I sure am.
I really do not care about what the Jewish people think or do, they lost there place as God’ s chosen people when they reject the very Christ they were seeking for. God’s elect are not the tribe of Judah and Benjamin as we outward see them today.
Back to my point...
1 Corin 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world (age) are come. example
Example: NT:5178 a : Strong’s: tupikos (toop-ee-kos'); an adverb related to NT:5179; found only in 1 Cor 10:11: as a warning, by way of example, typologically (i.e. figuratively, as a prophetic type, a typological interpretation of Scripture)
Pro. 25: 2
God desires to dwell in a people, not a building.
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter
The Bible is so full of signs and symbols, types, shadows, parables, hidden manna and these realities are found and established all though the Bible. Much that is written about the temple to be is in the Book of Revelation or unveiling of Jesus Christ; that is what the title declares and that is the message. No where does this book declare it is a book of prophesy; nor does it declare it is literal. This message is not like some fairy tale in children’s hour; it is deep and hidden for those with spiritual ears and eyes to see and hears to hear; not religious eyes and ears. God is spiritual and is the essence of life; that which is spiritual is beyond human/ carnal/religious understanding and is deep; the letter killeth; in other words the carnal earthy understanding killeth. God is real; substantial; but God is Spirit and so is truth; only though God’s Spirit will these spiritual symbolism be understood.
According to Webster the word revelation means : apoc•a•lypse
Middle English, revelation, Revelation, from Anglo-French apocalipse, from Late Latin apocalypsis, from Greek apokalypsis, from apokalyptein to uncover, from apo- + kalyptein to cover. I prefer the Greek
Mysteries: I had a Christian friend at work who was a major figure in his spirit filled, Bible based fundamental religion; tell me there were no mysteries in the Bible. The Bible is full of mysteries (mystery in the Greek language means a sacred secret and used 27 times in NT); The Bible pages are full hidden spiritual mysteries especially when you consider parables types and shadows, patterns not even including the culture and language barriers. The Bible is the blue print of truth; the Holy Spirit within us is the engineer or architect who is the only source of interpreting it.
I really do not care about what the Jewish people think or do, they lost there place as God’ s chosen people when they reject the very Christ they were seeking for. God’s elect are not the tribe of Judah and Benjamin as we outward see them today.
Back to my point...
1 Corin 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world (age) are come. example
Example: NT:5178 a : Strong’s: tupikos (toop-ee-kos'); an adverb related to NT:5179; found only in 1 Cor 10:11: as a warning, by way of example, typologically (i.e. figuratively, as a prophetic type, a typological interpretation of Scripture)
Pro. 25: 2
God desires to dwell in a people, not a building.
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter
The Bible is so full of signs and symbols, types, shadows, parables, hidden manna and these realities are found and established all though the Bible. Much that is written about the temple to be is in the Book of Revelation or unveiling of Jesus Christ; that is what the title declares and that is the message. No where does this book declare it is a book of prophesy; nor does it declare it is literal. This message is not like some fairy tale in children’s hour; it is deep and hidden for those with spiritual ears and eyes to see and hears to hear; not religious eyes and ears. God is spiritual and is the essence of life; that which is spiritual is beyond human/ carnal/religious understanding and is deep; the letter killeth; in other words the carnal earthy understanding killeth. God is real; substantial; but God is Spirit and so is truth; only though God’s Spirit will these spiritual symbolism be understood.
According to Webster the word revelation means : apoc•a•lypse
Middle English, revelation, Revelation, from Anglo-French apocalipse, from Late Latin apocalypsis, from Greek apokalypsis, from apokalyptein to uncover, from apo- + kalyptein to cover. I prefer the Greek
Mysteries: I had a Christian friend at work who was a major figure in his spirit filled, Bible based fundamental religion; tell me there were no mysteries in the Bible. The Bible is full of mysteries (mystery in the Greek language means a sacred secret and used 27 times in NT); The Bible pages are full hidden spiritual mysteries especially when you consider parables types and shadows, patterns not even including the culture and language barriers. The Bible is the blue print of truth; the Holy Spirit within us is the engineer or architect who is the only source of interpreting it.
nonbelieverforums said:Not sure what your point is.. It is undisputed that a third temple is planned to be rebuilt by the Jewish people have you been to http://www.templeinstitute.org ?? It's all ready to go. The stage is set.
They won't be sacrificing sheeps and goats. It will be a lamb and a red heffer. The Jewish people don't believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins hense the reason for the daley sacrifice. If your saying the third temple is a biblical metaphor, I am sorry I don't agree.