- Jul 25, 2017
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- 641
A friend of mine posted this;
Neither the will of God, nor the will of man is FREE from the confines of the nature of God or nature of man. The will of God and of man is simply the vehicle of expressing the deliberative processes within man or the purpose of God that manifests their thoughts or emotions or both. The will of God and the will of man are not independent of the nature of God or man but is simply the SERVANT of deliberations guided by the mind and heart of both man and God.
For example, the will of God is not free to sin! Why? Because the nature of God is IMMUTABLY HOLY and therefore it is not possible for God to choose to sin. Hence, the Scriptures say God CANNOT lie. He cannot choose anything contrary to his MORAL NATURE.
Adam prior to the fall was MUTABLY HOLY and therefore could choose to do evil and did choose to do evil.
However, fallen man is IMMUTABLY DEPRAVED and cannot choose to do righteousness because his nature is immutably unholy and LOVES DARKNESS and HATES the light and neither cometh to the light. His mind is immutably at war with God and "is not subject to the law of God and neither indeed CAN BE."
Hence, when God looked down from heaven through time to see if ANY MAN would seek him he found NONE (Psa. 14:2-3; Rom. 3:9-12).
Hence, Jesus said "NO MAN CAN COME to me EXCEPT the Father draw him..." (Jn. 6:44). The Bible denies that fallen man has inherent ability to choose or to will to come to Christ by faith and yet Arminianism preaches the exact opposite.
It is the fact of this immutably depraved and unholy nature in fallen man that God can JUSTLY condemn them to hell as Jesus clearly told Nicodemus that they are "condemned already." Hence, Jesus did not have to come into the world to condemn anyone. So, hell is the JUST penalty for all fallen mankind and fallen mankind would rather burn than turn from their sins.
In direct contrast, election is UNTO salvation and is all of grace (Rom. 11:5) without which NO MAN WOULD BELIEVE in Christ but would go right on their way to hell FREELY choosing to rebel against God.
Neither the will of God, nor the will of man is FREE from the confines of the nature of God or nature of man. The will of God and of man is simply the vehicle of expressing the deliberative processes within man or the purpose of God that manifests their thoughts or emotions or both. The will of God and the will of man are not independent of the nature of God or man but is simply the SERVANT of deliberations guided by the mind and heart of both man and God.
For example, the will of God is not free to sin! Why? Because the nature of God is IMMUTABLY HOLY and therefore it is not possible for God to choose to sin. Hence, the Scriptures say God CANNOT lie. He cannot choose anything contrary to his MORAL NATURE.
Adam prior to the fall was MUTABLY HOLY and therefore could choose to do evil and did choose to do evil.
However, fallen man is IMMUTABLY DEPRAVED and cannot choose to do righteousness because his nature is immutably unholy and LOVES DARKNESS and HATES the light and neither cometh to the light. His mind is immutably at war with God and "is not subject to the law of God and neither indeed CAN BE."
Hence, when God looked down from heaven through time to see if ANY MAN would seek him he found NONE (Psa. 14:2-3; Rom. 3:9-12).
Hence, Jesus said "NO MAN CAN COME to me EXCEPT the Father draw him..." (Jn. 6:44). The Bible denies that fallen man has inherent ability to choose or to will to come to Christ by faith and yet Arminianism preaches the exact opposite.
It is the fact of this immutably depraved and unholy nature in fallen man that God can JUSTLY condemn them to hell as Jesus clearly told Nicodemus that they are "condemned already." Hence, Jesus did not have to come into the world to condemn anyone. So, hell is the JUST penalty for all fallen mankind and fallen mankind would rather burn than turn from their sins.
In direct contrast, election is UNTO salvation and is all of grace (Rom. 11:5) without which NO MAN WOULD BELIEVE in Christ but would go right on their way to hell FREELY choosing to rebel against God.