Hey guys (& Lovely)
We can’t separate ourselves from the world because we are in the world. But not of it of course. But this is not what this is talking about.
This ‘system’, this ‘religion’, this ‘harlot’ is sitting right under our noses. C’mon -think about it for a minute. What is it that distinguishes between those who walk by faith and those who follow a ‘system’. What is it that distinguishes between the wheat and the tares? What is it that distinguishes religion from relationship. What is it that distinguishes the bride of Christ from the harlot? What distinguishes the sheep and the goats? What is it that distinguishes between the righteous and the unrighteous?
Answer: Faith. And I’m not talking about a church or denomination.
You see the deception is this. The genuine and the counterfeit are co-existent, and there is only one way to know the difference. And it is only the genuine that knows the difference. And for this reason we cannot be part of the counterfeit – we must be separate.
The wheat and tares look the same even growing side by side. It is only the fruit that distinguishes them.
Those who walk by faith, are made righteous by their faith and do by nature the things required by the law. However those who I call ‘political Christians’ who believe they are made righteous by following the ‘party line’ are in reality unrighteous.
Those who are the bride of Christ have a real relationship with the bridegroom but the harlot is an imposter and would deceive many – except those who are in reality, the bride.
We can’t separate ourselves from the world because we are in the world. But not of it of course. But this is not what this is talking about.
This ‘system’, this ‘religion’, this ‘harlot’ is sitting right under our noses. C’mon -think about it for a minute. What is it that distinguishes between those who walk by faith and those who follow a ‘system’. What is it that distinguishes between the wheat and the tares? What is it that distinguishes religion from relationship. What is it that distinguishes the bride of Christ from the harlot? What distinguishes the sheep and the goats? What is it that distinguishes between the righteous and the unrighteous?
Answer: Faith. And I’m not talking about a church or denomination.
You see the deception is this. The genuine and the counterfeit are co-existent, and there is only one way to know the difference. And it is only the genuine that knows the difference. And for this reason we cannot be part of the counterfeit – we must be separate.
The wheat and tares look the same even growing side by side. It is only the fruit that distinguishes them.
Those who walk by faith, are made righteous by their faith and do by nature the things required by the law. However those who I call ‘political Christians’ who believe they are made righteous by following the ‘party line’ are in reality unrighteous.
Those who are the bride of Christ have a real relationship with the bridegroom but the harlot is an imposter and would deceive many – except those who are in reality, the bride.