First: are you truly stating that evangelists are charged with causing change in people? Because the last time this happened the Church burned people who disagreed with them.
No. Not ultimately. That's why this was in my previous post:
"Scripture commands us to "go and make disciples".
Certainly the Spirit is the one ultimately responsible for any change of heart, but that's what it is, a TRUE change. The person "accepts Jesus" and moves from death to life, truly from being damned to being saved. On the other hand if the same person, once TRULY SAVED, later rejects Christ and His Church, that person has gone from light and again into darkness."
In other words, these people who are converting were TRULY lost (unsaved), then, once the Spirit converts them (or whatever terminology you care to use), they are TRULY SAVED. They weren't already saved from the foundation of the world, but only REALIZED it when they heard the Gospel, they went through a change from darkness to light.
Honestly, evangelists are not charged with changing hearts. They are to shine the light of reflected Glory, exposing the truth to the people around them. Those who are of the light are attracted to the light and come into the light. Those who are not, scurry into the darkness around them.
It's more than that. They are charged with actively preaching the Gospel, not just being holy. There are many instances where the apostles tell people to "repent and be baptized". Are these people "saved from the beginning of the world" in your opinion? If so, why do the apostles have to preach at all? Wouldn't they find the True Church because of the guidance of the spirit?
No, God's family is more than that. Is it not true that "we are His offspring"? If that were solely and purely after conversion, then we'd have a problem.
Why? We are called "adopted sons". There is a time when an adopted family member is not part of the family, then, after adoption, he is.
The Son of Man came to seek and to save the LOST. Lk 19:10
The Son of Man came to seek and to save the LOST. Lk 19:10
Should I keep saying it? The LOST were never Christians in the first place.
So why would they be considered "lost"?
So, the "lost" aren't Christians? So they CAN become saved, go from darkness to light? Be converted? How does this square with UE, which states the saved have always been the saved and (I assume) never lost?
I believe I've pointed it out, but I can point out other references like this.
... though they were not yet born and had done nothing either good or bad—in order that God's purpose of election might continue, not because of works but because of him who calls— 12 she was told, “The older will serve the younger.†Rom 9:11-12
And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified. Rom 8:30
In fact the well-trod passage in 2 Peter also brings this up:
The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 2 Pt 3:9
I don't see why you think there should be many references to something the Scripture said the God of the Universe wouldn't typically do such a thing.
Still, those instances exist where it's quite clear, the Spirit of God is leading Apostles directly to those the Spirit of God is going to convert.
Acts 8:26ff comes to mind. Acts 9 comes to mind. Acts 10. Acts 11:21 particularly calling out the conversion of Gentiles in Antioch as God-caused. Acts 13:2. Acts 13:4. Acts 14:27. Acts 16:6-7. Acts 16:9-10. Acts 19:21.
I agree. However, it seems like if UE were true, the Spirit would be leading the ALREADY SAVED to the apostles, doesn't it? Where is this model in Scripture? The Biblical model is for the disciples of Christ to go out and actively preach and convert the LOST.
Well, it says to "make disciples", or "students", of the nations. But it doesn't tell us to convert people. Scripture tells us to preach to people to repent, but that's something they do, not other Christians.
True, so why would we need to "MAKE disciples"? Again, only the Spirit working within the person can convert, but it is blatantly obvious that we are to take an active role in conversion, no matter how small. It is also obvious that before conversion the man is lost and after, he is saved.
They repent in the power of God by the Gospel message.
As I've said before, we have to, because God wants us to be involved in this way -- to bring the news to them. God does not want one child of God to attack and attempt to disown another. Instead God wants the children of God to encourage and join with one another.
So ... could you point out the verse where Scripture says an evangelist changes the heart of someone without God's involvement?
No, I can't. I never said there existed such a model. Can you point out one instance where a disciple is sent to an ALREADY SAVED person?
"persuade" and "convert" are two fundamentally different concepts. If you actually convert someone, that means you're responsible and not they, themselves.
We are to take some kind of active role, right? Use whatever term you want to, but the fact that Jesus set His Church up to be missionary at it's core, and take an active role in the conversion of SINNERS, proves that UE is a false doctrine.
So at this point I think it would be good for me to know what you think really changes someone's heart? Because we know that sheer information doesn't do it. I can state the same Gospel to a room of hundreds, and they will not completely convert.
The Holy Spirit does the conversion, we COOPERATE (that word again) with the Spirit and in the sinner's conversion. This really isn't the point. As far as I understand it, UE says basically a person is "saved from the beginning of time", he just is oblivious to this FACT until the Spirit awakens him. If this were a true Scriptural doctrine, there would be examples of people coming into the Church simply by the guidance of the Spirit, without the apostles having a role in the process. Gotta get back to work. Hopefully I'll have more time later.