- Sep 21, 2023
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Correct. Jesus' teachings about worship were regarding the Father in your Trinity. Jesus' God is the Father. The Father is his and his disciples' God, YHWH, according to Scripture.So what you're saying is that just as we should not worship Mary, we also should not worship Jesus.
We should only worship God Father (as Trinitarians understand it).
Sorry to hear that's how you feel about Jesus. Many people were offended by a lot of the things he said and consequently left him. No one came to the conclusion that Jesus is God incarnate apparently, for that would be blasphemy. Even Jesus didn't say he was God. You would think that if he was God then he would have no problem coming right out and saying it.So who is Jesus?
Is He a good teacher?
A morally perfect man?
If he was just a man, sent by God even, was He a little crazy to go to the cross for believing He was the Son of God?
Jesus said He would forgive persons at judgment day.
Isn't judging just for God?
Does God need help doing this?
The Bible describes Jesus as a man, a chosen servant of God, who God made both Lord and Christ. God empowered Jesus and anointed him. Jesus is a prophet among many other things.
The Bible says we, too, can be sons of God and daughters of God. We can do the same miracles as Jesus, we can serve God, we can live like Jesus. Are we crazy too?
Thomas' statement is misunderstood, seen as confirmation as those who want to see it that way. Why did Jesus not teach any of his disciples he is their God? Why did Jesus plainly state that he and his disciples God is the Father in John 20:17?What did Thomas mean when he called Jesus his God?
Maybe it was added in later on by trinitarians to make their point?
There can't be more than one savior working together? John 3:16,17 says God sent Jesus to save the world through him. God and Jesus work together, that's typically how a master and servant do. Is that one who saves you the savior or also the one who equipped and enabled the savior also the savior?In Titus 1:3 it states that God Himself is the Savior.
The OT attests to this: That God is our Savior.
Yes.Is Jesus our Savior?
Jesus the mediator and high priest, a man between God and men. (1 Timothy 2:5) Don't begin with all of your reasons, Jesus trust what Jesus said in John 4.So He was supposed to say.....pray to me too?
Jesus is our mediator .... it's understood that we should pray to Him.
Christianity is left. Protestants and Catholics, though they attach themselves to Christianity, actually follow very little of what Christianity is about. Sure, they quote Bible verses like any other, but most of the doctrines are wrong. I am not just talking about the Jesus is God doctrine, but this is a big one and why I always address it first.Then what GROUP is left?
A person cannot make up his own Christianity.
It's already been established.
So many times I've repeated this.
What does the YES under your avatar mean??
How so? Jesus said worship the Father in spirit and truth. No one ever worships Jesus in spirit and truth nor was commanded to.But yes, IF Jesus is not God,,,then we are all worshipping a man.
But yet, you say He IS a man....
Prophets sound crazy, but they aren't. Imagine Noah saying there is a flood coming and the giant ark he was building on dry land. He was for sure the hot topic for a long time, laughed at, scoffed, mocked, etc. Until the floods came. Then they took him seriously.Well, RM, here's how I see it.
Either Jesus was God or He was a crazy person.ù
I don't think He was a crazy person.
Who else but a crazy person would make such statement:
Destroy my body and I'll rebuild it in 3 days.
My Kingdom is not of this world.
I lay down my life so that I may take it up again.
This very day you will be with me in paradise.
I do exactly as the Father has commanded me.
Those do not sound like words of a sane man.
Ergo.....He was God.
For sure Moses when he was going up to the mountain and came back with tablets of stone and said God wrote on them.
How about Elijah when he said he could control the weather?
Yet when Jesus gave a prophecy regarding his resurrection he's also crazy? John didn't misunderstand him like you seem to be doing.
What did John say in John 2:22? Doesn't saying "after he was raised from the dead" convey the meaning that Someone else raised Jesus? The rest of the Bible says the Father or God or the Spirit of Him raised up Jesus.
22After He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this. Then they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken.