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False Bible teachers would bring in heresies, have many followers, and cause others to reject God's Word (2 Peter 2:1-2). It is very common today to find people who reject the Bible out of hand because they have heard it misrepresented by a false teacher.
-The Danger of False Prophets (lamb and lion ministries)
-Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet
-William Miller: The sincerely deceived prophet
-Joseph Smith: The Ego-maniacal prophet
-The Jehovah's Witnesses: False prophecy gone to seed
-Benny Hinn exposed
-The Signs & Wonders Movement DVD
These false prophets would be money hungry, smooth talkers (2 Peter 2:3). A growing number of TV evangelists epitomize this. They twist the Scriptures, using misleading words, to make merchandise of the unwary.
-The Gospel of GREED 1
-The Gospel of GREED 2
-The Hustler’s of God TV
-Creflo Dollar$$$
The Christian gospel would be preached as a witness to all nations (Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10; Revelation 14:6). Today, portions or all of the Bible have been translated into over 2,400 languages and dialects covering over 90% of the world's population.
-Growth of Scripture Translation
-United Bible Societies (biblesociety.org)
-Wycliff Bible Translators
-God's Story
-Global Recordings Network
-Oral Bible Stories
Global communications foreseen (Revelation 11:9-10; 17:8). The Bible prophesies that the entire world will see certain events unfold. The invention of the television and the deployment of global satellite networks during the 20th century allow news to travel the world at the speed of light for the first time ever. Remember that in the apostle John's day, news traveled at the speed of horseback.
-Global Communications Foreseen
-Communications Satellites: Making the Global Village Possible
-International GPS Service (igscb.jpl.nasa.gov)
Mankind would be capable of destroying all life (Matthew 24:21-22). Consider that when Jesus made this prophecy the armaments of His day were swords and spears. But today, with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, it is possible to wipe out all flesh on planet earth.
-Number of Nations with Weapons of Mass Destruction
-Nuclear Weapons in the End Times: Does The Bible Predict A Nuclear Holocaust?
-Nuclear Weapons: Global Issues (arms control)
-World Condemns Iran for Enriching Uranium (times uk)
-Rice Defends US-India Nuclear Deal (aljazeera)
-Nuclear Warhead Stockpiles (atomicarchive.com)
The use of nuclear weapons anticipated (Zechariah 14:12). The neutron bomb melts (dissolves) its victims just as God warned 2500 years ago. "Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths." This was unimaginable in Zechariah's day.
-Number of Nations with Nuclear Weapons
-Nuclear Proliferation: The Big Picture (koinonia house)
-What is a Neutron Bomb? (manuels web)
There would be a global cry for peace (1 Thessalonians 5:3). Never has there been such a concerted, global effort to bring about peace at any cost as there is today.
-Possible Plan for Peace (understand the times)
-Ecumenical Movement (understand the times)
-Queen of Peace (understand the times)
-Global PeaceWorks
-Center for Global Peace
-Global Peace Foundation
The Antichrist would use (false) peace to destroy many (Daniel 8:23-25). With all the problems facing mankind, multitudes are looking for a savior to usher in peace and prosperity without moral accountability. The Antichrist will promise the world and Israel such a peace if they follow him but his intentions will be sinister.
-The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist
In the last days Israel would have a peace treaty in place that the Antichrist will confirm and eventually break (Daniel 9:27). Currently the world's governments are striving for an Israeli peace treaty.
-Rice hopes to energize peace plan (jerusalem post)
-EU back peace plan (y net news)
-Assad: I want peace with Israel (haaretz.com)
-Rice urges ‘urgent and enduring’ Mideast peace (msnbc)
-Pope Benedict meets with Israeli president, renews call for peaceful coexistence with Palestinians -The Center for Middle East Peace & Economic Cooperation
-The Oslo Accords
-The Peace Process is Dead, Long Live the Peace Process (mideastweb.org)
-Jordan Seen as Key to Solving the P.A. Problem: 3 Plans (arutz 7)
-Camp David: Bush, Jordanian King Continue Work on Mideast Peace (fox news)
-A Guide to the Mideast 'Road Map' (washington post)
Damascus would be destroyed (Isaiah 17:1, 14; Jeremiah 49:23-27; Amos 1:3-5; Zechariah 9:1-8). Damascus, Syria is increasingly in the news and is extremely anti-Semitic. Many terrorist organizations have their bases in Damascus. God declares that they will become a ruinous heap because they have violently taken what was not theirs. In 2007 Israel vowed to wipe Syria off the map if Syria attacked by chemical weapons.
-Israel Destroys Damascus
-Israel will attack Syria soon
-Israel to Syria: Use chem weapons & we'll wipe you off map
-Prophesied destruction of Damascus imminent?
-Fury as Netanyahu confirms Syria strike
-Israel Thwarted Syria's Plan To Attack
-Israel Thwarted Syria's Plan To Attack-2
-The Land of Israel: To whom does it belong?
-Olmert Warns Of Looming War With Syria
-Let’s get serious about Syria
-As Syria prepares for war (jewish world review)
-Olmert: Prepare for war with Syria (the jerusalem post)
Chaotic weather would be prevalent (Luke 21:25-26). Jesus foresaw the seas and the waves roaring in the last days. He also likened these signs to birth pangs (Matthew 24:8). The Greek word odin, often translated as sorrows in Matthew 24:8, literally means birth pangs. Furthermore, the apostle Paul reminded us that the creation itself will be delivered from the curse at the end of the age (Romans 8:21). And that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs (Romans 8:22). As delivery draws near, birth pangs always increase in both intensity and frequency. Therefore, the creation itself would travail as the time of delivery draws near. Of course chaotic weather is not new, but there are indications that we are witnessing an increase in strange weather.
-US Tornadoes Chart
-Worldwide Weather-related Disasters Chart
-WMO Says World Hit By Record Extreme Weather Events In 2007
-Monster hail hits eastern Australia
-Wild Weather Forces Farmers To Adapt
-Hurricane Katrina: The Prophetic Significance
-Earth Watch (disaster relief)
-Federal Emergency Management Agency (fema)
-Climate change (abc news)
-Residents Flee as Cyclone Heads for Australian Coast
-Asian Tsunami Survivors Look Back at 6 Months of Suffering (voa news)
-The Planet Goes Haywire (guardian)
-Australia - Worst Drought On Record (abc net)
-Floods Leave One Million Homeless In India's Northeast (terra daily)
-Hurricanes Predicted to Double (cnn)
There would be a move toward a global government (Daniel 2:40-44; 7:23; Revelation 13:7-8). The former Roman Empire which encompassed present-day Europe would revive and eventually dominate the world. The European Union has steadily moved forward in its attempt to unite Europe politically and economically. It has succeeded in creating a European parliament, a court, and a common currency. And globalization is not unique to Europe, it is happening everywhere.
-European Union
-Rise of the Euro
-North American Union
-One World Government News
-Europe in Bible Prophecy
-One World Government (understand the times)
-New World Order (olive tree ministries)
-The Rise of the European Superstate (koinonia house)
-Euro Information (euro.gov.uk)
-Euro Hits Record vs Yen (reuters)
-Europe Wants to Rival US as Military Superpower (crosswalk)
-Javier Solana to Head EU Defense Agency (xinhuanet)
-Tens of Thousands of Activists Converge to Forge New Vision of Europe (terradaily)
-EU Viewed by China as World Power to Rival US (telegraph)
-Europe Tests Its Military Wings (guardian)
-War Crimes Court On Trial As EU, US Square Up (dailytimes)
-EU Peacekeeping Force Ready (the age)
Literal Babylon (formerly called Babel, Genesis 10:10) would reemerge in the land of Shinar known today as Iraq (Zechariah 5:11; Isaiah 13). Saddam Hussein spent over 20 years rebuilding the city of Babylon. Today, with Saddam's regime overthrown, the international community is discussing how to rebuild Iraq.
-Photo Tour of Babylon
-Chaldean Bishop: Iraq Needs Help From Outside To Be "Reborn" (national review)
-Council Ousts Babylon Governor (washington times)
-New Patriarch of Babylonia of the Chaldeans, Iraq, Elected (ewtn)
-Plan for Rebuilding Iraq Given Unanimous OK (world net daily)
-UK Pledges 300m for Rebuilding Iraq (bbc)
-New Iraqi Currency
-University of Babylon Re-opens (bb)
The fact that God once flooded the earth (the Noahic Flood) would be denied (2 Peter 3:5-6). There is a mass of fossil evidence to prove this fact, yet it is flatly ignored by most of the scientific world because it was judgment from God on man's wickedness.
-Geologic Evidences for the Genesis Flood (answersingenesis.org)
-The World’s a Graveyard (answersingenesis.org)
-Australian coal – memorial to the Flood! (answersingenesis.org)
-Was the Flood Global? (
-Noah’s Flood - Where did the water come from? (answersingenesis.org)
-Dinosaurs and Fossils (answersingenesis.org)
-Noah's Flood Questions and Answers (answersingenesis.org)
-Noah's Ark (sunstar)
Increased interest in vegetarianism anticipated (1 Timothy 4:3-4). The New Age Movement has swept the globe during the past 40 years popularizing this.
-Growth of the New Age Movement
-Row Over Peta's 'Crucifix' Protest (news24)
-Peta's Pig Billboard: 'He Died For Your Sins' (world net daily)
-Slaughterville vs. "Veggieville" (wis-tv, columbia)
-PETA's Ad a No-No with CBS (cnn money)
-Vegetarian Virgin Mary Ad Riles Church (cnn)
-For Vegetarians, There's No 'Me' in Meat (journal gazette)
Many wars would erupt (Mark 13:7-8). According to Project Ploughshares, there are dozens of major armed conflicts in the world today.
-Armed Conflicts in 2006
-Armed Conflicts Report 2007
-Wars and Rumors of Wars (understand the times)
-Wars and Rumors of Wars (olive tree ministries)
Ethnic conflicts would be prevalent (Mark 13:7-8; Luke 21:10). Jesus used the Greek word ethnos to describe the last days battles. Today, as never in history, we have ethnic group rising against ethnic group.
The World at War
A Century of Genocides
The earth would be filled with violence (Luke 17:26; Genesis 6:11-13). In the United States alone, violent crime has increased nearly 500% since 1960. Fifty years ago abortion (the violent murder of an unborn child) was illegal in most countries. Today abortion is legal in most countries and 46 million children are aborted each year.
-Global Abortion Statistics
-United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2000 (disaster center)
-Preliminary Uniform Crime Report, 2002 (fbi)
-Painkillers for Aborted Babies? (wnd)
-Lawmakers Vote to 'Celebrate' Abortion (world net daily)
-'Pro-Choicers' Clap After Partial-Birth Abortion (world net daily)
Jesus foretold that there would be fearful sights (Luke 21:11). The Greek word translated fearful is phobetron, which can also be translated terror. According to the U.S. State Department, between 1981 and 2006, there were more than 38,000 international terrorist attacks.
-Worldwide Terror Attacks Up By 25 Percent in 2006
-U.S. Figures Show Sharp Global Rise In Terrorism (washington post)
-Terrorism (olive tree ministries)
-FBI, ATF Point to Threat of Domestic Terrorism (cnn)
-Bin Laden 'is Alive' (news 24)
-Al Qaeda Vows Back-Breaking Strike (indian express)
-Cities Ramp Up Security On Terror Alert Rise (cnn)
-Report: Hamas Planned Attacks in U.S. (world net daily)
-Istanbul Blasts At Least 27 Killed - 450 Injured (cnn)
-'Dirty-Bomb' Plot Underway in U.S. (world net daily)
-Al-Qaida Training Manual Shows Seaports Top Target (world net daily)
-New al-Qaida Threat: 15-Ship Mystery Navy (world net daily)
-Al-Qaida Tape Warns of 'Crusade' (world net daily)
-Saudis Seize 'Terror' Missiles (bbc)
-Terrorism News
Multitudes would travel to and fro (Daniel 12:4). Prior to the Industrial Revolution, few individuals traveled beyond their own communities. Until recently, horse, foot, and boat were the only modes of transportation. Yet today we travel by car, bus, plane, train, subway, etc. Millions and millions are running to and fro just as Daniel prophesied 2500 years ago!
-Vehicle Miles Traveled in US
-Air Miles Traveled Worldwide
-The Acceleration of Life: Is it a Signal that Jesus is Returning Soon?
-Travel Statistics and Trends (tia)
Knowledge would increase (Daniel 12:4). Today we are witnessing an explosion of available knowledge. With the advent of the Internet, it is estimated that our cumulative knowledge is doubling every five years. This exponential increase is beyond what anyone could have imagined!
-Explosion of Knowledge Graphs
-World Internet Usage
-Internet Growth Charts
Deadly diseases (which the Bible calls pestilences) would be common (Matthew 24:7; Revelation 6:8). Emerging diseases such as AIDS, ebola, Hanta virus, Dengue, West Nile, SARS, bird flu, etc., underscore this fact. Ironically, just a few decades ago, some scientists were forecasting that advances in medicine might soon eradicate deadly diseases.
-Infectious diseases spreading faster than ever: U.N.
-CDC: Emerging Infectious Diseases
-WHO: Emerging Diseases
-List of NIAID Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases
-Medical Experts Fear Looming Pestilence
-LA Woman Hospitalized With Bubonic Plague (ap)
-Mumps Outbreak (cnn)
-Global Pestilence (koinonia house)
The final generation would be open to receiving a mark on their right hand or on their forehead (Revelation 13:16). Consider how the up and coming generation is tattooed, pierced and marked with all kinds of insignia. And today, for the first time in history, global tracking and marking technology is available.
-Global Tracking Technology
-RFID Gets Under Their Skin (VeriChip)
-Will RFID be the “Mark of the Beast? (prophecy in the news)
-VeriMed selected by 487 hospitals and 1410 Physicians (
-VeriChip for Alzheimer’s Patients (VeriChip)
-VeriChip Sells First Baby Protection System, in Talks with Military (eweek.com)
-Insurers Study Implanting RFID Chips in Patients (eweek.com)
-Injectable chipless RFID Ink (
-Video on Largest RFID Conference
-Spychips Everywhere
-Looking for Truth in a Tattooed World
A global economic system would exist (Revelation 13:16-17). This was unthinkable in the apostle John's day. Yet today, globalists in every level of government are seeking to unite the world. Connecting the world monetarily is crucial to their goal.
-Technology for a Global Monetary System (understand the times)
A man would control all banking and commerce (Revelation 13:16-18). Remember, this prophecy was penned 2000 years before our computer-driven society. Yet, until recently, you couldn't have even dreamed how a person could control all commerce.
Global Commerce Initiative
The International Momentary Fund
The World Bank
The Global Banking System
Famines would be common (Luke 21:11; Revelation 6:5-8). According to the United Nations, an estimated 854 million people went hungry in 2006.
-Hunger Facts
-Famines (prophecy central)
-Zimbabwe: Govt Admits Food Aid Required (irinnews)
-UN Appeals for Cash to Halt Famine in Sudan (dawn)
-Food Crisis Hits Mozambique as Drought Continues (reuters)
-World Hunger Situation Worsening (cnn)
-Egypt: Bread Shortages, Hunger and Unrest (Buzzle)
Great signs from heaven prophesied (Luke 21:11, 26). Unexplained sightings in the sky appear to be increasing. For instance, since 1947 UFO testimonies have exploded - terrifying many. Each year thousands of unidentified aerial sightings are reported.
-Reported UFO Sightings Skyrocket
-UFO Evidence
-UFO's and ET's are real and demonic
-The National UFO Reporting Center
-Fearful Events (prophecy central)
-Huge Ice Chunks Fall from Sky, Mystify Scientists (world net daily)
-'Hole in Sky' Amazes Scientists (bbc)
-Hundreds See Fireballs Fall From Sky in Spain (reuters)
-The Sky Isn't Falling, But Pieces Sure Are (space.com)
-Soothsayers See Doom, Gloom in Closeness of Mars (planet ark)
The sun would scorch the inhabitants of the earth (Revelation 16:8-9). In recent years, solar activity has intensified markedly. Though this prophecy is clearly a divine judgment on unrepentant mankind, a compromise in the earth's atmosphere due to nuclear war or other ecological disaster could facilitate this judgment.
-Here comes the Sun... again
-Scientists Predict Big Solar Cycle
-Sun's Activity Increased in Past Century, Study Confirms
-The truth about global warming - it's the Sun that's to blame
-Sunspot activity hits 1,000-year high
-Solar Radio Burst
The nation Israel would be born in one day (Isaiah 66:8). On May 14, 1948 Israel became a nation.
-Jewish Population Living in Israel
-The Jews in Prophecy
-Israel: 1948 Footage
-A Maturing Miracle – Israel Celebrates 59 Years
-“Israel: A Nation Is Born†DVD resource
-Declaration of Independence (brijnet)
The Jews would begin to regather in Israel (Isaiah 11:11-12; Ezekiel 37:21-22; 38:8; Luke 21:29-31). Over five million Jews have returned to Israel in recent times! This is unprecedented in human history. Never has a people group been dispersed for hundreds of years to every corner of the globe, and then regathered back to their homeland. Yet, God said it and He has done it before our very eyes!
-Israel's Regathering
-Israel News
-The Jew – Proof of God’s Existence & Satan’s Existence
-View the Israel section on the Countdown video here (eternal productions)
Returning Jews would come from the north, south, east, and west (Isaiah 43:5-6; Jeremiah 31:7-10). Amazingly, nearly a million Jews have emigrated from Russia in the north. Over 100,000 Ethiopian Jews have emigrated from the south (Zephaniah 3:10). Since 1948, Jews have emigrated from Europe, Asia, the Americas, everywhere!
-Anti-Israel sentiment growing in Ethiopia
-Israel opens door to Ethiopian Jews
-Statistics Bureau: Israeli Jews Outnumber Jews in the U.S. (ha'aretz)
-Americans Defy Terror, Emigrate to Israel (world net daily)
During the diaspora (the dispersion of the Jews to the four corners of the globe), Israel would become a wasteland (Deuteronomy 29:23-28; Ezekiel 36:8-11; Ezekiel 36:33-36). During the past 1900 years Israel became a nearly uninhabited, desolate wasteland.
-International scientists learn how Israel combats desertification with forestry
Israel, once a desolate desert, would blossom in the last days and export produce to the world (Isaiah 27:6; 35:1-2; Ezekiel 36:34-36). Israel's increased rainfall and world-renowned irrigation technology have caused the land to blossom. Incredibly, as foretold, they currently export over 800 million dollars worth of fresh produce each year, including over 200 million in flowers and ornamental plants!
-Israel Blossoms
-Israel's Agricultural Production
-Watch Israel Blossoms chapter on Countdown To Eternity video
-Israeli Agro-Technology
-Ashkelon Desalination Plant
Israel would prosper economically (Ezekiel 38:12-13). Amazingly, this recently regathered, often attacked, tiny nation exported over 42 billion dollars worth of goods in 2006. This was inconceivable a century ago! In contrast, their neighbor Jordan exported less than 5 billion in 2006.
-Israel's Economic Prosperity
-Exports (The World Fact Book)
-Israel's 2006 Exports
-Israel's economic indicators
-Israel is the fastest growing economy outside of Asia, and ahead of China and India
-Cool facts about Israel!
-Agriculture and the Israeli Economy
-After 2,000 Years, a Seed From Ancient Judea Sprouts (ny times)
-Israel's Exports Underpin Economic Growth (israel ministry of foreign affairs)
-The World Factbook - Israel (cia)
Israel would once again plant vineyards (Joel 3:18; Amos 9:13-15). Today, sweet wine flows from the Golan Heights and many other vineyards on the mountains of Israel.
-Israeli Wine & Wineries - Gems in Israel
-Vinyards in the Middle East
-Israel Wine
The last days Jews would plant forests of trees. The Bible even specifies the variety of trees, cedar, acacia, myrtle, oil, cypress, pine, and box (Isaiah 41:18-20). Since 1900 more than one billion trees have been planted in Israel! This has happened in our day after Israel lay barren for nearly two millennia.
-Trees for the Holy Land (
A pure language would be restored (Zephaniah 3:9). At the end of the 19th century the Zionist movement brought about the revival of Hebrew as a spoken language. In 1948, Hebrew became an official tongue of the state of Israel. Originally there was only one language (Genesis 11:1) and this pure speech will be restored (Isaiah 19:18). Interestingly, Hebrew has no swear words.
-Jewish Language Research Website
-A Brief History of the Hebrew Language
Jerusalem would be rebuilt on its own ruins (Jeremiah 30:18; Zechariah 12:6). Since 1948, Jerusalem has been rebuilt on the old ruins exactly as foretold.
-The Divine Zionist Roadmap (arutz 7)
Jerusalem would be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled (Luke 21:24). Since 70 A.D., Jerusalem had been trampled by Gentiles until the Jews regained control of the city during the 1967 Six-Day War.
-Jerusalem 3000
-History of Israel (olive tree ministries)
Anti-Semitism worldwide anticipated (Deuteronomy 28:37; Jeremiah 29:18; 44:8; Luke 21:20-24; Revelation 12). History confirms that the Jews have been persecuted as no other people group. Hitler tried to exterminate them, and the Antichrist will attempt the same during the Tribulation. Today, anti-Semitism is a global epidemic. For example, of over 700 General Assembly resolutions passed since the establishment of the United Nations in 1945, nearly 450 condemn Israel. None have been passed against any Arab country nor any Arab terrorist organizations! In other words, out of 190 nations in the UN, over 60% of all General Assembly resolutions rebuke just one member, Israel!
-Anti-Semitism Increasing
-Anti-Semitism Worldwide by Region
-ANTI-SEMITISM (olive tree ministries)
-Global resurgence of anti-Semitism alarms UN (
-Anti-Semitic incidents soar worldwide: (israelinsider)
-Anti-Semitism around the world (
-The Cancer of Anti-Semitism in Europe (
-The Spiritual Roots of Anti-Semitism:
-“Lest We Forget†DVD resource
-The Woman of Revelation 12