- May 17, 2009
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- 185
http://rcg.org/articles/witaod.htmlJudgment is a future event unless you think the judgment has already happened.
Jesus didn't say anything about the menorah, the maccabees, etc.
When someone says 'a' generation, or in this case 'an' evil and adulterous generation, then it is most likely he is talking about another generation. Otherwise you would say 'this' generation. Jesus actually does say 'this' generation, but he is talking about the generation that will arise at the judgment with the men of Nineveh and the queen of the South. That's what makes this teaching a prophecy. And it is an open ended prophecy, consistent with what he said, "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only" Mt. 24:36 However, when we see the men of Nineveh (Iraq) condemning this generation for its evil doings, then we know we are the last generation and the judgment is near.
This whole discussion is proof positive that scholars, the Pharisees and the scholars of today, read the Bible line by line by line. And then they create stories from a single line. Here I've been arguing about the meaning of one line, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign; but no sign shall be giiven it except the sign of the prophet Jonah" and getting nowhere. My fault for not putting the line in context.
Then he said "the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. So shall it be also with this evil generation." In this way we know he is speaking of a last state, the state of the last generation. So he is definitely speaking of the end times. Because he said, 'last'. It means no more after that.
Now I have been talking about the Boomer generation and calling it evil and adulterous. Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear know it is the last.
In about 176 BC, Antiochus IV (king of the north, and type of the future final civil ruler who embodies the Beast system) acquired the kingdom from his older brother. After this, Antiochus Epiphanes removed the high priest in Jerusalem and installed some­one loyal to himself. Upon a triumphant return from Egypt, in 168 BC, Antiochus sacked the Temple at Jerusalem and took its golden vessels.
Recall that Antiochus also sent troops to Judea in 167 BC. They destroyed the Temple and its sanctuary. This act stopped the commanded twice daily sacrifices at the Temple (Ex. 29:39-42; Num. 28:4-6). This was an overt attempt to wipe out the Jewish religion with all of its doctrines.
This military leader also stationed a garrison atop the Jewish Temple Mount, desecrating it. Also recall that Daniel wrote, “Yes, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him [Antiochus] the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of [the] sanctuary was cast down†(8:11).
Daniel added this in chapter 11: “And arms shall stand on his [Antiochus’] part, and they shall pol­lute the sanctuary of strength [the Jewish Temple], and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that makes desolate†(vs. 31).
Now then, what exactly is this coming “abomination†that will be “set up†again? The truth—born of history—is beyond eye-opening in regard to prophecy.
The first fulfillment was not just Antiochus’ armies coming into Jerusalem—an early “treading it down†for three years until 165 BC—but the fact that those armies set up an image—a specific idol—on the Temple’s altar, which defiled and made it desolate. Antiochus further polluted the Temple by offering swine’s blood upon the altar.
These historical events of Daniel 8 are an unmistakable fulfillment of the prophecy in Daniel 11:31, and a forerunner of the end-time fulfillment of the “abomination of desolation†spoken of by Christ in Matthew, Mark and Luke.
that is what caused the hanukah miracle events and is what the jews then knew to be the aod. if they didnt know what he was talking about then why wouldnt he tell them disciples who he hid nothing?
if they asked he answered if it was meant for them to know. this is why knowing jewish history and thinking and what they were talking about.
and that link is a pro-dispy site. go figure.