I dont think for a moment they can explain how anything actually happened or who or what God is. But nether do I think they are reaching for straws. There are very intelligent men and women that have come around from the days of promoting the dogma of universe eternal to finding evidence that confirms what was written by some desert sheep herders 4000 years ago that the universe actually had a beginning (Genesis 1:1). Their investigations and theories of reality are leading some to think the universe may be akin to a great thought or information than anything else. I just find it interesting when I compare those scientists ideas with those ideas written several thousand years ago Psalms 33:6,9: By the word of Yehovah were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth... For he spoke, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.
Proverbs 3:9 Yehovah by wisdom has founded the earth; by understanding has he established the heavens.
It's not that I disagree with the conclusions. I know God created the heavens and the earth. I know it because I trust God. But that said, I heard some time ago how the church adopted the astronomical view that the sun and stars orbit the Earth. The great intellectuals at the time (maybe they were scientists, maybe science as we know it wasn't around then) devised a well thought out and complicated explaination of the movements in the heavens. Having several levels of heaven that the stars and planets moved in. One layer explained the majority of the stars, a few more explained the movements of planets that didn't follow the same paths.
It was a well thought out theory but by the time it was found out to be wrong by Galileo, it had become adopted as part of Christian belief. Any other explaination was a heresy. With how many explanations out there competing for why the Quantum mechanic observations occur, I don't trust enough to say one thing was part of how the universe was made, only to later be corrected as the theory changes to account new data.
That's just me though. If this kind of reasoning works well in your testimony to atheists, that's great. Good luck to ya.