- Nov 30, 2012
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As I have stated, the identification of The Christ, equating him to the Ideal of Truth, also identifies the Father as the almighty Force behind the ever unfolding next frame of Reality
I do appreciate your extensive answer and explanation. Your beliefs are very far from mine. I believe that Jesus was God's literal son, in that He had no earthy biological father.
My realty is based on faith in the above revelation and many others the Scriptures state about Him and His works.
Out of respect to you for your diligence in answering my questions from my first post I will share some of what I believe with you. It is very simple and not foreign to many other Christians but only share by one or two in this forum.
Man is spirit, soul, and body. 1 Thess. 5:23 and Hebrews 4:12
spirit - pneuma (inner man)
soul - psyche (outer man)
body - physical
God is spirit, soul, and body. Matt. 12:18 and many OT scriptures. Also in Matt. the same GK. words are used. This being one way we are created in His image.
God is three in one, each being independent as to the jobs they perform, but one in purpose. I see in Scripture that Jesus is separate from the Father and the Holy Spirit and yet He is God.
Even though man has a spirit, soul, and body we are not like God, we cannot operate individually as three separate beings.
Man's soul is basically his personality, with all that goes with that, emotions, thoughts, and will, etc.
Of coarse our body is just the physical aspects of the body including the brain and heart.
Someone can have access to both the body and the soul of another just by a touch and by speaking to them. The spirit however cannot be accessed by the natural, only Spirit can speak to spirit. John 3:6
The natural brain of man cannot conceive the things of God, as they are only understood by the spirit from the Spirit. John 6:63 When Jesus spoke, the Scripture is the Spirit of God speaking to us. Without a spirit that has been "raised from the dead" if you will or "quickened" we will not be able to understand. This is what the born again person is, the one who has a born again spirit. It is this part of man that becomes born again by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
The soul of man is clearly linked to the spirit but I don't believe the Holy Spirit indwells our minds, surely if He did we would have no more problems with sin, it would be all new and old things would have passed away. It is the soul of man that is the problem, it has drank in the things of the world and is corrupt (some more than others).
It is the soul that must be renewed by the Word of God. This is the part of man that is going through the sanctification process the aligning of the soul to the Truths of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks to our spirit and only then can our natural mind comprehend. Our soul needs to agree with our spirit which agrees with the Holy Spirit.
If not we are a house divided. We sway with the breeze, and are tossed about in the waves. 1 Corinth. 15:53
Most people will say old man, new man like the conflict is just in the mind. No a battle rages within us the spirit wants the things of the Spirit and the soul needs to submit to Spirit of God within us. Submit to God and feed the soul from the tree of life.
I'm sure you are disappointed in that this understanding is not something new or outer limits. Even though most people maybe reason that it doesn't matter, but it explained to me some things, such as how Paul could say that if he sinned it really wasn't him, it was his flesh. Paul clearly separated the evil in his flesh (mind, soul) from his spiritual man.
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