If you believe that the church IS Israel (in claiming that we're 'spiritual Israel) then that essentially is a type of Replacement Theology.. although the crux of the matter actually comes down to whether or not you believe that the NATION OF ISRAEL will be restored when Christ comes again in His glory, and then sits upon the throne of His glory..
I do not believe that the 'Church IS Israel'.
I have stated and always have that the Church is a 'PART of Israel' and that we as Christians are 'spiritual Israelites'
Israel are Gods chosen people and Christ is the fulfillment of Gods promise to Abraham.
The oil and the wine
AND.. this ties into Amillennialism.. because if you don't believe in the future reign of Christ on earth, and Israel restored at that time.. but rather believe that this present time IS the millennial reign of Christ.. then you'd be embracing Amillennialism..
I believe in the millennial reign of Christ on the earth.
You mentioned that the church is grafted into the vine and that the vine is Israel, correct ? IMO that's incorrect, because Israel is CUT OFF and their house has been left desolate.. and the church of God is IN CHRIST, who IS the VINE.. Israel isn't the vine, Christ is. The church of God is being built upon the confession of Jesus of Nazareth being the Son of the living God.. and the nation of Israel rejects that fact til this day.. and that's why they're cut off while Christ is building His church.. CHRISTians..
That was a typo I should have stated the olive tree.
"The law and the prophets where until John"
The gathering of the gentiles is another chapter in the gathering of 'Gods chosen people'
Jesus is the revelation of the promise to Abraham and we as Christians are partakers in the promise.
This is the Church age.
I didn't say that the church of God supports Israel.. but that Israel has been cut off and that they're blinded in part until the fulness of the GENTILES be come in.
You implied that I had somehow stated the Church replaces Israel.
And once again, I think you're reading it as though ISRAEL is the VINE.. although we know for a fact scripturally that CHRIST is the VINE and that we are the branches.
Jesus is the Word of God as well don't forget.
I agree that we're not different in that our root and sustenance is CHRIST.. He was the WEALTH of Israel and now that they're cut off for rejecting HIM.. He is the WEALTH of the church of God.. our LIFE even !
The law which He came and died to fulfill. The stone that the builders have rejected God has used as the cornerstone to build His temple.
The promises of God of course.
Which promise?
The promise we have of eternal life in Christ is the fulfillment of the promise God gave to Abraham.
NO.. the fulness of the GENTILES is coming in the CHURCH OF GOD, not the Israel of God.. remember, Israel has been cut off and they will remain cut off until the receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah and King..
Where does it say in scripture anything about the fullness of the gentiles coming into the Church? The verse is quite plainly talking about Israel.
Else why would the word 'gentile' even be used?
In this age both Jew and gentile can only be saved by Christ for all are under the same disobedience.
The completion of the body, yes, the completion of the church yes but the 'fullness of the gentiles' coming into the church?
The completion of the Church in the body of Christ is the fullness of the gentiles coming into Israel, then the veil will be lifted and the remnant shall be saved and Israel is complete.
MESSIAH, the savior of
Jesus is the salvation of all!! This is fact, He is the savior.
It is the same Holy Spirit that the prophets and the kings received He is the same Spirit that David and Isiah knew that we know today, He who resides in our hearts.
David, Isiah and the prophets, they all knew Jesus.
Rom 4:16 "Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to ALL ABRAHAM'S OFFSPRING - not ONLY to those who are of the LAW, but ALSO those who are of the FAITH OF ABRAHAM."
Israel has been PARTIALLY cut off, you have stated this a number of times.
It doesn't matter to me if I'm called an Israelite.. although the real issue is in IGNORING the mystery pertaining to Israel and then becoming wise in our own conceits.. as Paul says.
Sometimes I feel many people may actually have an aversion to being termed an Israelite because of the high rate of antisemitism in the world.
Israel is the name of the descedants of Abraham, You know as well as I do it is what God called Jacob.
It is not 'Jew' it is 'Israel' of the law and of the faith.