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Gen 2:7 KJV And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This is usual stumbling scripture in the debate over what a soul is. If man became a living soul what is a soul ?

Webster says,
"The spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the christian system. Such is the nature of the human soul that it must have a God, an object of supreme affection."

The trichotomous theory says Body, Soul, and Spirit. Whereas the Dichotomous theory says Body/Soul and Spirit. Sooooo, it depends on which side you're on.
Yeah that's right Chop.

1Co 15:45-46 KJV And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. (46) Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.

It seems we become a spiritual being in the next life so I sorta go with the Dichotomous theory. ( although there are some glitches :biggrin )
Yeah that's right Chop.

1Co 15:45-46 KJV And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. (46) Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.

It seems we become a spiritual being in the next life so I sorta go with the Dichotomous theory. ( although there are some glitches :biggrin )

Yea, I sort of lean toward the dichotomous because I don't know how you can disassociate the Spirit from the soul.
Amen to that Brother Paul. I did not no that and it certainly is, as you say, a signature of the Almighty! Wow, thank you very much.

Oh boy, my friend, You are really digging into a realm of theology that I haven't thought about in many years, so let me run some thoughts by you. These would simply be my opinion and thoughts.

Since Jesus' Blood was perfect and a propitiation or payment to our Holy Creator, Father, for our sins, it had to come solely from the Father by the Holy Spirit. Now as to His body. Since He had a human body, like ours, it would seem to me having its origin from Mary. The Blood from the Father, His Body from Mary. Lets go with that. What do you think, my wonderful theological friend.

If you would like more statements from specialists in the field of Psysiology, I will be happy to quote a few more.

Jesus' blood was a perfect because He was the Perfect Man without Sin. The original sin and sin nature is passed by the father to the children. Not from the mother to the children. Adam's willful sin.
So because He didn't have a natural father who came from Adam, He was born with no sin.
Not like you and I, we inherit it and not through the blood. We make are own blood.

A baby makes every bit of their own blood. Neither parent provides blood to the infant.
I vote dichotomous as well...but the terms "ruach" (spirit) and "nephesh" (soul) are translated interchangeably by some...Genesis 1:20, 21, 24, and 30 also refer to creatures that are "nephesh" as well as man...because they are living creatures....
Yea, I sort of lean toward the dichotomous because I don't know how you can disassociate the Spirit from the soul.

Paul does, although I don't think Genesis tells us this. Accept the God said we were made in His image.
1Th 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If one were to be unsaved his resurrected body and his soul would perish but the word says the spirit returns to God. Personally I think that is where the Holy Spirit indwells us and when we die and the Holy Spirit leaves our bodies our spirit returns to God as well.
Jesus' blood was a perfect because He was the Perfect Man without Sin. The original sin and sin nature is passed by the father to the children. Not from the mother to the children. Adam's willful sin.
So because He didn't have a natural father who came from Adam, He was born with no sin.
Not like you and I, we inherit it and not through the blood. We make are own blood.

A baby makes every bit of their own blood. Neither parent provides blood to the infant.

How do you reckon we inherit the sin nature ?
Not sure if I'm in the dichotomous or trichotomous camp.

The Body is a physical extension through which our Soul is projected to and interacts with others.

The Soul is the total expanse of our image as God sees us, of which only part is ever projected through the body and made available to others.

Spirits are what motivate us, and though they are not really a permanent part of us, they act both through and upon us, and can change our soul.

There are at least six types of motivational spirit
  • Holy
  • Natural man
  • Natural predator
  • Natural scavenger
  • Natural servant
  • Fallen
Without a motivating spirit the body dies and the soul can't interact with the living.:twocents
How do you reckon we inherit the sin nature ?

We inherit our sin nature through our ancestors flawed interpretations of good vs evil; incorrect choices our ancestors have acted upon which have distorted our world and veered it away from the ideal path God described as good before the fall. One way or another, at least one of our parents made a choice to procreate, thus we are all conceived in the sin of at least one parent, but more than likely both of them.

Why was Jesus' conception sinless? God chose to conceive Jesus, by definition a divine sinless choice. Mary did not have an active choice to make, she only had to obey God and nature, and carry to term. The only sinful choice she could have made would have been to not carry to term, which would have exposed the fetus to sin and death, and therefore could not have resulted in the Messiah.
I'll answer your question with a question, just where did Adams blood come from. If he was made alive, and the life is in the blood, didn't he receive his blood from the breath of God? And his Spirit? and his soul? The Scripture clearly states that Adam's life, and all that makes life out of the dust, came from God's breath.

In light of v24, maybe that's how God created all land based creatures? Made a mold of earth and breathed into them?

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm?
I think the "dust of the ground" just refers to the elements He made available here (it was after all His plan) not necessarily the actual dirt (but I did like Choppers joke)...but what do you say fam...(some will agree and others disagree and others agree to disagree, do you agree? Sorry, thats my sad attempt at humor!)

brother Paul
I think the "dust of the ground" just refers to the elements He made available here (it was after all His plan) not necessarily the actual dirt (but I did like Choppers joke)...but what do you say fam...(some will agree and others disagree and others agree to disagree, do you agree? Sorry, thats my sad attempt at humor!)

brother Paul

I'm undecided :biggrin
The Hebrew word for dust in Genesis 2:7 is aphar (Strong’s #6083): clay, earth, mud, ashes, earth, ground, mortar, powder, rubbish. You will see in this list a common word we can associate to dust: clay. The term clay refers to a naturally occurring material composed primarily of fine-grained minerals, which is generally plastic (moldable, stretchable) when hydrated and will harden when dried or fired..

The Hebrew word for dust in Genesis 2:7 is aphar (Strong’s #6083): clay, earth, mud, ashes, earth, ground, mortar, powder, rubbish. You will see in this list a common word we can associate to dust: clay. The term clay refers to a naturally occurring material composed primarily of fine-grained minerals, which is generally plastic (moldable, stretchable) when hydrated and will harden when dried or fired..


True, but if we had to communicate atoms of "elements" used to makeup molecules (when Genesis was written), to ancient commoners, they would not know what we were talking about...
what are the components of our bodies? do we kinda have an idea the dust of dirt is 'dirty" it wasn't when He first created it... what are bodies are really doesn't matter what matters HE breathed the breath of life into man...


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