard the gospel can go to heaven. The conclusion is that you believe in two gospels of salvation.There's only ONE gospel.
A person has heard it or not.
No one is in a position to know who is going to heaven that has not heard the gospel.
Paul said in Romans 1 that NO PERSON has an excuse because God has made Himself be known through His creation.
Aside: Can you find a commentary on the internet that thinks someone can get to heaven without faith in Christ (I am not talking about the finer points of before Christ's death)
Aside2: Maybe your are on the fence now as you state you don't know the fate of those who have not heard the gospel ... which implies you think there may be two gospels.
Aside3: Your position needs clarification
Hey, I thought you hung up your spurs for the next few days (Xmas) ... I wrote a response to something else you posted but didn't post because you were taking a sabbatical.
P.S. I are supposed to be 'fighting' with Bright
Have a great Xmas.... hope you hubby is feeling better.