First, I must say the add has no profound effect on me at first glance. This impart is probably due to the fact that I am aware it is a banner add and also because I have to some degree been desensitized to such things. My desensitization came about by the various movies, TV, and video games I have been exposed to over the years. Of course it is my personal opinion that a large reason the add does not bother me is because I realize that it is merely an image on a computer screen.
In any event, after the initial glance at the image and some thought about it I have come to the conclusion that such banners are a little ridiculous. I realize that for some individuals shock and awe, or fire and brimstone, may be effective (and the very thing needed) to compel someone to look toward, or even seriously consider, God. However, it seems to me that most people do not response well to such things. I personally think people should seek to serve others while presenting the gospel to them. In other words show love and compassion, not shock and awe (or fire and brimstone) to those you witness to.
Of course, I realize I am talking about a banner aid and showing love and compassion to someone reading it is pretty much impossible, however; I don’t really see the value of scaring a person into something. As a matter of fact the various posts from nonbelievers on this particular topic shows how ineffective such a banner add is.
On another note I have to say something about this:
peace4all said:
It certainly portrays that the person behind hte trigger is Christian, saying as if "If you don't matter to god, your life is a waste, you might as well get shot, no one will be sad, no one will come to your funeral, No one will care."
Its just horrible!
(Emphasis mine)
Really? Interesting, it seems more likely that your preconceived notions have more to do with what you see then what is really there. It is entirely possible that considering it is on a supposedly Christian website and you are discussing it on a Christian website has more to do with what makes you think “the person behind the trigger is Christian.â€Â
In any event I don’t see how you can be so
certain that everyone sees what you see. In fact the posts in reaction to your statement prove otherwise. Just something to think about. I would suggest you try not making such bold statements in the future without giving them the due thought that is needed. Please understand I am not saying I have not done the same myself. In any event it just something you might want to consider because it seems that many times your responses to various things are driven more by emotion then anything else.
Solo said:
Since you have denied Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life; why don't you leave this Christian forum and grow into your unbelief with the Taoists, or Buddhists, or whatever ists you prefer. Believers are really tired of giving you advice and then have you bring your heresies onto this forum. Your satanic yinyang symbol is quite sickening as well.
I would prefer to say Welcome to the family of God, but since you continually reject God's word, I way Good bye and Good luck whatever your name is.
I can’t help but shake my head when I read what you posted. Let me pose you two questions, and please spend sometime thinking about this before you respond:
Has God given up on Gendou Ikari, or any of us? That being the case do you think we as Christian should give up him, or others?
I understand your frustration Solo but it seems to me that there is a great deal of emotion in your response and not much love or compassion. Please understand I am not trying to single you out or belittle you, or claim that I am better then you in such regard. I just often find myself “shaking my head†to certain posts you give.
Alright, I have said my piece. Please understand everyone that I am not trying to say I am better then others or above error myself, but I do believe something had to be said.