Day 7 Genesis 2:1-3 The Seventh Day 4/23/14
Rest = Heb. Shabat, repose, desist from exertion....Sanctify = Heb. quadash, clean, holy.
2;1 Indicates that God is finished with equipping the heavens and earth for His proper operations. It appears that four things are happening on this one day, the, the last one. First, God ceased from His work. Secondly, He rested because what He wanted created was there. God wasn't tired, He was finished.
Thirdly, in V.3 God blessed the last day. In the word "blessed" I see "favor", this is only my opinion, I see favor because this one day out of seven gives my body the rest that it needs from a busy six days of work. This one day rejuvenates my body because of a supernatural blessing from it's Creator. Something like food rejuvenates my physical body....Fourthly, God sanctified this last day, He made it Holy and set apart. I have the feeling that as Christians, we are missing out on something Holy about Saturdays, something that could benefit us, but don't know what.
Someone suggested that this is the only day out of the week that is set aside for sacred purposes. A Christian Physician would tell us that to neglect this one day of rest every week would result in premature decay of the body and mind.
There will always be a controversy over the N.T. day of worship. IMO we would be better off if we rested on Saturday because of God's setting that one day apart for rest, then worship Jesus on Sunday, then do a little work on the rest of Sunday.