veteran said:
If you search the Scriptures about Judas Iscariot, you'll find he was chosen by Christ as one of the Apostles, that's undeniable. But early on we are shown he was not sincere, and coveted the bag (he was in charge of the money). He sought gain for himself is what the Scripture shows. His acts early on were not marking of a true Apostle.
John 17:12
12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Thy name: those that Thou gavest Me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
Many refuse to read that very last phrase there, "that the scripture might be fulfilled". It was OT prophecy about the pieces of silver to deliver Christ up. Judas was made a vessel unto desctruciton for a purpose from the very start. That's what that reveals.
Paul's prophecy in 2 Thess.2 about the "son of perdition" is about a singualr entity, not many. The "many antichrists" idea being applied to that one in 2 Thess.2:3-4 is a tradition of men. Now that "mystery of iniquity" marker Paul mentioned later does cover the "many antichrists" idea. But not Paul's usage there of "son of perdition", "man of sin", and "that Wicked".
Traditions of men have tried to also totally disregard that the following Scripture has TWO objects:
I Jn 2:18
18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
The first is "antichrist" in the singular tense; the second is the "many antichrists" in the plural. A misreading of that by men's traditions is where the false idea originates that Paul was speaking of many sons of perdition in 2 Thess.2. He was not; he was speaking of a single entity coming to proclaim himself as God.
We are not disagreeing about judas always having been a devil, the is exactly the point, Yes he was always a devil but he was also an apostle, a devil HIDDEN in the body of Christ and no one but Jesus knew who he was. He was an antichrist making himself God(because his god was his own belly) while he was in the body of believers, being considered by everyone a believer and while breaking bread and wine with believers. So too are the sons of perdition who are in the body now, who are hidden amoung us as memebers of Christ, who will eventually mid trib time fall away and be revealed for who they were just as judas was hidden until he departed fromthem and that is when he was revealed as the devil. So too they will remain hidden until they go out from us and we will then know they never were of us but are antichrists but until then we do not know only Jesus does. They are still members of the body of Christ today and will fall away and God will destroy them for destroying His temple and for not loving the truth.
As far as what you are saying about there being only one son of perdition not many we can see from 2 thess 2 this is not true, it follow the same biblical pattern that is constant in scripture. A body of people is spoken of first as singular, then shown to be made of many people. For instance the Body of Christ is spoken of in singular one body, but we know we are all members there of,many. So too is the body of antichrist. It is one body ruled over by the spirit of error, made of many members hence the words antichrist, and antichrists in john. It is the exact opposite as we are In christ. This is why john goes to such detail to compair the body of Christ to the those in the world, Christ in us, and the spirit of error or antichrist in them.
We see the same thing in 2 thess 2, Paul begins speaking in singular then shows us that it is many that make up that body.
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that
man of sin be revealed, the
son of perdition;
2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth
himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that
he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing
himself that
he is God.
2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness
in them that perish; because
they received not the love of the truth, that
they might be saved.
2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send
them strong delusion, that
they should believe a lie:
2Th 2:12 That
they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
This is a body of many members who are ruled over by the same spirit in them. The spirit does not fall away, it is already fallen away- it is the people who have this spirit of perdition who fall away and apostasise. revealing that they had a false spirit. it is that spirit that rules over and is in them that in them while they are in the body of Christ, make himself to be god, the bible describes these people as their god being their own bellies, they are like cain and korah and balaam. revelation tells us that this spirit who will indwell these people and in them will speak against God and us and make war on usjust like judas did and who will cause these people to fall away from their former heavenly postions in Christ is the spirit of appollyon which means destrution and goes into all those who are going into perdition.