J/t/B/ here:
Revelation 14:6-10 finds the 3 angels message that the 7th Day Adventist were trusted with in 1844. The world was separated from the ones of Revelation 17:1-5. This was the Remnant of ex/Protestantism.
Now we are seeing the 'ignorant' yet 'sincere' ones from all of these false doctrine ones being called out once again. (yet
the folds are not these)
All of this is prophesied in Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 & Ecclesiastes 3:15 to happen again & again! It even happened in heavens first rebellion!
OK: 7th day Adventism has had their shaking, (or falling away) and is still going on! It was the same as old Israel's Midnight Cry of Matthew 25. (not the 70 AD counterpart)
It is very 'Important' to understand who left whom * who it is that stayed put, and WHY!
Anyway, 1 Peter 4:17 tell's who it is that is judged FIRST. Even this confuses folks, because they do not understand that all of these 'works' are recorded in the heavenly record books. (as accurately
finished! See 1 John 5:16-17 & James 1:15=Closed door, full cup, the Sin Against the Holy Ghost)
So Adventist are 'separated' as seen in Revelation 12:17. Also, all false church's & Adventist are like Old Israel as far as Matthew 23:15 go. And it is these ones that are REQUIRED BY CHRIST to leave this satanic junk or be PARTAKERS & be lost! God realizes that these 'babes in Christ' are not yet understanding the false doctrines that they have joined, and are partakers of. Even then, if they had died being in ignorance? They still are secure while living the Truth
as far as they had acess to it. Romans 1:8 But ALL will know the Truth before Christ comes again, and will be
REQUIRED to accept it. See Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
These will all be UNITED into the Revelation 3:10 ones of Philadelphia. (v. 7) It is the forced 'mark' of the church/government that will find any of Christ's Own who are 'forced' to either be satan's or willingly be Christ's and face death! Also notice that this was the same as old Israel, except this is the END of it ALL! :fadein:
And who can understand this?

Compare the numbers of the ones who understood Noah!
