Jim Parker
- Apr 17, 2015
- 11,259
- 2,694
The first death is the death of the physical body. When we die our body quits working and begins to decay but our soul does not die. It either is present with the Lord (believers) or it remains in "Hades" (not believers.)So 2nd is ‘entirely different’ from the 1st??? Like 2nd base is entirely different than 1st base, right.
The 2nd death is more fearful than the first:
And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul, but instead be afraid of the one who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
At the resurrection, everyone is raised and their body is a "spiritual" body. (1Cor 15)
That body doesn't decay, doesn't wear out; doesn't get old; and it never dies.
If you were a believer, at the resurrection, when your soul is rejoined to your (new spiritual) body, you have eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven with God.
If you were not a believer, at the resurrection, you get the same new body but you have eternal death in the lake of fire with the devil and his angels. And that is the 2nd death.
If by "destruction" you mean reduced to ashes or annihilation, that is a heretical teaching promoted by the JWs and the 7th Day Adventists.Easy, their destruction lasts forever.
What's the rest of the citation?it is the Father of all who imparts continuance for ever and ever on those who are saved.http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/irenaeus-book2.html
That book has 35 chapters each with multiple paragraphs.
You have not identified which one you cited.
For this end did the Lord suffer the ointment to be poured upon His head, that He might breathe immortality into His Church.
Do not err, my brethren. Those that corrupt families shall not inherit the kingdom of God. If, then, those who do this as respects the flesh have suffered death, how much more shall this be the case with any one who corrupts by wicked doctrine the faith of God, for which Jesus Christ was crucified! Such an one becoming defiled [in this way], shall go away into everlasting fire, and so shall every one that hearkens unto him.
There would be no need for the fire to be everlasting if the people sent there were mortal and could be killed a 2nd time.
And there are 21 chapters in the Epistle of Barnabas.For he who keepeth these [judgments of the Lord] shall be glorified in the kingdom of God; but he who chooseth other things shall be destroyed with his works. On this account there will be a resurrection, on this account a retribution.http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/barnabas-roberts.html
You have not identified which one you cited.
So does scripture.Islam teaches that the righteous and the wicked are resurrected immortal.
There are points of agreement between the teachings of Jesus and of many other religions. The truth is the truth no matter who says it.
The fact that Islam got something right does not have any bearing on the teaching of the Bible.
So, what do you think the word "destruction" means?
Here's what the scripture says about those who are punished in the lake of fire:
Rev 14:9-11 Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.
The smoke of their torment cannot ascend forever unless the torment also continues forever.
For the torment to continue forever, those being tormented must also continue to exist forever.
To continue to exist forever requires immortality and incorruptibility.
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