- Oct 2, 2023
- 3,026
- 442
No, you're painting with a broad brush by assuming "all". "He who has an ear, let him hear." Within one denomination there's such split as you mentioned, those who stand for biblical principles have an ear to hear.All Baptist and Calvanist Churches have gone wayward? Their interpretations don't matter because they are all apostate?
You are, first and foremost, painting with a broad brush, and secondly begging the question. I mean, I am a sold out Christian and totally agree with you concerning the moral questions, but the various Churches like the Episcopals and so forth who have even recently split over homosexuality, point to "alternative" interpretations of Scripture
They condone or support LGBTQ by such "doctrine" of "God's love". Even though the bible plainly states that man lying with man is unnatural, and just because there's "neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek, free nor bound, for all are one in Christ," doesn't mean it can be extrapolated to "neither gay nor straight". But unfortunately they did extrapolate, and they equate that with the civil right movement. They've either ignored Rom. 1:26-27 and Lev. 18:22 or come up with their own twisted interpretation, and they practice what they preach, that's exactly the point.They will say that it is your own interpretation that is blinding you to God's Love and that because of that you lack His Compassion for the LGBTQ. I don't agree with that, but that is not the point. The point is that it is DOCTRINE which defines the Holy Church.
What defines a church is not its doctrines, but its WORKS, says not I but the bible, repeatedly. You're the one who's failing to acknowledge that. I don't answer a loaded question with a false premise that a church is defined by its doctrines, whereas in the bible a church is known by its works (Rev. 2:2, 2:9, 2:13, 2:19, 3:1, 3:8, 3:15), each individual Christian is also judged by their work (1 Cor. 3:12-15).The Churches you point to often are much more generous with charitable works than Churches which are Doctrinally correct.
Like I said, you are question begging. Furthermore, you are failing to realize that it is the diligence of the ancient Church up until now which has PRESERVED the true Apostolic Dogmatic Doctrines which DEFINE what Christianity actually is and what the teachings of the Lord actually were.
Again, you have failed to answer who has the final word on Scriptural interpretation for the whole Church.