?CatholicXian said:You don't have to be rich to give children a good education.. unless you mean rich in knowledge! ;-) Parents have the first responsibility to educate their children.Punk-O-Rama said:what i mean with a good life is, having education, having some things u want (we always want material stuff dont we), and if you have 15 children, you cant give them all that, you'll have to give them equal, so you need to be very rich, or they wont have a good education, thus theyre prolly work at mc donalds all their life, and i dont think thats a pretty nice life...
Secondly, having "some things you want" doesn't necessitate heaps of wealth... even if a person has 15 children. It means learning to adjust to a bit of a different lifestyle perhaps... and maybe not going out to eat twice a week or whatever.. but a family can live very nicely on a modest budget.
Maybe if they just didn't have sex, then they wouldn't have to worry about not being able to provide for children they are unprepared for?And i mean that alot of ignorant people dont use protection, so they keep having children they cant support, just because they're afraid they'll go to hell. Thus, they cant feed them (im talking about the dirt poor right now, like in africa), and if they dont feed they die of hunger. Maybe if they wouldnt or have only had 1 children, they could feed him ok.
Responsible parenthood does not mean "have as many children as possible"-- that's not the goal. The goal is to be open to life-- to have children and raise them in a manner appropriate and befitting a child of God.
[quote:711ec]And about brainwashing. Whats the hard thing youre not getting? When some1 drums you something from your childhood till your legal, then you will end up believing and taking it for granted... Only smart people start thinking if this idea is really right, etc.
People can still choose for themselves. My parents can raise my brother and I as strictly as they please, but that doesn't mean that we will turn out one way or the other. We choose our own actions and our own course of life.[/quote:711ec]
with a good education I MENT the academic education, how could you give 15 children college education? Even with a low budget, eating bread as breakfast, all youre 15 children will be mc donald workers rather than laywers, thus, if they do have 15 children each again(each of your children), they would have to ask for money in the streets :P
And i say again, sex is natural, have u ever talked to a teenage 13 - 15 year old that doesnt want to have sex? I dont think so.
And yeah you can raise the children you want, but when your ready. No1 is saying DONT HAVE CHILDREN, theyre saying have children when your ready to give them clothing, food, and good *ACADEMIC* education, and always, moral education.
And u got the brainwashing wrong. Being strict doesnt mean brainwashing. Brainwashing is telling you from your birth till you leave your parents house, that something (either god, dwarfes, or santa) exists. See how many children think that santa exist? thats brainwashing. Theyre parents told them santa existed, and until they realize that santa idea is very stupid, impossible, etc ,etc. theyre realize santa doesnt exist. But if theyre whole comunity says as a fact that santa exists, and maybe do ceremonials for santa, he will prolly believe in santa all his life. Thats brainwashing my friend.