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When did the Law pass or has it passed away?

I am really sorry, I am having a hard time to quote everything you said, so my apologies if I missed anything.

That's fine; The quote mechanisms on the forum are a little flaky. I make allowances.... :)

What was the purpose of Hebrews and who was it written to? Letters were written to various groups to address various issues that community were facing. Hebrews was written to the Jewish community prior to the destruction of the temple and addressed how can the believers continue to draw near to God with sacrifices?
Yes, I agree to your premise; for we *are* a priesthood; so I have to admit the one point,
But I am going to ask for a small correction, assuming work=sacrifice, eg: sacrifice and not sacrificeS.

I am not referring to the plurality of people, or times we sacrifice/offer/praise God, but a distinction made rather consistently in the early Greek manuscripts from Paul (Esp: Tishendorf) which copyists, especially from the Alexandrian school , and some from the Latin (Catholic) schools, did not meticulously duplicate; for they thought one sacrifice (work) or many were equivalent statements. But the *earlier* codexes are very consistent that when a work is a good one, or for Christ, it is spoken of in the singular. When it is a faithless one, or worthless one, it is either in the plural -- or in the collective/neuter.

Notice in John 6:28 the Jews (Hebrews?) ask about what they must *do* to do the workS of God, and Jesus doesn't answer them in the plural; rather he says "this is the work of God" ; The difference I am pointing out is meticulously maintained in Paul's epistles in the Greek from around 400A.D. or earlier ; but is lost in later copies.

As a side note: T.R. Stephanus, for example, (which I understand is the ORIGINAL KJV's underlying Greek) -- is a Catholic priest from the middle ages who ""Corrected"" a Greek manuscript to agree with the Latin Vulgate in places, for he thought there were "mistakes".

As an example of scripture variances .... take a look at this page:

As you scan down the Greek words, you'll notice that the word "if" is preceeded by a "{" ; the reason is that most biblical scholars agree the part in {} is not the original biblical text, but is an insertion a copyist added to the text to explain the previous sentence.
(He was being clever.... a bit too clever....)

Interesting if the Law had been annulled previously, why was there any need for a temple (as that is Law), or for a High Priest (which is also Law).
In the first place, God was not pleased with the sacrifices of Caiphas -- and if God wanted to divorce anyone -- it would be the *man* Caiphas. The word you call "annulled" I equate with "divorce" or "porn".
In the second place, the temple was prophesied by Jesus to be destroyed; and it was in 70A.D.
The law commands the sacrifice only be offered in the Jerusalem temple, does it not?

Or why weren't they admonished for continuing to offer sacrifices if the Law had passed at the cross as some argue?
I don't argue that the law passed in it's entirety; Just that the portion given at Sainai is not necessary for Christians. ( Hebrews 8:4-5 )
Hence, it *IS* necessary for those who entered the Mosaic covenant; and even (the person who's post follows this one) agreed to the possibility of the "Jews" still having the law (separate from us Christians.)

(I know, it's hard to remember microscopic admissions like that in an otherwise stubborn wall of denial. :sad )

IMO at very least priests (and perhaps under-priests) could still offer sacrifices under the name of "gifts", eg: wave offerings, heave offerings, welcome offerings, or how about "TITHE" (which Christian churches generally still ask for!) etc. and those who are priests are entitled to a portion of the sacrifices as part of their income;

Levites generally operated as the butchers and dressers of meat, as well as the priestly capacity. So, I don't see that they would have ceased to operate in any event.

I just found out this term "ellipsis" as related to scripture. It is an insertion in italics the translators put in to assist with a thought.
Yes... just keep them in brackets, if it's not actually in the original text. :)
I find them very helpful to follow other people's thoughts.

In Hebrews 8 Hb 8:7 For if that first [covenant] had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. Hb 8:13 In that he saith, A new [covenant], he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.
A (very small) gotcha, , When two Greek nouns appear side by side with the same ending, one of them is a modifier/adjective of the other.
The word covenant is not stand alone in the previous sentence; so the bracket could be made more precise as [convenant mediator]. :) But covenant works....

OK. So I'm following the argument...

So what was the whole point leading up to these passages. It was a system operated by Levitical Priests with their human flaws, and now being operated by the Melchizedezek High Priest. A priesthood is still required, just the provisions have been transferred ti Jesus.
Sure, but you've missed my question; Where in the Old Testament are we allowed to change the Law so that the *statutes* about the high priest coming from Aaron ( not just Levi, but Aaron within Levi ) could now become Judah?
A "Cohen" is a Levite, but not an "Aaron"ite. A "Juda"ite, is neither a Levite, nor a Aaronite.
(Although.... Mary was *cousin* to Elizabeth; but that's for another post...)

And no the Levitical Priests have not been lost. Our Rabbi is a Cohen and many from the Levitical line, still do know their tribes. The Levites will once again be in charge of the temple come the millenium Ezekiel 44:15
For you to be correct, the Romans would have had to have failed in exterminating them in bar kokaba revolt; and they would have to have a pedigree to assume power.... and many other obstacles....

But, as a short detour -- Ezekiel 44:15, mentions Zadokites. Zadokites are from Aaron.
When King David was in trouble with Saul, Zadok and Ahitub aided him ( 2Samuel 15:28-29, and many more ); so that when David came to power he divided up the line of Aaron in to twenty four groups of high priests for ministry in the temple according to their father's name; For example, Mary's cousin Elizabeth, was married to Zecharias who is of the tribe "abia"; So we know (lawfully) that Zechariah would have offered incense as an Aaronite underpriest able to enter the holies, but not the holy of holies; Eg: he would burn incense on the gold altar, but not do yom kippur.

In the visions of Heaven, we do see the high priestly or Aaronite divisions reflected in images: eg Revelation 19:4, Revelation 5:8, And we see the duty carried out: Revelation 8:3-4,
Even Zadokites did underpriest duties; but only one acted as high priest.
Compare Revelation against Luke 1:9-10, and note the whole multitude were praying....

Often, people attempt to use scripture to interpret passages like Revelation 19:4 so that half of the thrones ( twelve ) are for the apostles (Cf. Matthew 19:28 ), and the remaining twelve are assigned according to various theories. eg: Mormons claim they are the 12 apostles, plus twelve Mormons from the "new world" (America of course...). Various Christian denominations, along with even Catholics, Claim the remaining twelve are for old testament figures, such as the twelve patriarchs from Abraham ; but each of these theories presents some challenges.

I look at a vision for the symbolic value; and in the passage from revelation, what I am seeing is the twenty four rows of incense priests; Not a literal reference to twenty four specific men. The vision may or may not be about the individuals any more than Kings on earths are shaggy beasts crawling out of the water with horns growing out of their heads.

The last of the Zadokite known was around circa 50BC, in Jerusalem. During a revolt at that time, a separate line of high priests who were not permitted to do yom kippur, took power by force; and the last Zadokite priest attempted to obtain the high priesthood again; BUT the other Aaronites at the time refused him, eventually exiling him to Egypt. He apparently built a temple in Egypt to replicate the one in Jerusalem, but that temple died out with him. (Questions about Jesus' flight into Egypt are interesting...)
In any event, even when pedigrees were carefully kept -- he was the last zadokite; To be sure, Caiphas was not a zadokite -- he was an Aaronite, and under Moses Caiphas was legitimate -- but under David he was not.

None of this presents problems for God's kingdom in heaven; for Many of Aaron's line died here in God's good graces.
As it was said of Zecharaih, he was a Just man -- blameless before the law. Luke 1:6.

(This is another topic and one I still don't have a good grasp on). Did God somehow make an already perfect law according to His own standards
Sigh.... When God blessed Abraham and Sarah (his flesh), the moment he said the son of promise would be from your flesh; the promise included Sarah. Yet Sarah did not understand that, she sinned ( I assume sin in the sense of "amartia", not "anomia" or "parabasis", <-> eg: "a missed target" not "lawlessness" or "transgression" ) by bringing in Hagar.

Hagar was not around when the promise was first made to Abraham -- Sarah was. Again, God's law is that the two become one flesh in *marriage* -- not the three or more.

Yet, even so, because Ishmael is Abraham's son, even if not perfectly of his flesh -- as required by the promise -- he was none the less Abraham's flesh in *part*. So, Abraham became the father "of many nations" because God's promise *could* extend to him.

Therefore: The perfection of the law has little to do with God keeping his promise, since God's "gifts" and "callings" are "irrevocable." ( and so, for the same reason, is Hell. )

The problem is, Moses' law had concessions in it: Matthew 19:7-8
It is not just God -- but a "mediator" who is involved.

even better by changing the commandments, or as some say, by abolishing them? Or perhaps did He improve the covenant by simply removing the imperfect human element from the priestly system and insert Jesus as the new perfect High Priest thus leaving all of God’s perfect law completely intact?
I don't even know how to approach that; For, the law is a mixture -- and therefore, meditating on the perfections of the law, assuredly does not mean meditating on the portions which are concessions? Or if it is a "perfection", than it's a perfect law for a "sinner" and not a just person? For, in any marriage that fails -- is it not going to be wondered, "who's fault was it", that they could not stay together? (I don't believe in no fault divorce.)

There's more in your post to respond to.... but I need to take a break. You make some good points....
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I do not believe this of course, but am only using the argument and logic presented to highlight this way of thinking doesn't make sense
I don't know what others are saying, but I am certainly not using that logic. The Law has been replaced by the Holy Spirit. So I can coherently assert that its wrong to do all sorts of things that happen to not be set as "New Testament" law.
Has it really though? What was the promise of the New Covenant? The sending of the Helper.

Ezekiel 36:27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.

Can you find anywhere in the New Covenant an abolition of the Laws. The problem was never the laws, it was the people. So change the people, why change the laws when it was already deemed to be perpetual, eternal and perfect?

So you will assert me and my family observing Passover, which ended today, is wrong? Is that what you mean? Or do you mean something else?

The Law of The Lord is perfect and existed before the Law of Moses. You keep mixing these two together.

Abraham walked in the Law of the Lord which is founded upon walking with Him, hearing and obeying His Voice. Genesis 26:5

That is the walk of faith. Faith comes by hearing the Voice of God. Walking with God and learning from Him "what is Good and what is evil" was established from the beginning.

Trying to know good from evil by learning from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is learning from Scripture without relationship with God.

The Pharisees ans Sadducees who murdered Christ, which it doesn't get anymore antichrist than that, learned all the good from evil from the tree of knowledge, and ended up crucifying The Messiah whom they were waiting for.

The Law was added because of transgressions...

What was transgressed? The law of the Lord.

The Law of Moses which includes the Levitical priesthood and sacrifices and ordinances and feasts and sabbaths... was taken away. Hebrews 10:9

Does that mean there is no Law of the Lord? NO!

. 31 "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah-- 32 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the Lord. 33 But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 34 No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."

not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt...

The law of Mose made no provision for,
their sin I will remember no more.

By saying -
My covenant which they broke, -

The Holy Spirit is indicating that God remembered their sin.

The Law of Moses was temporary.

The Law of God is Eternal.

I do not believe this of course, but am only using the argument and logic presented to highlight this way of thinking doesn't make sense
I don't know what others are saying, but I am certainly not using that logic. The Law has been replaced by the Holy Spirit. So I can coherently assert that its wrong to do all sorts of things that happen to not be set as "New Testament" law.
Has it really though? What was the promise of the New Covenant? The sending of the Helper.

Ezekiel 36:27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.

Can you find anywhere in the New Covenant an abolition of the Laws. The problem was never the laws, it was the people. So change the people, why change the laws when it was already deemed to be perpetual, eternal and perfect?

So you will assert me and my family observing Passover, which ended today, is wrong? Is that what you mean? Or do you mean something else?

The Law of The Lord is perfect and existed before the Law of Moses. You keep mixing these two together.

Abraham walked in the Law of the Lord which is founded upon walking with Him, hearing and obeying His Voice. Genesis 26:5

That is the walk of faith. Faith comes by hearing the Voice of God. Walking with God and learning from Him "what is Good and what is evil" was established from the beginning.

Trying to know good from evil by learning from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is learning from Scripture without relationship with God.

The Pharisees ans Sadducees who murdered Christ, which it doesn't get anymore antichrist than that, learned all the good from evil from the tree of knowledge, and ended up crucifying The Messiah whom they were waiting for.

The Law was added because of transgressions...

What was transgressed? The law of the Lord.

The Law of Moses which includes the Levitical priesthood and sacrifices and ordinances and feasts and sabbaths... was taken away. Hebrews 10:9

Does that mean there is no Law of the Lord? NO!

. 31 "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah-- 32 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the Lord. 33 But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 34 No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."

not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt...

The law of Mose made no provision for,
their sin I will remember no more.

By saying -
My covenant which they broke, -

The Holy Spirit is indicating that God remembered their sin.

The Law of Moses was temporary.

The Law of God is Eternal.


If One was raised from the dead, they would not believe.

For even until this day their hearts and minds are blinded at the reading of the Old Testament and Moses.
If you followed back along a few posts, I just pointed out as an argument bestiality is nowhere cited in the Gospels or Epistles as a sin. So in essence, we are starting out with a clean chalkboard and God has rewrote everything into this New Covenant. A so called Old Covenant that is fading, or has faded away, one cannot grasp onto a commandment from the OT not stated in the New Covenant, and says it applies to us. That's the logic presented.
Not entirely sure what you are saying but if it is what I think it is, I would disagree.

True, we are not "instructed" to abstain from bestiality, but that certainly does not mean that those of us who assert that the Law of Moses has been set aside are forced into the position of saying its OK to have sex with animals.

Of course it isn't. And we have the Holy Spirit letting us know this. We hardly need a law to tell us that its wrong.

so then why do we need goverments then if we don't need laws?

Christians don't sin? we don't lie , steal and murder, and cheat etc?

how on the earth does one know the SPIRIT that is talking to you if you don't have the word in you to test it?

That is an honest point, but one could ask how can one know the word unless they have the Spirit that wrote it?
So the Word and the Spirit are one, the Spirit testifies to the blood of Christ. Not the flesh of a believer. The Spirit is not teaching us who we are "in the flesh" or before we came to Christ but who we are IN CHRIST.
in Him we have no sin and cannot sin. This is the spirit man.
The old man of flesh is always a sinner, no matter how well he keep a list of rules.
I personally never really understood any part of the Word of God until I received the Holy Spirit. I knew some of the commands and some other rules and such, but I did not know God, for God is known through His Love and that through the Holy Spirit.
This is why Paul said the letter kills but the Spirit gives life.

It is a mystery"for great is the mystery of godliness"

But a man who will not be honest enough to admit he cannot keep the written code of the law, will NEVER see the Kingdom of God. This is why a harlot or a child can see the Kingdom, before a hypocrite.

Also we have VERY CLEAR warnings in the New Testament against sexual sins. For anyone to act as if they are not there is just not honest.

then why do you read genesis? why not just remove the tanach? if its there then it has a purpose.
why then is it that Christian churches are the most untrustworthy employers. imho I have seen or heard them rob men of wages. deny a black a woman a right to work where she wished based on skin.i have also seen them deny health insurance to employees not based on financial problems but because it was cheaper to not to pay them.
so then why do we need goverments then if we don't need laws?

Christians don't sin? we don't lie , steal and murder, and cheat etc?

how on the earth does one know the SPIRIT that is talking to you if you don't have the word in you to test it?

That is an honest point, but one could ask how can one know the word unless they have the Spirit that wrote it?
So the Word and the Spirit are one, the Spirit testifies to the blood of Christ. Not the flesh of a believer. The Spirit is not teaching us who we are "in the flesh" or before we came to Christ but who we are IN CHRIST.
in Him we have no sin and cannot sin. This is the spirit man.
The old man of flesh is always a sinner, no matter how well he keep a list of rules.
I personally never really understood any part of the Word of God until I received the Holy Spirit. I knew some of the commands and some other rules and such, but I did not know God, for God is known through His Love and that through the Holy Spirit.
This is why Paul said the letter kills but the Spirit gives life.

It is a mystery"for great is the mystery of godliness"

But a man who will not be honest enough to admit he cannot keep the written code of the law, will NEVER see the Kingdom of God. This is why a harlot or a child can see the Kingdom, before a hypocrite.

Also we have VERY CLEAR warnings in the New Testament against sexual sins. For anyone to act as if they are not there is just not honest.

then why do you read genesis? why not just remove the tanach? if its there then it has a purpose.
why then is it that Christian churches are the most untrustworthy employers. imho I have seen or heard them rob men of wages. deny a black a woman a right to work where she wished based on skin.i have also seen them deny health insurance to employees not based on financial problems but because it was cheaper to not to pay them.

I read Genesis to see and know My God and His plan from the beginning, but I read it knowing that Christ Jesus is the Tree of Life. I know that satan deceives man into eating from the tree of Knowledge of good and evil. "the law" I read and I see that Able is righteous because he offered the Lamb by faith, and Cain was rejected because he attempted to offer to God his works in what God had cursed. "the law".

You see Christ is the Word and when one dies to the law and lives in Christ, the Word of God is understood.

As far as those dishonest folks in the "church" I garantee they all preach "thou shalt not steall" of bear false witness, or covet etc.. The strength of sin, is the law, and the law produces sinful desires in these people.

ONLY GRACE OVERCOMES SIN! all else is false doctrine.
I never said that, but then Christ gave commandments then?
what are these and he said if you love me you will do them. Hereby we know we are saved if we follow the commandments of Christ

if grace is all that is then why is it found in the nt then if theres no need for a commanded

the law doesn't produce sin. it shows it! otherwise how can my grandbaby who has no idea of sin, actually take things that she shouldn't and test me and my wife and mother. kick kids and push them to the ground.?
so then why do we need goverments then if we don't need laws?

Christians don't sin? we don't lie , steal and murder, and cheat etc?

how on the earth does one know the SPIRIT that is talking to you if you don't have the word in you to test it?

That is an honest point, but one could ask how can one know the word unless they have the Spirit that wrote it?
So the Word and the Spirit are one, the Spirit testifies to the blood of Christ. Not the flesh of a believer. The Spirit is not teaching us who we are "in the flesh" or before we came to Christ but who we are IN CHRIST.
in Him we have no sin and cannot sin. This is the spirit man.
The old man of flesh is always a sinner, no matter how well he keep a list of rules.
I personally never really understood any part of the Word of God until I received the Holy Spirit. I knew some of the commands and some other rules and such, but I did not know God, for God is known through His Love and that through the Holy Spirit.
This is why Paul said the letter kills but the Spirit gives life.

It is a mystery"for great is the mystery of godliness"

But a man who will not be honest enough to admit he cannot keep the written code of the law, will NEVER see the Kingdom of God. This is why a harlot or a child can see the Kingdom, before a hypocrite.

Also we have VERY CLEAR warnings in the New Testament against sexual sins. For anyone to act as if they are not there is just not honest.

then why do you read genesis? why not just remove the tanach? if its there then it has a purpose.
why then is it that Christian churches are the most untrustworthy employers. imho I have seen or heard them rob men of wages. deny a black a woman a right to work where she wished based on skin.i have also seen them deny health insurance to employees not based on financial problems but because it was cheaper to not to pay them.

Why do make such statements. - then why do you read genesis?

Genesis teaches us the Law of God. Abraham walked in the Spirit and presense of God, and therefore the Law of God, not the Law of Moses. Genesis teaches us the difference.

Genesis also teaches us that Abraham was a Gentile!

Why do you lump together all Christians in the same category with statements like - why then is it that Christian churches are the most untrustworthy employers.

You seem to be very bitter.

no I have a friend who church told members don't read the ot. and they didn't until recently.

that man posts on this forum. I have also seen this from some elsewhere years

why? cause I WORKED AT A CHURCHS. AND WAS robbed of overtime, not just me I also work with others that said the same at different churches.

its more common then we think. ever wonder why the world laughs at the church? its cause we don't love each other.

I have met a black preacher whom was racist.the rcc church on the beach aslo doesn't and wouldn't allow the poor on the mainland to step foot there.

I will gladly volunteer for my church but I wont work for it. I don't they would treat me but from these forums and it should be clear that we Christians are sorrowful in shining the lights.we( im included) spend hours debating and wanting to win to look good in some argument rather then actually learn from the other person. im glad my church doesn't do bible study like this! we would never learn.
might I ask how many forums are you on? I HAVE POSTED in three forums? and I have yet seen any forum not have punish Christians for debating ethics.

would you really talk to many here the same? I have. I decided then I wouldn't ever use that tone with that person again. and I wouldn't debate that person again on end times.i saw him last year and I didn't.

not issues. its sad that churches are run like business. the first time I thought it was me. but when I heard others say it. then I said ok its not me. all of these still go to church. none have left the faith but they do know that church is quite political.
I never said that, but then Christ gave commandments then?
what are these and he said if you love me you will do them. Hereby we know we are saved if we follow the commandments of Christ

if grace is all that is then why is it found in the nt then if theres no need for a commanded

the law doesn't produce sin. it shows it! otherwise how can my grandbaby who has no idea of sin, actually take things that she shouldn't and test me and my wife and mother. kick kids and push them to the ground.?

First The commandment of Christ is to love as He loves.
You cant just take one scripture and ignore the rest as you please! You cannot learn the truth that way.

When considering the law and its purpose, one MUST consider all that is written and judge all by Pauls epistles.

For the Holy Spirit has made it VERY CLEAR that all doctrine is judged by Pauls gospel.

And it is very clear that the law does indeed produce sinful desires and is the strength of sin. Rom 7:8

So if your doctrine does not match Pauls gospel? it is wrong!

As far as the law, when one understands they are "justified freely by the grace of God" and the law cannot judge them because they are justified IN CHRIST. they can understand the lawful use and purpose of the law.

But as long as one is under the law, they are a slave to sin and are cursed by the law.

What do you think this scripture means?

now I give you a chance to be honest in the Word of God, I am willing to help you understand. But if you continue to ignore clear and evident scripture, I will just ignore your post.

I seen that you ask an honest question, I hope you are seeking to know the truth? It is hard to understand, thus Paul says one MUST BECOME AS A FOOL, TO BE MADE WISE.
that means the natural mind cannot understand the gospel.
It takes faith and trust in Christ alone.
That's fine; The quote mechanisms on the forum are a little flaky. I make allowances.... :)

Yes, I agree to your premise; for we *are* a priesthood; so I have to admit the one point,
But I am going to ask for a small correction, assuming work=sacrifice, eg: sacrifice and not sacrificeS.

I am not referring to the plurality of people, or times we sacrifice/offer/praise God, but a distinction made rather consistently in the early Greek manuscripts from Paul (Esp: Tishendorf) which copyists, especially from the Alexandrian school , and some from the Latin (Catholic) schools, did not meticulously duplicate; for they thought one sacrifice (work) or many were equivalent statements. But the *earlier* codexes are very consistent that when a work is a good one, or for Christ, it is spoken of in the singular. When it is a faithless one, or worthless one, it is either in the plural -- or in the collective/neuter.
Would "qorbanot" be a better word then? This is not a hair or argument I would like to split.
As an example of scripture variances .... take a look at this page:

As you scan down the Greek words, you'll notice that the word "if" is preceeded by a "{" ; the reason is that most biblical scholars agree the part in {} is not the original biblical text, but is an insertion a copyist added to the text to explain the previous sentence.
(He was being clever.... a bit too clever....)
Now this is interesting. I don't read or understand Greek, but I know translators insert or put their biases into the text. Example: John 1:17 For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.
Many, many translations insert "but" after the semi-colon, thus changing or putting their bias into that text. Just like the word "telos" I pointed out earlier.
In the first place, God was not pleased with the sacrifices of Caiphas -- and if God wanted to divorce anyone -- it would be the *man* Caiphas. The word you call "annulled" I equate with "divorce" or "porn".
In the second place, the temple was prophesied by Jesus to be destroyed; and it was in 70A.D.
The law commands the sacrifice only be offered in the Jerusalem temple, does it not?
Yes it does. I wouldn't recommend lighting up a turtle dove on your BBQ except to eat. Or are doves kosher?

Or why weren't they admonished for continuing to offer sacrifices if the Law had passed at the cross as some argue?
I don't argue that the law passed in it's entirety; Just that the portion given at Sainai is not necessary for Christians. ( Hebrews 8:4-5 )
Hence, it *IS* necessary for those who entered the Mosaic covenant; and even (the person who's post follows this one) agreed to the possibility of the "Jews" still having the law (separate from us Christians.)
This is where I have to disagree. What of the Law of Moses, or Torah, or God's laws as they are one in the same is instructions such as the temple laws do not apply to us. Other ones relating to the courts, kings and war laws as well.

Numbers 15:15 As for the assembly, there shall be one statute for you and for the alien who sojourns with you, a perpetual statute throughout your generations; as you are, so shall the alien be before the Lord.

Numbers 15:23 even all that the Lord has commanded you through Moses, from the day when the Lord gave commandment and onward throughout your generations,

God has entered into Covenant with Israel. Throughout the generations, Israel's disobedience, individually and on a national level, God always, always, always said repent and return back to my Torah. Over and over it is like a broken record the OT is. Finally God had enough, and said he will make a New Covenant with Israel. This is the New Covenant everyone always says they are now under. But does this abolish the Sinai Covenant? If this was the case, this is what God would be saying?

"Now Israel, for hundreds and hundreds of years you have continued to disobey me, only to have short periods of obedience and blessings. Every single time I warned you and sent prophets, 100% of the time I always called my people to repent and turn back to the way of Torah. I've been rethinking some things as you couldn't obey me. So being a good, loving father that I am, I will take many, many commandments away, and will even change my special days as you couldn't keep them anyways, so why continue? This is what this loving parent will do, because you won't change, I will. None of this will be in the marriage contract however. you will have to wait for a man by the name of Sha'ul to properly explain things in what will be explained in the most confusing and misinterpreted scriptures of all time. And disregard the comment he will make about imitating him, as he was a Pharisee, as he was imitating the Messiah, who was a Rabbi. So good luck, and I'm sorry I used the word forever, perpetual, eternal, 1000 generations, etc. Oh, before I forget, everything I told you to do before, is now cursed. Have a great day!!!
In Hebrews 8 Hb 8:7 For if that first [covenant] had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. Hb 8:13 In that he saith, A new [covenant], he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.
A (very small) gotcha, , When two Greek nouns appear side by side with the same ending, one of them is a modifier/adjective of the other.
The word covenant is not stand alone in the previous sentence; so the bracket could be made more precise as [convenant mediator]. :) But covenant works....

OK. So I'm following the argument...
What I'm saying is the word "covenant" is not in the manuscripts. It is leading the reader to a faulty understanding it was a covenant that was fading away. It was the earthly Levitical system that was.
So what was the whole point leading up to these passages. It was a system operated by Levitical Priests with their human flaws, and now being operated by the Melchizedezek High Priest. A priesthood is still required, just the provisions have been transferred ti Jesus.
Sure, but you've missed my question; Where in the Old Testament are we allowed to change the Law so that the *statutes* about the high priest coming from Aaron ( not just Levi, but Aaron within Levi ) could now become Judah?
A "Cohen" is a Levite, but not an "Aaron"ite. A "Juda"ite, is neither a Levite, nor a Aaronite.
(Although.... Mary was *cousin* to Elizabeth; but that's for another post...)
Psalm 110:4 The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind, “You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek.â€
We are talking about the heavenly temple, not the earthly temple. Only Jesus could be our High Priest.
even better by changing the commandments, or as some say, by abolishing them? Or perhaps did He improve the covenant by simply removing the imperfect human element from the priestly system and insert Jesus as the new perfect High Priest thus leaving all of God’s perfect law completely intact?[/quote]I don't even know how to approach that; For, the law is a mixture -- and therefore, meditating on the perfections of the law, assuredly does not mean meditating on the portions which are concessions? Or if it is a "perfection", than it's a perfect law for a "sinner" and not a just person? For, in any marriage that fails -- is it not going to be wondered, "who's fault was it", that they could not stay together? (I don't believe in no fault divorce.)

There's more in your post to respond to.... but I need to take a break. You make some good points....[/QUOTE]
The problem stated simply is that imperfect man is operating in an imperfect tabernacle, the offering of imperfect sacrifices was corrected by Jesus Christ as a perfect High Priest, as a perfect sacrifice, now in the perfect Heavenly tabernacle.

***sigh*** What a brutal first attempt to quote. Sorry.
I do not believe this of course, but am only using the argument and logic presented to highlight this way of thinking doesn't make sense
I don't know what others are saying, but I am certainly not using that logic. The Law has been replaced by the Holy Spirit. So I can coherently assert that its wrong to do all sorts of things that happen to not be set as "New Testament" law.
Has it really though? What was the promise of the New Covenant? The sending of the Helper.

Ezekiel 36:27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.

Can you find anywhere in the New Covenant an abolition of the Laws. The problem was never the laws, it was the people. So change the people, why change the laws when it was already deemed to be perpetual, eternal and perfect?

So you will assert me and my family observing Passover, which ended today, is wrong? Is that what you mean? Or do you mean something else?

The Law of The Lord is perfect and existed before the Law of Moses. You keep mixing these two together.

Abraham walked in the Law of the Lord which is founded upon walking with Him, hearing and obeying His Voice. Genesis 26:5

That is the walk of faith. Faith comes by hearing the Voice of God. Walking with God and learning from Him "what is Good and what is evil" was established from the beginning.

Trying to know good from evil by learning from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is learning from Scripture without relationship with God.

The Pharisees ans Sadducees who murdered Christ, which it doesn't get anymore antichrist than that, learned all the good from evil from the tree of knowledge, and ended up crucifying The Messiah whom they were waiting for.

The Law was added because of transgressions...

What was transgressed? The law of the Lord.

The Law of Moses which includes the Levitical priesthood and sacrifices and ordinances and feasts and sabbaths... was taken away. Hebrews 10:9

Does that mean there is no Law of the Lord? NO!

. 31 "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah-- 32 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the Lord. 33 But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 34 No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."

not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt...

The law of Mose made no provision for,
their sin I will remember no more.

By saying -
My covenant which they broke, -

The Holy Spirit is indicating that God remembered their sin.

The Law of Moses was temporary.

The Law of God is Eternal.

The Law of The Lord, Law of Moses, Moses seat, Torah, are all the same. shall be a statute forever to their generations.... (Exodus 27:21) shall be a statute forever to him and his seed after him. (Exodus 28:43) ...a statute forever... (Exodus 29:28) shall be a statute forever to them, to him and to his se throughout their generations. (Exodus 30:21) It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever. (Exodus 31:17) There is no shortage of passages in the Torah which specify that the Torah will not be abolished but will be for all generations forever. Leviticus 6:18, 22; 7:34, 36; 10:9, 15; 17:7; 23:14, 21, 41; 24:3; Numbers 10:8; 15:15; 18:8, 11, 19, 23; 19:10 and Deuteronomy 5:29

Moreover the Psalmist writes:

Psalm 119:160 Your word is truth from the beginning: and every one of your righteous judgments endures forever.

Furthermore the Torah is not to be changed or taken away from: You shall not add to the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish a thing from it, that you may keep the commandments of YHWH your God which I command you. (Deut 4:2) Whatever thing I command you, observe to do it: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it. (Deut. 12:32)
Has it really though? What was the promise of the New Covenant? The sending of the Helper.

Ezekiel 36:27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.

Can you find anywhere in the New Covenant an abolition of the Laws. The problem was never the laws, it was the people. So change the people, why change the laws when it was already deemed to be perpetual, eternal and perfect?

So you will assert me and my family observing Passover, which ended today, is wrong? Is that what you mean? Or do you mean something else?

The Law of The Lord is perfect and existed before the Law of Moses. You keep mixing these two together.

Abraham walked in the Law of the Lord which is founded upon walking with Him, hearing and obeying His Voice. Genesis 26:5

That is the walk of faith. Faith comes by hearing the Voice of God. Walking with God and learning from Him "what is Good and what is evil" was established from the beginning.

Trying to know good from evil by learning from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is learning from Scripture without relationship with God.

The Pharisees ans Sadducees who murdered Christ, which it doesn't get anymore antichrist than that, learned all the good from evil from the tree of knowledge, and ended up crucifying The Messiah whom they were waiting for.

The Law was added because of transgressions...

What was transgressed? The law of the Lord.

The Law of Moses which includes the Levitical priesthood and sacrifices and ordinances and feasts and sabbaths... was taken away. Hebrews 10:9

Does that mean there is no Law of the Lord? NO!

. 31 "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah-- 32 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the Lord. 33 But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 34 No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."

not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt...

The law of Mose made no provision for,
their sin I will remember no more.

By saying -
My covenant which they broke, -

The Holy Spirit is indicating that God remembered their sin.

The Law of Moses was temporary.

The Law of God is Eternal.

The Law of The Lord, Law of Moses, Moses seat, Torah, are all the same. shall be a statute forever to their generations.... (Exodus 27:21) shall be a statute forever to him and his seed after him. (Exodus 28:43) ...a statute forever... (Exodus 29:28) shall be a statute forever to them, to him and to his se throughout their generations. (Exodus 30:21) It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever. (Exodus 31:17) There is no shortage of passages in the Torah which specify that the Torah will not be abolished but will be for all generations forever. Leviticus 6:18, 22; 7:34, 36; 10:9, 15; 17:7; 23:14, 21, 41; 24:3; Numbers 10:8; 15:15; 18:8, 11, 19, 23; 19:10 and Deuteronomy 5:29

Moreover the Psalmist writes:

Psalm 119:160 Your word is truth from the beginning: and every one of your righteous judgments endures forever.

Furthermore the Torah is not to be changed or taken away from: You shall not add to the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish a thing from it, that you may keep the commandments of YHWH your God which I command you. (Deut 4:2) Whatever thing I command you, observe to do it: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it. (Deut. 12:32)

Of course the Old Testament law, upholds the OLD testament law!
Then God was manifest in the flesh. The righteousness of God has been revealed from heaven. Any man who rejects Gods righteousness and goes about to establish their own, by the law, has rejected salvation. FOR ANYMAN OR EVEN AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN PREACHES ANY OTHER GOSPEL LET THEM BE ACCURSED.
To break a quote -- it requires a close quote first [ / q u o t e ] and an open quote second [ q u o t e ], your messages go between.

If you have a mismatched set of tags, when you use the preview button -- the tag will show up as normal text, helping you identify where it's mismatched.

Here's how I would make a quote.
Every [ q u o t e ] tag must have a [ / q u o t e ] tag.
eg: Every
tag must have a


Would "qorbanot" be a better word then? This is not a hair or argument I would like to split.

I'm not sure what you mean by "split" ? The meaning or reason that Paul does this (and not other authors) is perhaps not entirely clear; but it's something you might remember for future reference. For, it often happens that meditating/praying and reading scripture, that knowing these kinds of things will unlock meaning when you are ready for it -- but not before.

Your idea of quorbanot might be better in the sense of "drawing close"; but I think quorbanot is about "giving" up something? so quorbanot is destructive?

Jesus is comparing a range of activities (whatever the Jews consider workS), with something that Jesus defines as a single work.

In John 6:28, the reference is to the bread and wine of the last supper, and after it is blessed and broken -- it is to be eaten.
(not destroyed).

The same, I think?, is true of O.T. wave offerings, (Raise the grain in the air, wave it, then bring it back down and eat it later...)
The tithe is about sharing something good you have with the priest for their upkeep, etc. etc. etc.

But let me try an analogy, to make my though clearer:

I'm talking only about Paul contrasting work and works ; so let's examine what "work" is.
A work is *anything* you do, with a purpose/result for yourself or another; ( hopefully that's simple enough ? )

eg: If I "give" you a Mazarati, worth $100,000 -- on the condition that you come get the title from me, take it to the DMV, wait in line, pay the fee to transfer it into your name... and then it's yours; You did a work (transferring the title); although your work *in no way* paid for the car. So this is a charis (gift), which I would expect you to "thank" me for -- ( and as a free gift, I would expect maybe a thank you note... and to leave my daughter alone. ;))

Therefore, in the example, you couldn't "Brag" that you earned the car ... but you did do a work for it, or else you would be denied the car by the DMV, etc.

Just so, in John 6:28 -- Jesus equates "faith" to a singular "work"; not one of earning, but believing -- which still entails "if you love me, keep my commandments."; and "belief" to mean is also illustrated this way: If I say "I believe in you, Ryan" -- I am saying that I am on your side, I support you. (and I would probably do many things to help you.)
By contrast: In the passage in John, it's clear that lack of belief -- is to contradict Jesus; eg: not support him.

All I'm saying is that:
Paul, in the older manuscripts, maintains the distinction that a "faithful" work is a singular one;

And, my gut instinct is that he's talking about work being a unity with God.
John 6:56 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. ( Two become one, a unity, a communion )

John 17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.

When speaking to those who do not believe, Jesus switches to the plural:
John 10:38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him. (Move from plural to "one" unity/communion)

Paul simply follows this paradigm very strictly in the earliest manuscripts we have; but copyists didn't maintain it uniformly.
A few examples of where translators did maintain it, is 1Corinthians 3:13-15, and 1Corinthians 15:58, and 2Corinthians 9:8.

I've been repeating a theme through the thread on what "charis" means; so I'll illustrate it here, too. (drawing close to God)
In Romans 11:6 , the exact wording in Greek is "grace no longer begets/becomes grace"; eg: "gift no longer begets thanks"

Also, John 6: Note:
Eu-charist means to "thank well" and "good gift"; so it's very much like the wave offering, like I was trying to say. The idea is to raise it up in recognition of the one who gave it to you (thanks) and the thing itself is the gift from God....

If this is still a hair split, then we can let it drop.
More later.... Good night for now. :)
Has it really though? What was the promise of the New Covenant? The sending of the Helper.

Ezekiel 36:27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.

Can you find anywhere in the New Covenant an abolition of the Laws. The problem was never the laws, it was the people. So change the people, why change the laws when it was already deemed to be perpetual, eternal and perfect?

So you will assert me and my family observing Passover, which ended today, is wrong? Is that what you mean? Or do you mean something else?

The Law of The Lord is perfect and existed before the Law of Moses. You keep mixing these two together.

Abraham walked in the Law of the Lord which is founded upon walking with Him, hearing and obeying His Voice. Genesis 26:5

That is the walk of faith. Faith comes by hearing the Voice of God. Walking with God and learning from Him "what is Good and what is evil" was established from the beginning.

Trying to know good from evil by learning from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is learning from Scripture without relationship with God.

The Pharisees ans Sadducees who murdered Christ, which it doesn't get anymore antichrist than that, learned all the good from evil from the tree of knowledge, and ended up crucifying The Messiah whom they were waiting for.

The Law was added because of transgressions...

What was transgressed? The law of the Lord.

The Law of Moses which includes the Levitical priesthood and sacrifices and ordinances and feasts and sabbaths... was taken away. Hebrews 10:9

Does that mean there is no Law of the Lord? NO!

. 31 "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah-- 32 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the Lord. 33 But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 34 No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."

not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt...

The law of Mose made no provision for,
their sin I will remember no more.

By saying -
My covenant which they broke, -

The Holy Spirit is indicating that God remembered their sin.

The Law of Moses was temporary.

The Law of God is Eternal.

The Law of The Lord, Law of Moses, Moses seat, Torah, are all the same. shall be a statute forever to their generations.... (Exodus 27:21) shall be a statute forever to him and his seed after him. (Exodus 28:43) ...a statute forever... (Exodus 29:28) shall be a statute forever to them, to him and to his se throughout their generations. (Exodus 30:21) It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever. (Exodus 31:17) There is no shortage of passages in the Torah which specify that the Torah will not be abolished but will be for all generations forever. Leviticus 6:18, 22; 7:34, 36; 10:9, 15; 17:7; 23:14, 21, 41; 24:3; Numbers 10:8; 15:15; 18:8, 11, 19, 23; 19:10 and Deuteronomy 5:29

Moreover the Psalmist writes:

Psalm 119:160 Your word is truth from the beginning: and every one of your righteous judgments endures forever.

Furthermore the Torah is not to be changed or taken away from: You shall not add to the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish a thing from it, that you may keep the commandments of YHWH your God which I command you. (Deut 4:2) Whatever thing I command you, observe to do it: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it. (Deut. 12:32)

9 then He said, "Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God." He takes away the first that He may establish the second. Hebrews 10:9

  • This statement was written to Hebrew folk, not Gentiles.

12 For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law. Hebrews 7:12

  • This statement was written to Hebrew folk, not Gentiles.

In that He says, "A new covenant," He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. Hebrews 8:13

  • This statement was written to Hebrew folk, not Gentiles.

And this I say, that the law, which was four hundred and thirty years later, cannot annul the covenant that was confirmed before by God in Christ, that it should make the promise of no effect. What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was appointed through angels by the hand of a mediator.

I am the way, the Truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except by Me.

Where is that statement in the Law of Moses.

Jesus could not contradict his Father, or go against his will. Deuteronomy 4:2 You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.
This text only indicates that human beings are not to "amend" the Law. However, as God-in-the-flesh, Jesus indeed has the right to put an end to the Law. And He clearly does so, not least when he over-rules the kosher purity laws when He declares all food to be clean.

The scripture is an evolving narrative, not a set of timeless truths.
Ryan said: shall be a statute forever to their generations.... (Exodus 27:21) shall be a statute forever to him and his seed after him. (Exodus 28:43) ...a statute forever... (Exodus 29:28) shall be a statute forever to them, to him and to his se throughout their generations. (Exodus 30:21) It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever. (Exodus 31:17) There is no shortage of passages in the Torah which specify that the Torah will not be abolished but will be for all generations forever.
I will bet that when we look at the original Hebrew, we will find that the word translated as "forever" really means "for an age", and that the translators have taken liberties.

While the following argument is not made in relation to the texts you have cited, it demonstrates that we need to be careful when we read the word "forever", or its cognates, in the Scriptures:

The following text from Genesis 17 is often used to argue that God promised the land of Canaan to the Jews forever:

I will give the whole land of Canaan – the land where you are now residing – to you and your descendants after you as a permanent possession. I will be their God.â€

The Hebrew word that is translated as “permanent†is the word “owlamâ€. Note how the definition of this word is fluid – embracing the eternality that would support the common reading of this text (that Canaan has been promised to the Jews forever), but also allowing for a reading that does not denote eternality:

Definition (from Net Bible): 1) long duration, antiquity, futurity, for ever, ever, everlasting,
evermore, perpetual, old, ancient, world

And here we have an example from Isaiah 42 of this same word used in a context where eternality is certainly not intended:

The LORD emerges like a hero,
like a warrior he inspires himself for battle;
he shouts, yes, he yells,
he shows his enemies his power.
I have been inactive for a long time;
I kept quiet and held back.
Like a woman in labor I groan;
I pant and gasp.
I will make the trees on the mountains and hills wither up;
I will dry up all their vegetation.
I will turn streams into islands,
and dry up pools of water.

Clearly God is talking about talking action after a long period of “inactivityâ€. So here, the word “owlam†does not denote an everlasting period of time – it denotes a limited duration of time.

So one cannot simply assume that Genesis 17:8 entails a promise of Canaan to the Israelites forever. That is one reading that needs to be considered, but there are others as well.
Consider the healings of those who, by nature of their malady, were considered “unclean†and thereby excluded from membership in the covenant family, at least temporarily. Healings of lepers and the woman with the menstrual problem are pointed examples.

Such healings are often understood to constitute “evidence†of Jesus’ supernatural powers. They mean a lot more than this. By healing such people, Jesus sends a powerful symbolic message – the old markers for membership in the true people of God are being done away with. Those who were on the outside are now on the inside. And the parable of wedding feast demonstrates that the reverse is also the case – Jews can find themselves outside the true family of God.

Both Jesus and Paul, each in their own way, re-draw the boundary markers that demarcate the true people of God.

And this amounts to abolishing at least large chunks of the Law of Moses. It is this law that marks certain people out as unclean and sets them outside the people of God (at least temporarily). So when Jesus renders them clean, He effectively bypasses the Temple route for purification.

I am not sure how this can be interpreted as anything other than a setting aside of the Law of Moses (or at least a large part of it).
Jesus could not contradict his Father, or go against his will. Deuteronomy 4:2 You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.
This text only indicates that human beings are not to "amend" the Law. However, as God-in-the-flesh, Jesus indeed has the right to put an end to the Law. And He clearly does so, not least when he over-rules the kosher purity laws when He declares all food to be clean.

The scripture is an evolving narrative, not a set of timeless truths.
Drew I look at your number of posts written and wonder a few things. How many times have you said the same thing over and over? What do you think it is you've said over the most? Do you say it better now then before? What is the most important topic needed to be discussed in your opinion? After so much back and forth, what is the one thing or few things that have been strengthened unto condfidence in your faith?
Consider the healings of those who, by nature of their malady, were considered “unclean†and thereby excluded from membership in the covenant family, at least temporarily. Healings of lepers and the woman with the menstrual problem are pointed examples.

Such healings are often understood to constitute “evidence†of Jesus’ supernatural powers. They mean a lot more than this. By healing such people, Jesus sends a powerful symbolic message – the old markers for membership in the true people of God are being done away with. Those who were on the outside are now on the inside. And the parable of wedding feast demonstrates that the reverse is also the case – Jews can find themselves outside the true family of God.

Both Jesus and Paul, each in their own way, re-draw the boundary markers that demarcate the true people of God.

And this amounts to abolishing at least large chunks of the Law of Moses. It is this law that marks certain people out as unclean and sets them outside the people of God (at least temporarily). So when Jesus renders them clean, He effectively bypasses the Temple route for purification.

I am not sure how this can be interpreted as anything other than a setting aside of the Law of Moses (or at least a large part of it).


The clarity of Truth in your post is irrefutable.

The phrase sets them outside the people of God (at least temporarily), is crystal clear.

Taken together with the statement from Paul [or writer of Hebrews] that says - God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us,weaves together the fabric of the righteous intent of the Lord when He said to Abraham -

As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations.

Which finds its fulfillment in such phrases as -

that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Galatians 3:14

and again -

What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; Galatians 3:19

By saying added, The Holy Spirit is indicating The Law of Moses was a part of something Greater and Everlasting.

Consider the healings of those who, by nature of their malady, were considered “unclean” and thereby excluded from membership in the covenant family, at least temporarily. Healings of lepers and the woman with the menstrual problem are pointed examples.

Such healings are often understood to constitute “evidence” of Jesus’ supernatural powers. They mean a lot more than this. By healing such people, Jesus sends a powerful symbolic message – the old markers for membership in the true people of God are being done away with. Those who were on the outside are now on the inside. And the parable of wedding feast demonstrates that the reverse is also the case – Jews can find themselves outside the true family of God.

Both Jesus and Paul, each in their own way, re-draw the boundary markers that demarcate the true people of God.

And this amounts to abolishing at least large chunks of the Law of Moses. It is this law that marks certain people out as unclean and sets them outside the people of God (at least temporarily). So when Jesus renders them clean, He effectively bypasses the Temple route for purification.

I am not sure how this can be interpreted as anything other than a setting aside of the Law of Moses (or at least a large part of it).


The clarity of Truth in your post is irrefutable.

The phrase sets them outside the people of God (at least temporarily), is crystal clear.

Taken together with the statement from Paul [or writer of Hebrews] that says - God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us,weaves together the fabric of the righteous intent of the Lord when He said to Abraham -

As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations.

Which finds its fulfillment in such phrases as -

that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Galatians 3:14

and again -

What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; Galatians 3:19

By saying added, The Holy Spirit is indicating The Law of Moses was a part of something Greater and Everlasting.


Yes, Drew is a pretty sharp guy.. ;)