- Jun 26, 2006
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- #21
Hi Lovely
I agree with much of what you have said and disagree with some of what you have said. Same for JTB.. Now does the fact we have some differances of opinion regarding these issues you raised and are are troubled over mean that we are not brother and sisters in Christ? NO.
For you see, if there is one thing I have learned over the years is that the Bible will continue to reveal new truths the more you read it and study it. This is what makes the preciouse scriptures Awsome as God makes them come alive.
I will give you an example..
When I was teaching, I put forth a huge effort in presenting the scriptures to the very best of the ability that the Lord gave me.. The last book I taught was the the Gospel of John.. It took roughly 1 year to go through it and felt in my heart and mind that I really did a Good job in teaching it..
Soon afterwards My Pastor started to preach/teach the Gospel of John.. Well I gots to say that I learned so much going though his teaching that I felt I did not know the Gospel of John at all and yet I was teaching the advanced class!!! But you see later when we were able to sit down and exchange notes, there was many things that I taught that he had missed..
So when we talk about issues like the the rapture, depending on your level of understanding there will likley be three or 4 differant views.. They have nothing to do with Salvation so choose your position.
My best friend and a person whom I seek alot of biblical advice from believes that women can be pastors and I don't hold that view. I have debated this with him for three or four years. We both agree to disagree on this because again its not a Salvation issue..
There are some things that are not ok to agree to disagree.
1) Spirit driven. In his post he believes in UR
2) Salvation is by grace and not by works
3) Inarrancy of scripture
4) Trinity
5) Jesus is God
6) Heaven and hell are literal places
7) The resurection
8) Man Kind is a sinner and can't save himself
9) The virgin birth
10) His second coming ( although benny hinn has seen him a few times)
Now there are many other things, but these are some that come to mind right off the bat..
Anyway Lovely. I am sure I will think of more, but for now thats it.
Can you define what you mean by pre-wrath??
I agree with much of what you have said and disagree with some of what you have said. Same for JTB.. Now does the fact we have some differances of opinion regarding these issues you raised and are are troubled over mean that we are not brother and sisters in Christ? NO.
For you see, if there is one thing I have learned over the years is that the Bible will continue to reveal new truths the more you read it and study it. This is what makes the preciouse scriptures Awsome as God makes them come alive.
I will give you an example..
When I was teaching, I put forth a huge effort in presenting the scriptures to the very best of the ability that the Lord gave me.. The last book I taught was the the Gospel of John.. It took roughly 1 year to go through it and felt in my heart and mind that I really did a Good job in teaching it..
Soon afterwards My Pastor started to preach/teach the Gospel of John.. Well I gots to say that I learned so much going though his teaching that I felt I did not know the Gospel of John at all and yet I was teaching the advanced class!!! But you see later when we were able to sit down and exchange notes, there was many things that I taught that he had missed..
So when we talk about issues like the the rapture, depending on your level of understanding there will likley be three or 4 differant views.. They have nothing to do with Salvation so choose your position.
My best friend and a person whom I seek alot of biblical advice from believes that women can be pastors and I don't hold that view. I have debated this with him for three or four years. We both agree to disagree on this because again its not a Salvation issue..
There are some things that are not ok to agree to disagree.
1) Spirit driven. In his post he believes in UR
2) Salvation is by grace and not by works
3) Inarrancy of scripture
4) Trinity
5) Jesus is God
6) Heaven and hell are literal places
7) The resurection
8) Man Kind is a sinner and can't save himself
9) The virgin birth
10) His second coming ( although benny hinn has seen him a few times)
Now there are many other things, but these are some that come to mind right off the bat..
Anyway Lovely. I am sure I will think of more, but for now thats it.
Can you define what you mean by pre-wrath??