Here are a few more sticking points to clear up.
1. There is no such thing as a "Calvinist" or "Calvinism". That suggest that Calvin is a religions movement of some kind. John Calvin was a Christian preacher. He was a brilliant thinker and philosopher who was trying to do nothing more than explain the scriptures.
2. The thoughts against John Calvin's points and teaching, that I've seen anyway, do not point to holes in John's Calvin's teachings, but rather misunderstandings of John Calvin's teachings.....some gross misunderstandings, and some more subtle.
However, while there is no shame in not understanding John Calvin, there is, I think, a degree of shame in not understanding scripture, and I think we can all agree there is "Total" shame in misrepresenting scripture for one's own purpose.
Since I do not think anyone here is misrepresenting scripture for their own purpose, I have to believe folks are simply not understanding John Calvin; either by simply not understanding or by a refusal to understand, by way of an honest consideration.
One thing for sure, people often get hung up on the meaning of words. In this case the word "Total" is often a stumbling block.
I am not going to argue anyone on any of these points, but I do want to help clear up misunderstandings. With that, I have another video.
Here are two fairly well respected theologians of our time discussing Total depravity. This is John Piper and Rick Warren discussing Total depravity. Please listen. Warren has a good explanation.
John Piper Interviews Rick Warren on Total Depravity - YouTube