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Who is the "generation of the figtree?"


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A common malady. Strange to have believers trying to eradicate The Word of God isn't it? I've seen the restrictions in many forms.

Yup it sure is and good grief some folks dont believe Jesus knows the the difference between 'this' and 'that'

Sadly amazing aint it?
as a far as i can tell the members hitch and reba arent saying all of revalation is fulfilled. christ hasnt returned yet. there position is this that most of revalation is fullfiled with the judgments of ad 70. that is debatable but its a far cry from hyper-preterism.
Some folks just resort to name calling, and showing a very ugly side. It is a shame a real discussion can not be had because of childish behavior.

I am still surprised the behavior is allowed.
The right one! :clap

Joking aside..


I truly don't fit totally into any 'camp' 'box' etc. I do believe a good part of The Revelation was revealed in 70 ad. I do believe He will return.... pretty much i accept the Scripture at 'simple' face value. I believe when Jesus said 'this' generation He meant it. I dont believe the Scriptures are written to confuse. We do that!

The first rapture chart i saw was about 1956 i have learned over the years they aint on the mark... miracle healing sure He is the same yesterday and day...but that stuff is for another thread...
The right one! :clap

Joking aside..


I truly don't fit totally into any 'camp' 'box' etc. I do believe a good part of The Revelation was revealed in 70 ad. I do believe He will return.... pretty much i accept the Scripture at 'simple' face value. I believe when Jesus said 'this' generation He meant it. I dont believe the Scriptures are written to confuse. We do that!

The first rapture chart i saw was about 1956 i have learned over the years they aint on the mark... miracle healing sure He is the same yesterday and day...but that stuff is for another thread...

Fair enuf.

Obviously the constructs of these various matters are meant to bring confusions and even heresies.

and none have even touched the dual or multiple fulfillment of prophecy paradigms yet herein...

I do have certain views, the essence of which is that the 'man of sin' will eventually be funneled down and destroyed by God. That man is Satan, and not a man as we may envision.

As in the days of Noah (evil world inhabitants were destroyed)

As in the days of Lot (evil city inhabitants were destroyed)

As in 70 a.d. (evil captors of the then existing temple were destroyed, but only their FLESH palaces were destroyed)

and the focus continues to the foretell of 2 Thess. 2.

unto the summation of

Revelation 20:10
And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone

No serious student of prophecy will say that none of the events surrounding 'that or this' generation have not yet been fulfilled at least partially, so I do tip a very small hat to some preterist views, but only in partiality.

That or this generation is, to me, the generation of evil messengers or evil angels who have not yet passed away.

The same 'children of the devil' who sat in the bodies and minds Pharisees of Jesus' Days and who captured that Temple with LIES, remain standing in many pulpits today, only in different bodies.


Obviously the constructs of these various matters are meant to bring confusions and even heresies.

I would disagree they are to bring understanding.

As in 70 a.d. (evil captors of the then existing temple were destroyed, but only their FLESH palaces were destroyed)

I dont 'get' this one at all
I would disagree they are to bring understanding.


God is not The Author of confusion to 'some' and 'is' The Author of confusion to others...this is His Way throughout the text:

Matthew 13:14
And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

To some it is given. To some it is not.

I dont 'get' this one at all

There have been many generations of mankind

There is only 1 generation of devils

'They' in the later category have not yet passed away...but their 'time, singular tense' is coming to an end. 'They' are currently and have always been overlapped in the flesh of mankind. That is 'where' devils currently sit, mankinds bodies are 'their' temples where 'they' have sat, from the beginning of mankind, starting with Adam.

Daniel's depiction of Time/Times and the halving of Time is quite accurate.

There is a TIME of devils that started with Adam and is still running.

There are TIMES of mankind in each successive generation. Mankinds generations are 'plural'

And, in the finality, there will be 'a dividing' of these effectually 'halving' them or 'separating' them ala Matt. 25.

Catch it if you're allowed to.

The insistence that 70AD was the supposed date of the destruction of the devil and his messengers is located exactly nowhere in text. Sorry. That is by wildly speculative insertion.

uh this:

Colossians 2:15
And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

This speaks zero to their forthcoming destruction which has not yet transpired.

Until Jesus showed ~where~ Satan and devils ~sat~ 'in man' Prior, no man knew this location.

No man makes Satan 'responsible' or makes Satan 'change' or 'repent.'

Sin remains of the devil to this day. Except in your world ~because~ you are forced to count sins against 'only man.' You have none else to view.

Satan's end game has already been played out in yer head.

Hard to separate power from influence. If you attribute the power of influence, then the linkage remains to Satan and he remains active regardless of his supposed destruction in the LOF.

Revelation 13:7
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

I do not deny that God was The Grantor of that power.

I know a dialog with Satan or devils when I have one. It revolves largely around your exact determinations. And that is no joke.

Satan is the accuser of mankind. That working is quite active, particularly in believers and in contradiction to 2 Cor. 5:19.



The only thing that is coherent in your post is the last sentence where you think satan is still the accuser of the brethren!

Go study some more. Satan was kicked out of heaven for the last time.
His "short time" on earth was for the great tribulation.

All the events in Revelation either were or were to take place shortly in both Rev.1 & Rev 22. That means satan in the lake of fire. Too bad he is still active for you. I definitely reject that kind of religious dogma.

My air is clear. The Son set me free. You should pray for deliverance bc God is willing to set you free.
You should be singing to satan,PLEASE RELEASE ME LET ME GO, for crying out loud, the satan you claim is bound is working you like a puppet with him on the strings. Your doctrine you preach literally destroys the message that Jesus came to give to the world...AND YOU THINK YOU ARE HELPING THE CAUSE OF CHRIST....that is called deception!

I think it is you who missed Christ's message. He came that He might destroy the works of the devil.
According to you, he failed.

I didn't claim satan was even "bound." That's over too (Rev.20)- we (they) received the gospel. Satan was not able to deceive the 1st Christians from receiving the gospel.

He's in the lake of Fire being tormented every time he raises his ugly head .

And it's ppl like you who don't want to see God's accomplished work!

You need to get the plank out, brother & repent!
calling him unsaved for not agreeing to your doctrine??:nono2

wow. i dont agree with smaller on a great deal of things but i cant say that yet as he hasnt said he dont believe in christ openly.

satan still has some influence otherwise peter after the cross couldnt have said this
be sober and be viligant for your advisery the devil is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. why would he say that if the cross totaled did satan in?
The only thing that is coherent in your post is the last sentence where you think satan is still the accuser of the brethren!

Oh, you mean Satan has been doing that from the Lake of Fire since 70AD?
Go study some more. Satan was kicked out of heaven for the last time.
His "short time" on earth was for the great tribulation.

Oh, that happened too? Thanks for lettin' me know.

All the events in Revelation either were or were to take place shortly in both Rev.1 & Rev 22. That means satan in the lake of fire. Too bad he is still active for you. I definitely reject that kind of religious dogma.

And I'm sure you are presently living here, right?

23And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.
24And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.
25And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.
26And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it.
27And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

My air is clear. The Son set me free. You should pray for deliverance bc God is willing to set you free.

Sorry, not into lying:

1 John 1:
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

8He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

Seeing even you say that sin still exits and supposedly the devil initiates same from the lake of fire (where you came up with that one, wow!) it might appear that what you claim is kinda, well, lame to be polite.

calling him unsaved for not agreeing to your doctrine??:nono2

wow. i dont agree with smaller on a great deal of things but i cant say that yet as he hasnt said he dont believe in christ openly.

satan still has some influence otherwise peter after the cross couldnt have said this
be sober and be viligant for your advisery the devil is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. why would he say that if the cross totaled did satan in?
Have you read Sam21 posts?
I think it is you who missed Christ's message. He came that He might destroy the works of the devil.
According to you, he failed.

I didn't claim satan was even "bound." That's over too (Rev.20)- we (they) received the gospel. Satan was not able to deceive the 1st Christians from receiving the gospel.

He's in the lake of Fire being tormented every time he raises his ugly head .

And it's ppl like you who don't want to see God's accomplished work!

You need to get the plank out, brother & repent!
Hi LH: Part of the problem is that I do not recognize WHAT YOU BELIEVE much of the time. If you believe satan is presently in the lake of fire then it would seem that you believe that just about all of Rev has occured. You know, a belief is only as credible as the evidence to support that belief,so what evidence do you present that all of Rev has occured?
Have you read Sam21 posts?
A spirit that would led a person to teach that Jesus is not going to return and gather the believers and defeat the antichrist and bind the devil,has to be another spirit and not the Holy Spirit. Paul in the NT taught a lot about false brethern,what better way to lead the sheep astray than to appear as a sheep. We should never assume that everyone that claims to be a christian is a christian,we are to discern the spirits,I find that the salvation experience is a good way to expose a wolf in sheep clothing. A real christian should be able to tell you how they were saved.
sigh. reba and others dont espouse the idea that christ came again. they have made that clear. hitch and reba are partial preterists.

that view was common in the church from what i gather till about the late 19th century. i dont agree with that but most reformers are that way.
A spirit that would led a person to teach that Jesus is not going to return and gather the believers and defeat the antichrist and bind the devil,has to be another spirit and not the Holy Spirit. Paul in the NT taught a lot about false brethern,what better way to lead the sheep astray than to appear as a sheep. We should never assume that everyone that claims to be a christian is a christian,we are to discern the spirits,I find that the salvation experience is a good way to expose a wolf in sheep clothing. A real christian should be able to tell you how they were saved.
Originally Posted by Sam21
In the case of people such as yourself,no, I do not believe that God is able to communicate with you. The second return of Christ is the most dynamic event in the history of the world according to the bible,yet you chose to believe that it came and went without secular or religious history even recording it...totally absurd.
Quote me saying that Sam


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