No allowance for people to steal the goods of others because those others don’t give away goods is given. As said, there are those who had so much stolen, they lost their ability to feed their families.
Oh my gosh, are you so fixated on one side that you can’t see the other? Of course there are bad people who steal for the thrill of it, and by doing so cause deep harm to those they steal from. I’m not talking about that. But if your looking for affirmation, then you have it. However, this is not a binary issue.
Can you show me in Gods law where those with means are to assist those with little to no means?
Furthermore, if you were hungry and could not get any food, at what point would you steal to eat?
Read Exodus 15. No mention of Miriam being chastised. Not at all. Thought so. I know the Bible pretty well and knew it’s not there. She was chastised for criticizing Moses, not for celebrating Pharaoh’s death.
Let me rephrase that. Mariam led the Israelites in praise because God destroyed the wicked. Where to they go next?
To understand this, you need to understand that Greeks go after knowledge and Jews go after signs and wonders.
That being said, of course there is no text stating Mariam nor the Israelites were chastised, but what do the signs and wonders say? Why did they encounter bitter water? And why is scripture specific to the number of palm trees, and what do palm trees represent as a sign? What do the bitter waters teach as a sign?
I don’t expect you to fully grasp this. I’ve been studying Jewish thought for a few years now and some of it still escapes me. However, I do understand this section.
Ezekiel was a Priest from the line of Arron who served in the Temple. In chapter 18 he speaks on generational sin within the context of genealogy ( which is a reference to Israel). Within this chapter God makes it clear that he does not rejoice in the death of the wicked. Again, in chapter 33 God echos this sentiment. Do you believe God just suddenly changes, or reveals this piece of his character of himself, or can we see this through earlier signs and wonders?