- Apr 22, 2011
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- 16,452
Isaiah 11:1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.
Also read Isaiah 42:1-9 as this is the inter-working of the triune God - Father, Son, Holy Spirit. This is the redeeming work of Deity.
These are the seven spirits that are before the throne of God, Rev 1:4; that rested on Jesus after John water baptized Him, John 1:29-33. John's baptism was for repentance as in prepare ye the way of
the Lord. Jesus baptism was for receiving the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as through the Holy Spirit we also receive these seven spirits, John 14:26.
The promise of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the OT was not available yet to those of faith as Christ had not yet come into the world. It was only when Christ was taken up to heaven that God sent
down the Holy Spirit to indwell those of faith in Christ, Acts 1:1-5; 2:1-4. From that time forth the disciple were commanded to baptize others in the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus and there were added
that day 3000 as Peter established the first Church of Christ (body of Christ) in Jerusalem, Acts 2:14-41.
Holy Spirit beginning in the OT:
1. in creation Genesis 1:2; Job 26:13; Isaiah 32:15
2. gives life to humanity and creatures - Genesis 2:7; Psalms 104:29, 30
3. strives with sinners - Genesis 6:3, convicting people of sin John 16:8-11
4. came upon certain judges, warriors and prophets - Numbers 27:18; Judges 3:10; 6:4 ;13:25 ;14:6; 1 Samuel 10:9, 10; 16:14
5. played a prominent roll in OT prophecy - 2 Samuel 23:2; Ezekiel 2:2
6. inspired holiness in OT believers - Psalms 143:10; Ezekiel 36:27
7. crucial in helping God's people anticipate the ministry of Messiah - Isaiah 11:1-5
This brings us to the NT where Jesus claims to be fulfillment of prophecy, Isaiah 61:1, 2; Luke 4:18, 19, and also cleanses us by His blood, Matthew 26:26-28. and baptizes us in the Holy Spirit and fire, Matthew 3:11.
Also read Isaiah 42:1-9 as this is the inter-working of the triune God - Father, Son, Holy Spirit. This is the redeeming work of Deity.
These are the seven spirits that are before the throne of God, Rev 1:4; that rested on Jesus after John water baptized Him, John 1:29-33. John's baptism was for repentance as in prepare ye the way of
the Lord. Jesus baptism was for receiving the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as through the Holy Spirit we also receive these seven spirits, John 14:26.
The promise of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the OT was not available yet to those of faith as Christ had not yet come into the world. It was only when Christ was taken up to heaven that God sent
down the Holy Spirit to indwell those of faith in Christ, Acts 1:1-5; 2:1-4. From that time forth the disciple were commanded to baptize others in the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus and there were added
that day 3000 as Peter established the first Church of Christ (body of Christ) in Jerusalem, Acts 2:14-41.
Holy Spirit beginning in the OT:
1. in creation Genesis 1:2; Job 26:13; Isaiah 32:15
2. gives life to humanity and creatures - Genesis 2:7; Psalms 104:29, 30
3. strives with sinners - Genesis 6:3, convicting people of sin John 16:8-11
4. came upon certain judges, warriors and prophets - Numbers 27:18; Judges 3:10; 6:4 ;13:25 ;14:6; 1 Samuel 10:9, 10; 16:14
5. played a prominent roll in OT prophecy - 2 Samuel 23:2; Ezekiel 2:2
6. inspired holiness in OT believers - Psalms 143:10; Ezekiel 36:27
7. crucial in helping God's people anticipate the ministry of Messiah - Isaiah 11:1-5
This brings us to the NT where Jesus claims to be fulfillment of prophecy, Isaiah 61:1, 2; Luke 4:18, 19, and also cleanses us by His blood, Matthew 26:26-28. and baptizes us in the Holy Spirit and fire, Matthew 3:11.