lovely said:
Have you ever sincerely tried to see the truth of what I am speaking?
I use to believe all that stuff. However, when I tried to eason it all out, it all came apart for me. I tried different perspectives to see if I could make it all work and in the end I lost all my religious beliefs.
It's your very statements that prove you do not have more compassion on humanity, Quath, because you misrepresent God's Words to satisfy your own righteousness, and to keep others from seeing the Truth.
Just imagine for a second that I am right and there is no God. I would be helping people to recognize mythology for what it is. They would have a better view of reality and the way the universe works. That would be a benefit to people. It is only harm if you are correct and God is real.
Why don't you approach the Word, and God, in an honest manner and see where it leads you?
Lets just look at one line from the Bible from Hosea 9 that God was suppose to have said:
All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them. I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions. I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels. The people of Israel are stricken. Their roots are dried up; they will bear no more fruit. And if they give birth, I will slaughter their beloved children.
I can not logically reconcile a loving God with someone who would say this. It seem that you are able. I think that is our biggest difference. You can read words of hate and see love, where as I can not.
Why is Christ growing up evidence to the contrary, or why must we consider other plans that may have been feasible to cast God in a cavalier light?
It was evidence that forgiveness of sin was not the only purpose of Jesus because God could have impregnated Eve, had Jesus and killed him in a year after the original sin. So if there is more to this theology, we should question it.
He had a purpose, He had a plan, He fulfilled both, and continues to...why is your considerations of another plan, or satan's, offering us something more? It doesn't, It is just an attempt to discredit God and make Him appear deceitful in His purposes...That's the same old story with him, and you, I afraid.
Well, the overalll story makes no sense. God could forgive without sacrifice. (Would you agree?) It makes no sense theologically from 2 Kings 14:1-6 where it says "
The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, nor the children be put to death for the fathers; but every man shall be put to death for his own sin." This would mean that Jesus could not take the sins away without breaking God's earlier statement.
Christ died for us, and He is offering to save us from the very one who has you deceived...the master liar, and spin doctor. You have bought in to it, and you sell it.
What you are in essense saying is that Jesus died so I would not be tortured by God (who created hell). This makes God sound evil to construct such a scheme and it makes Christians sound like people whp experience Stockholm Syndrone while dealing with it. Another way to phrase all of this is "Worship God or you will be tortured for all of eternity." That is the essense of the message, and if it were stated that way, Christians would see the badness of it. Yet stated as a positive and people don't realize how bad it all sounds.
I have not lied to you, or twisted your words to counter any arguments we have had, but you do that with God every time....can you see the lie in that? Why the need for it, if you are espousing truth, and compassion, on behalf of humankind?
I do not try to twist anything in the Bible, but I try to show them as one who is not convinced they are anything more than a collection of myths.
The concept of Hell is not what I worship, and you know that too...semantics.
Yeah, that was a bad type (some may say Freudian slip).
I wonder, would you give up so much for a creature that treats you as you do Him?
What did God give up? Did God lose Jesus? God sacrificed nothing because he lost nothing in this story.
I hope that you have not been given over to your sin forever because of your constant resistance to Him, and your fear of looking less intelligent to your peers because you believe His Words.
I have no fear of my peers. One of the women I work with is very smart and she is Christian. I reject God out of reasons other than peer pressure.
You are right, I don't wish Hell on my worst enemy, and neither does God.
I don't get this. If God did create hell and if he sends people there, then not only did he wish it, it made it a reality. So I am not sure if you are saying that hell does not exist or if God does not send people there or something else.