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Day 13 4/29/14 Genesis 3:1-7 Continued.

One of Satan's tactics of deception is to question our interpretation of God's Word when it deals with a command. That old devil says to my mind, "did God actually say that?" There are not a lot of answers in the theological halls of academia on how Satan is able to plant thoughts in our minds. He certainly can't speak audibly like he did with Eve, but he has had about 6,000 years to study mankind to see how they operate and how their mind works. Somehow he has devised a plan to invade our thought process, just like he was speaking to us....I wonder if any of you have any ideas on this subject?

The serpents sudden appearance with a question leads me to believe that for no other reason, Satan was challenging what YHWH made good to make it bad. The evil one is so obsessed with getting back at All Mighty God that he will attack what God has created in an attempt to change God's intended purpose for that person or thing.

There are three doors (gates) of disobedience to God's commands in us, they are the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. For the believer in Christ, the devil will knock on those doors until he comes in! Lets see how he used these doors to get Eve and Adam to disobey God.
1. Lust of the eye - So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food.
2. Lust of the flesh - That the tree was to be desired to make one wise.
3. Pride of life - When you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God.

THE RESULT? V.6 "She took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. The fact that Adam was WITH her really confuses me and I strain for an answer to just what happened in the garden that day. Was Adam not near enough to Eve to hear the conversation with the serpent and his wife, because he was tilling his garden? It seems to me that he must have been preoccupied with something and his helper was not helping. However it happened, YHWH was not going to accept any excuse. V.7 says "Then the eyes of both were opened....This reminds me how the unbelieving cannot perceive Spiritual things, because their eyes of their understanding are closed.

We can learn a lot from these indications of how the devil can twist God's Word and cause us to disobey.

Tomorrows Study will be: Genesis 3:8-24. It seems to me that 8-24 is one basic subject. I realize that there are more verses than we usually study.
Why can't Satan speak audibly? He spoke to Jesus in the temptations?

Maybe he can (some claim to have heard from him, and some have allegedly seen him)...but would you really want him to? :nono and then again he may have done just that through someone else...

He is the prince of the power of the air....when seed falls by the wayside, before it gets to take root (in the heart) the fowls of the air can come along and snatch it away...I believe the "air" is symbolic of the mind...the sneaky little thoughts of doubt take place here...just my opinion I cannot say there is a lot of biblical support for this...his stomping ground seems to be the intellect, emotions, and the will....have you ever noticed that whatever you allow your mind to dwell on and really ponder produces an emotional response which if cultivated affects our decisions, choices, behaviors, etc.????

What say ye family?
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THE RESULT? V.6 "She took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. The fact that Adam was WITH her really confuses me and I strain for an answer to just what happened in the garden that day. Was Adam not near enough to Eve to hear the conversation with the serpent and his wife, because he was tilling his garden? It seems to me that he must have been preoccupied with something and his helper was not helping.

I once heard of an old Jewish legend that attempts to answer the question of why Adam ate with her. According to the legend, Adam's first wife, Lilith, ate of the forbidden fruit, but Adam didn't. Lilith was expelled from the garden for her sin but Adam was allowed to stay because he had obeyed God. It was after this that God said that it is not good for man to be alone, and created Eve. When Eve also ate of the forbidden fruit, Adam didn't want to go through the same heartbreak again, so he ate also. He chose rather to be expelled from the garden with her than to be heartbroken again.

The TOG​
Maybe he can (some claim to have heard from him, and some have allegedly seen him)...but would you really want him to? :nono and then again he may have done just that through someone else...

He is the prince of the power of the air....when seed falls by the wayside, before it gets to take root (in the heart) the fowls of the air can come along and snatch it away...I believe the "air" is symbolic of the mind...the sneaky little thoughts of doubt take place here...just my opinion I cannot say there is a lot of biblical support for this...his stomping ground seems to be the intellect, emotions, and the will....have you ever noticed that whatever you allow your mind to dwell on and really ponder produces an emotional response which if cultivated affects our decisions, choices, behaviors, etc.????

What say ye family?

Very good brother Paul.:agreed
Why can't Satan speak audibly? He spoke to Jesus in the temptations?

Hey old Buddy, the only thing that I can think of would be that he spoke audibly to Eve, and possibly to Adam, at any rate, Jesus represented the second Adam to reverse what the first Adam did. Satan figured that his deception worked the first time, perhaps it would work on Jesus, NOT!!
The fact that Adam was WITH her really confuses me and I strain for an answer to just what happened in the garden that day. Was Adam not near enough to Eve to hear the conversation with the serpent and his wife, because he was tilling his garden?

Hi Chopper, I think I might have an answer for that. At that point, Adam and Even didn't know right from wrong. They knew God commanded them not to eat from that tree but they had no concept of whether eating from it was right or wrong. They would have seen it as an issue of obey or not to obey God. To me, it seems Adam could have watched her eat from the tree with nothing more on his mind than when two children color on the walls. They know they were told not to, but lacking a concept of right and wrong, they wouldn't have know disobeying was wrong. They just did what they wanted at that moment not what God wanted.
Good point about they wanted to be like God. That explains their motivation, even though they didn't know it was wrong.
Day 13 4/29/14 Genesis 3:1-7 Continued.

One of Satan's tactics of deception is to question our interpretation of God's Word when it deals with a command. That old devil says to my mind, "did God actually say that?" There are not a lot of answers in the theological halls of academia on how Satan is able to plant thoughts in our minds. He certainly can't speak audibly like he did with Eve, but he has had about 6,000 years to study mankind to see how they operate and how their mind works. Somehow he has devised a plan to invade our thought process, just like he was speaking to us....I wonder if any of you have any ideas on this subject?

Hey Chop chop hope you're feeling well enough today and reading this post it seems the ol thinker is going well today. I think it's interesting that satan hit Eve with the question " Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" because Yahweh spoke the words of eating and abstaining to Adam ( who likely passed them on to Eve ? ), not Eve. I get a picture of satan undermining the headship arrangement by approaching Eve.

The idea about satan invading our thoughts and it has some merit imo. I think by sinning ( especially repetitive ) we may allow him and his buddies access to our mind in some way but I'm not sure how. It's also likely that through sin our flesh simply takes precedent over our Spirit and the flesh is satans playground etc. It's interesting though.

The serpents sudden appearance with a question leads me to believe that for no other reason, Satan was challenging what YHWH made good to make it bad. The evil one is so obsessed with getting back at All Mighty God that he will attack what God has created in an attempt to change God's intended purpose for that person or thing.

There are three doors (gates) of disobedience to God's commands in us, they are the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. For the believer in Christ, the devil will knock on those doors until he comes in! Lets see how he used these doors to get Eve and Adam to disobey God.
1. Lust of the eye - So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food.
2. Lust of the flesh - That the tree was to be desired to make one wise.
3. Pride of life - When you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God.

THE RESULT? V.6 "She took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. The fact that Adam was WITH her really confuses me and I strain for an answer to just what happened in the garden that day. Was Adam not near enough to Eve to hear the conversation with the serpent and his wife, because he was tilling his garden? It seems to me that he must have been preoccupied with something and his helper was not helping. However it happened, YHWH was not going to accept any excuse. V.7 says "Then the eyes of both were opened....This reminds me how the unbelieving cannot perceive Spiritual things, because their eyes of their understanding are closed.

We can learn a lot from these indications of how the devil can twist God's Word and cause us to disobey.

Tomorrows Study will be: Genesis 3:8-24. It seems to me that 8-24 is one basic subject. I realize that there are more verses than we usually study.

Yeah where was Adam ? I get the impression he wasn't directly witnessing the temptation for a few reasons.

1. Yahweh admonished the woman for the initial act. "Gen 3:13 KJV And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat."

2. Adam was admonished for following Eve ( not acting as the head and choosing wisely ? ) " Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree,"

3.We have the words from Paul "1Ti 2:14 KJV And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."

So it seems that Adam didn't witness the temptation imo but went along with the missus and ate when he should have said no. I think this is an example of satan undermining headship as a means of attacking Yahweh and usurping His authority. It's easier to get someone to sin if the temptation comes from a loved one.
Hi Chopper, I think I might have an answer for that. At that point, Adam and Even didn't know right from wrong. They knew God commanded them not to eat from that tree but they had no concept of whether eating from it was right or wrong. They would have seen it as an issue of obey or not to obey God. To me, it seems Adam could have watched her eat from the tree with nothing more on his mind than when two children color on the walls. They know they were told not to, but lacking a concept of right and wrong, they wouldn't have know disobeying was wrong. They just did what they wanted at that moment not what God wanted.
Good point about they wanted to be like God. That explains their motivation, even though they didn't know it was wrong.

Thank you my friend, I believe that you are very close to the truth, if not what actually happened. Your response is very insightful, thanks!
Hey Chop chop hope you're feeling well enough today and reading this post it seems the ol thinker is going well today. I think it's interesting that satan hit Eve with the question " Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" because Yahweh spoke the words of eating and abstaining to Adam ( who likely passed them on to Eve ? ), not Eve. I get a picture of satan undermining the headship arrangement by approaching Eve.

The idea about satan invading our thoughts and it has some merit imo. I think by sinning ( especially repetitive ) we may allow him and his buddies access to our mind in some way but I'm not sure how. It's also likely that through sin our flesh simply takes precedent over our Spirit and the flesh is satans playground etc. It's interesting though.

Yeah where was Adam ? I get the impression he wasn't directly witnessing the temptation for a few reasons.

1. Yahweh admonished the woman for the initial act. "Gen 3:13 KJV And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat."

2. Adam was admonished for following Eve ( not acting as the head and choosing wisely ? ) " Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree,"

3.We have the words from Paul "1Ti 2:14 KJV And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."

So it seems that Adam didn't witness the temptation imo but went along with the missus and ate when he should have said no. I think this is an example of satan undermining headship as a means of attacking Yahweh and usurping His authority. It's easier to get someone to sin if the temptation comes from a loved one.

Chop Chop likes your post.:goodpostVery, very good observation my friend!
Day 14 4/30/14 Genesis 3:8-24 (continued).

The scene opens in V.8 with Adam and his wife hiding from the presence of YHWH.

It is of the up most importance that men and women realize and adhere to the order that YHWH has established for the marriage union in the following verses. note: God called Adam first because he is the responsible one, or head of the woman that God established here in the beginning. Note: I know this is very controversial as far as women go, and also husbands who, out of clear stupidity, or the church that they attend, does not teach the headship of the husband. Husbands don't take the leadership position that YHWH set up in the beginning. In that case the wife is all to happy to fill that role. That's too bad, it's the Word of God and must be followed if there is going to harmony in the marriage!

God addressed the man, Adam, because he is the "head" of the woman. This relationship of "headship" was established before the fall. The response of Adam is the old "blame game" as he blames his wife who in turn blames the serpent. As God proceeds to pronounce curses on first the serpent, then on the woman, and last on Adam, shows to me a line of responsibility. Adam wasn't innocent because he listened to his wife. When we look at part of the woman's curse, we see in V.16 "your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.

There have been arguments from women over the past seventy years that disagree with this early rule for the marriage relationship. It, in these last days a great struggle for leadership in most marriages, even Christian ones. There is a great desire on the part of the wife to take the rule over the husband.

I must note that the Scripture here is speaking of the marriage union. It does not address the single woman. In the case of a teenager or younger, who resides at home, her head is her father. When she moves out on her own, her head is her Master Jesus Christ. Not saying that she can't go back to her dad for advise.

I have had to tell women of whom I was their pastor, "I'm not your head", Jesus is, but I can advise you. I have also told women who rebel against this rule of headship, "your argument is not with me, it is with God."

We will continue tomorrow with the rest of Chapter three.
I never really understood this phrase. Can you explain more?

I will try my dear Angel. A PhD Desmond Alexander from the Queens University (Baptist) of Belfast wrote "Your desire shall be for your husband." "The Hebrew term here translated 'desire' is teshqah is rarely found in the O.T. But it appears again in 4:7, in a statement that closely parallels 3:16 - That is, where the Lord says to Cain, just before Cain murders his brother, that sins 'desire' is for you. Or to master you, and that Cain must 'rule over it.'

In old Choppers words, it means that before the fall, the headship of Adam ruling over Eve was a given. If sin had not entered in, Eve, and every woman would not have had a problem. In a good marriage, where the Christian husband is spiritual, and know what his responsibility is that he must love his wife as Jesus loves His Church, the wife feels secure, loved, and protected under her husband's leadership. The wife has no reason to steal the headship role of her husband.

So the phrase "your desire shall be for your husband" means "your desire will be to rule your husband" just like when she took the leadership role in eating the forbidden fruit without consulting her husband. BUT! "He shall rule over you." is God's final word. This is the standard for all Christian marriages.
I will try my dear Angel. A PhD Desmond Alexander from the Queens University (Baptist) of Belfast wrote "Your desire shall be for your husband." "The Hebrew term here translated 'desire' is teshqah is rarely found in the O.T. But it appears again in 4:7, in a statement that closely parallels 3:16 - That is, where the Lord says to Cain, just before Cain murders his brother, that sins 'desire' is for you. Or to master you, and that Cain must 'rule over it.'

In old Choppers words, it means that before the fall, the headship of Adam ruling over Eve was a given. If sin had not entered in, Eve, and every woman would not have had a problem. In a good marriage, where the Christian husband is spiritual, and know what his responsibility is that he must love his wife as Jesus loves His Church, the wife feels secure, loved, and protected under her husband's leadership. The wife has no reason to steal the headship role of her husband.

So the phrase "your desire shall be for your husband" means "your desire will be to rule your husband" just like when she took the leadership role in eating the forbidden fruit without consulting her husband. BUT! "He shall rule over you." is God's final word. This is the standard for all Christian marriages.

So the phrase "your desire shall be for your husband" means "your desire will be to rule your husband" just like when she took the leadership role in eating the forbidden fruit without consulting her husband. BUT! "He shall rule over you." is God's final word. This is the standard for all Christian marriages.

This makes sense Chop for sure ! I just noticed how when Yahweh handed out the sentences he started with satan, the Eve, then Adam. I guess he did this in order of transgression but it's interesting that Adam bore the responsibility ( sin and death for all people entered the world through Adam ). The head caused the sentence for all people in the same way Jesus ( in opposite function ) does for all people.
I will try my dear Angel. A PhD Desmond Alexander from the Queens University (Baptist) of Belfast wrote "Your desire shall be for your husband." "The Hebrew term here translated 'desire' is teshqah is rarely found in the O.T. But it appears again in 4:7, in a statement that closely parallels 3:16 - That is, where the Lord says to Cain, just before Cain murders his brother, that sins 'desire' is for you. Or to master you, and that Cain must 'rule over it.'

In old Choppers words, it means that before the fall, the headship of Adam ruling over Eve was a given. If sin had not entered in, Eve, and every woman would not have had a problem. In a good marriage, where the Christian husband is spiritual, and know what his responsibility is that he must love his wife as Jesus loves His Church, the wife feels secure, loved, and protected under her husband's leadership. The wife has no reason to steal the headship role of her husband.

So the phrase "your desire shall be for your husband" means "your desire will be to rule your husband" just like when she took the leadership role in eating the forbidden fruit without consulting her husband. BUT! "He shall rule over you." is God's final word. This is the standard for all Christian marriages.
Thank you Chopper! Very interesting to learn!
I wonder, if I could recall what ramban said about that. the torah was the male responsibility to teach, but we digress if we are going to that doctrine. oral tradition says that adam was to teach eve the only command.
Way back in the 70s i attended a class taught by a Rabbi turned 'baptacostal' ...The class was on Genesis..According to him, The time before the fall was very short, as in very short. .. You have anyting on the time frame jasonc ? He also said Adam was to have taought eve.. He dumped the whole thing on Adam.
You are absolutely right Brother Cranman, and Reba. The whole responsibility of Adam, who represents all men, to instruct his wife and children,especially his sons, all Spiritual knowledge, all the time. The wife is to instruct her daughters how to manage the household, and to be a helper for her husband. The husband of today has no, or little, knowledge of his responsibilities. It's no wonder our marriages today are in so much trouble.


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