CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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- #381
Yes, He fulfilled what was predicted of Him....as the prophets and O.T. writings were of the Messiah to come.Jesus fulfilled the things in the law that pointed to Him such as being the Passover Lamb.
Agreed. And I said this many times on this thread.
Agreed.He is the Word of God the people rejected.
He is the manna that came down from heaven the people rejected.
He is the High Priest that was chosen by God, that the people rejected.
Jesus was a Prophet, a Priest, and a King.
But all of the above is also what He was, and much more.
Agreed,,,although I really don't understand what this has to do with our conversation.This things were contained the the Ark of the covenant and were symbols of the people rejecting Christ.
The two tablets of the 10 Commandments
The golden jar of manna
The rod of Aaron that budded
The entire Torah contains hundreds of things that foreshadowed and pointed to the Christ.
You should bring it out.For one the term “destroy” is a idiomatic Rabbinical term that means “misinterpret and or misapply“ by adding or taking away words which adds or takes away the meaning of the law.
I don’t usually bring out this point because it’s not understood in today’s culture.
Destroy has different meanings in the bible.
I could go with your meaning.
Then Matthew 5:17 would read:
To interpret it correctly ---- which Jesus did.
To NOT misapply it ----- which Jesus did.
He did not misapply the law when confronted with different questions from the Pharisees.
He interpreted the Law correctly, including the Sabbath being made for man.....
Agreed.“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. Matthew 5:17
Today under the New Covenant, we do not sacrifice animals, or submit to the Levitical Priesthood or keep Sabbath ordinances or ceremonial washings, or feast days, or physical circumcision...
That was required under the law of Moses, not under the New Covenant.
Whoever said we're still under the Law of Moses?
I just would have one issue with the above, although I agree with 90%.The Abrahamic Covenant is the core covenant that the law of Moses was added to temporarily, until the Seed should come.
The Abrahamic Covenant required Abraham and those who were in Covenant with the Lord, to walk before Him and be blameless.
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. Genesis 17:1
Same Lord we are in Covenant with in the New Covenant and the way we learn how to obey Him is to walk with Him and learn directly from Him the way Abraham learned to: by faith.
Not from a list of rules that we can not keep apart from His grace.
Faith and grace, the divine ability to do what the Lord requires of us and comes to us when He speaks to us. He speaks to and communes with us as we draw near to Him, and spend time with Him, showing Him we desire to be with Him, and learn from Him, and desire to hear His voice for the purpose of loving Him and obeying Him as a loving wife desires to please and obey her husband.
IOW, this is how the Lord desires for His people to learn from Him, by partaking from Him as the Tree of Life, not as from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
But must leave now....