Brother Lionel said:
We should worship God everyday of the week so its not an issue of which day to worship, but which day do we regard as the holy day where we both rest and worship.
We worship liturgically on Sunday, the Jews on Saturday. They didn't worship as a community every day.
Brother Lionel said:
So how is it that the fourth commandment is still apart of the Ten Commandments and its not a natural principle (like murder)? So the other nine laws are unchangeable natural laws but the fourth commandment isnt? You're basically saying that we should keep only nine laws which is in contradiction to the bible...
What part of "
where does God mandate SATURDAY as a divine law that we must 'rest' on" don't you get???
God said we keep the Sabbath holy. Did God say SATURDAY? Why not Tuesday? Did God command that we could NEVER celebrate the Sabbath on Tuesday? Did God specify that the Sabbath could never be moved to another day? Please direct me to Scriptures that tell me about SATURDAY as a Divine Law that is akin to "thou shall not murder"...
Can't you see this is the stance of the Judaizer, who demands we hold to Jewish custom that God rested on SATURDAY?
Why is it you keep asking the same questions and refuse to comment on my question? If you would regard this, you'd understand that the Apostles determined that the specific day of rest was not commanded, just that a day of rest was observed in commemoration of the Creation and God's work. We've already been through this...
Brother Lionel said:
francisdesales said:
2. The Christian community had the ability to change to Sunday worship, just as they changed other COMMANDS from God that they interpreted as being temporary and part of the Old Covenant, such as circumcision.
The Ten Commandments and the ceremonial laws are two completely different set of laws which fall under the umbrella of the OT law. Basically, you just said that man has the ability to change God's Ten Commandments which is blasphemy! Taking on the prerogatives of God and to act as God (To change His divine moral laws) is blasphemous according to the bible. Man does not have the ability or the right to change anything that God establishes!
Clearly, you are not familiar with the writing Christians call "The Acts of the Apostles". We call this book Sacred Scriptures. Within it, chapter 15, to be precise, there is an interesting passage that denies your theme. We see the Apostles deciding to overturn a commandment from God, the command for every male of the community to be circumcised. Can you show me in the OT where the Apostles found this warrant to do this?
If Christians were sola scripturists, they would definitely complain about what the Apostles did. Jesus was circumcised. The Apostles were circumcised. Jewish males, circumcised. Any converts to Judaism became circumcised. NOWHERE do we find a Scriptural warrant to overturn this law given onto Abraham and verified by Moses. And yet, there the Apostles claim that they AND THE HOLY SPIRIT found it good....!!!
Where did they get this authority? From above...
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matt 16:18-19
Notice, JESUS HIMSELF (whom Christians considered as the Messiah, the Son of God) tells Peter (and later the other apostles in Matt 18) that "whatever they bind on earth shall be bound in heaven".
NOTE THE ORDER, MY FRIEND. It says that the Apostles, led by the Spirit, will bind, and it will be done in heaven. They will loosen, and it will be done in heaven. The Christians believed that they had this authority, thus, Christianity did not die on the vine for lack of believers.
Once this starts to sink in, that the Apostles were given authority from above, SATURDAY worship is not an issue anymore. No law was removed, since no law was EVER GIVEN that made SATURDAY SPECIFICALLY an eternal day of rest. That is a Jewish law, akin to not eating pork. Christians are not bound to follow Jewish customs and laws, as Paul clearly points out to several of his communities. Note that it appears that they HAD ALREADY MOVED THE SABBATH DAY!
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath [days]: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body [is] of Christ. Col 2:16-17 KJV
Seeing this mention of "sabbath days" to the Colossians, one must conclude that the Judaizers were questioning what Christians had ALREADY done, moving the SAbbath to Sunday (if the nascent Christians were still celebrating Saturday sabbath, there would be no reason for Paul to mention this as something to be judged on by Judaizers)
Brother, your argument is with the Apostles and the Catholic Church of 50 AD...