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Bible Study WHY!

That is correct. In fact Peter three times did not know Jesus after he had risen. Is that what you would call irony for denying Jesus three times before his crucifixion.

As to wondering why? I can not say, but I believe it is a testament to the Power of the Holy Spirit. Consider the scripture that says blindness as happened to Israel. What possibly could cause that blindness, and how do we know that that same blindness is not still in effect today? If it is, it is to the Glory of God. And if it is not, then God shall be Glorified.

Consider the scripture that says the same vail remains upon their hearts unto this day when it comes to reading the old testament, but when it shall turn to Christ, then the vail shall be taken away.

It is Christ who holds the keys to the Kingdom. Christ is the Key to the kingdom.

The Pharisees thought that they had eyes to see, and they had the Holy Scriptures to read in their own language, yet they were blind. We today think because we can ready the Holy Scripture in our own language and preferred translation, and because we can look up the original word in a dictionary and decide for ourselves how it should be interpreted, we too presume that we have eyes to see. But there is a lesson to be learned, for if you hear the word of God, then know that you are blind. When you accept that you are blind, then you may begin to walk by Faith.

The serpent in the garden promised if they took from the tree of knowledge their eyes would be open and they would be as gods. The serpent uses the same message with the law of Moses and the written word. It is the Knowledge of good and evil, and by its knowledge our eyes are open to sin and death. And when our eyes are open to sin and death, then we remain blind to the righteousness of Christ. But if we can accept that Power belongs to the Lord and to His Spirit, then by the power of the Holy Spirit and our blindness to the wrath that should consume us by His Grace that He has give unto us. Hidden from the promised judgement to come, blind, walking by faith, trusting in the Lord's salvation as He reveals unto you the righteousness of Christ and the Glory of God..

eddif is correct. It begins with Christ, and it ends with Christ. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

That was the promise that Jesus left before he departed. That He would send forth the Comforter, and that the Holy Spirit would teach them of all things concerning Himself. Today the same vail remains upon their hearts, none the less, when their hearts shall turn to Christ, then the vail shall be taken away.


Hi ezrider,
Every man without God walks in the dark (every man!). When man has heard the will of God and rejects it to claim his own righteousness, OT or NT, then God turns them over to their pride and blinds them by the disobedience of their rejection of their maker. Blindness comes from a hardened heart. So God turns them over to their hardened heart to suffer the consequences of their own will to reap the results of their willful sins. (Eph. 4: 17-23; Heb. 4: 6-7; 3: 13-19; ) For those who wallow in sin ( and they also know it is sinful) God turns them over to a reprobate mind. (.Rom. 1: 18-32)

In Christ
Douglas Summers
Deb, you quoted the answer. There can be no increase but is anyone that is disobedient saved? Jesus instructed us to know and to oey all His commands and there is no command in scripture that is not His.
I refuse to judge anyone's salvation, we don't have that right. If they say they know the Lord and He has saved them, I don't have the right to opening or to even imply that they are not. I am not God. Even Michael didn't rebuke the devil, I'm certainly not going to stick my neck out there. I feel like that is very thin ice to be sitting a fire on.
Best to stay in love and not judgement.
Deb, you quoted the answer. There can be no increase but is anyone that is disobedient saved? Jesus instructed us to know and to oey all His commands and there is no command in scripture that is not His.
Would you have any desire to please the Lord if it weren't for the outpouring of His grace in your heart?
I refuse to judge anyone's salvation, we don't have that right. If they say they know the Lord and He has saved them, I don't have the right to opening or to even imply that they are not. I am not God. Even Michael didn't rebuke the devil, I'm certainly not going to stick my neck out there. I feel like that is very thin ice to be sitting a fire on.
Best to stay in love and not judgement.
Deb, Matthew 7:1 has a context and th context is to clean our own filthy lives up that we might Judge the fruits of others righteously. If a man, a woman or a child is saved they will be judges of the Angles. (1Cor. 6:3) If we must judge the Angles, how can we ever not judge Earthly things? We are specificly commanded, by Jesus/God, t judge ourselves (against the measuring device (the Bible) given us and to then Judge the fruits of others. Not before we make the, on going, effort to correct our own lives but, rather, as soon as we correct our own lives.

That leaves only one reason to not judge, "We have not judged and corrected our own life in some area or areas." And I do not, ever, want to think such of any person. However if I obey our Lord, we will arrive at that conclusion when we judge, obediently, our LORD.
Would you have any desire to please the Lord if it weren't for the outpouring of His grace in your heart?
No, but (and this is a rhetorical question), after receiving this blessing shoud I ever be disobedient, intentionally, and not obey any of His commands. We will, every one of us slip and stumble and thus, at least, we must, continually, repent.
However if I obey our Lord, we will arrive at that conclusion when we judge, obediently, our LORD.

What???? You shall judge our LORD????????????????

You said: "when we judge, obediently, our LORD"

And just who is it that sits in the temple of God showing himself that he is god? And now he shall judge OUR LORD????
Have you not received the love of the truth? Why do you continue to glory in unrighteousness?

Tell me with all of your worldly wisdom. If Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Spirit of God, then how shall you hear the Word of God when you sit in judgement over it?

No, but (and this is a rhetorical question), after receiving this blessing shoud I ever be disobedient, intentionally, and not obey any of His commands. We will, every one of us slip and stumble and thus, at least, we must, continually, repent.
While I don't disagree, what happens when someone thinks they are right about something and they are not. They aren't going to repent about that particular disobedience.
Deb, Matthew 7:1 has a context and th context is to clean our own filthy lives up that we might Judge the fruits of others righteously.
Don't you think there is a difference between judging the fruit of one who says they are saved and judging their salvation?
We have not judged and corrected our own life in some area or areas." And I do not, ever, want to think such of any person.
To me that is pure arrogance to think that somehow I could be so pure as to judge anothers salvation. Their salvation is of the Lord, not me, and however the Lord is working in their life, I am not privy to.
Now if they tell me that they don't believe that they are justified by Christ then I can give them the gospel. That is totally different.

I take my belief from Paul's judgment on the man who was having an affair with his father's wife. Paul never even implied that man wasn't saved. He said when he repents (changes what he is doing, because he has submitted to the Lord) allow him to come back into the congregation and not only that don't cause him to be overly sorrowful. In other words accept his testimony of repentance and leave it at that.
What???? You shall judge our LORD????????????????

You said: "when we judge, obediently, our LORD"
Anytime a quote is incomplete it can, easily, e corkscrewed and you have done, just that here, leaving what you and I are discussing, attempting to run me down a rabbit trail with a misstatement made in a reply to Deborah 13.
Deb, Matthew 7:1 has a context and th context is to clean our own filthy lives up that we might Judge the fruits of others righteously. If a man, a woman or a child is saved they will be judges of the Angles. (1Cor. 6:3) If we must judge the Angles, how can we ever not judge Earthly things? We are specificly commanded, by Jesus/God, t judge ourselves (against the measuring device (the Bible) given us and to then Judge the fruits of others. Not before we make the, on going, effort to correct our own lives but, rather, as soon as we correct our own lives.

That leaves only one reason to not judge, "We have not judged and corrected our own life in some area or areas." And I do not, ever, want to think such of any person. However if I obey our Lord, we will arrive at that conclusion when we judge, obediently, our LORD.
When the entire post is viewed it becomes, rather, clear that I misspoke and what I meant to say was, "If I obey our Lord, the LORD, we will arrive at that conclusion when we judge obediently.
Today the indwelling Holy Spirit can work in us to lead us. When I saw my thought written by you, the Spirit lightly grabbed me and said "No".

It bugs me our prophecy is imperfect, but then prophecy is a gift and not our own.

Hi eddif, There is no new prophecy. All prophecy has either been fulfilled or will be fulfilled in the future. The gift of prophecy in the NT Church is not necessarily a fore teller, but his gift is for edification, exhortation and comfort. 1 Cor. 14:3. So prophecy is not imperfect if it is a gift.

If I could give you a word of encouragement eddif I would say that you are well on your way, and continue to trust in the Lord. For the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ. We can not have this testimony unless we seek after Christ with all of our heart. Through the power of the Holy Spirit the Lord reveals from the Law and the Prophets through faith those thing written of and fulfilled in Christ. If we are not secure in Christ when we look to the Law and the Prophets, then our minds are blinded to the truth, and the Law and the Prophets become a witness against us.

Do not become dissuaded or discouraged with your imperfect prophecy. As Paul said, we know in part and we prophesy in part, and yet we press forward toward the mark of His high calling. To many people get caught up in debating what they think the Bible says, or what it should say, but they lack the courage to begin expressing what they believe the Word of God means to them. For the Spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Jesus warned us that is was easier to see the imperfection in others than it is to see those same imperfections within ourselves. He reminded us to first pull the beam out of our own eye before we try pulling the splinter from our brothers. Well try as I might, I suspect the beam is still firmly planted in mine own eye, and it is only by the Grace of the Lord that I am able to look past this beam. By taking the beliefs that you hold internally, as imperfect as they might be, when you can learn to express those beliefs in your own words and speak them forth, then you have the opportunity look upon them more clearly once you have brought them to light.

The Lord said that we are like gold refined in the fire. When gold is put to the fire, it is natural for the impurities to rise to the surface that they might be looked upon. Count it a joy when you see this imperfection and know that the Lord is working in your heart. A flame once lit must be fed by the fuel that sustains it, and if the fuel should be cut off, then the light shall go out. To keep the light burning, the fuel must be continually fed. Likewise our Faith can only grow when we begin to express the joy of our salvation as we know it within ourselves.

Sing, sing your new song unto the Lord. If you should begin to sing out of key, or if you should forget the words, then may the chorus step up and sustain you until you can sing with clarity once again.

Don't you think there is a difference between judging the fruit of one who says they are saved and judging their salvation?

To me that is pure arrogance to think that somehow I could be so pure as to judge anothers salvation. Their salvation is of the Lord, not me, and however the Lord is working in their life, I am not privy to.
Now if they tell me that they don't believe that they are justified by Christ then I can give them the gospel. That is totally different.

I take my belief from Paul's judgment on the man who was having an affair with his father's wife. Paul never even implied that man wasn't saved. He said when he repents (changes what he is doing, because he has submitted to the Lord) allow him to come back into the congregation and not only that don't cause him to be overly sorrowful. In other words accept his testimony of repentance and leave it at that.
Yes, but why did they cast him out of their fellowship? If we are saved we bring all, everyone, regardless of their sin, regardless of their beliefs, regardless of their fruits, into our Fellowship, that we might be used of our Lord to help them along the Narrow Path. Breaking Fellowship is a judgment of Salvation!

There is one our Church Has removed from our Fellowship because of her teaching, her Fruits, and except she repent and be saved we will not accept her back. She had a trial, she refused, where she was allowed, privileged, to confront her accusers. By refusing, she has been judged unworthy and if unworthy, then, the question of salvation must be judged and hers was found to be in question because she refused to obey God and, simply, defend her actions and her teachings that she taught, in spite of the clear Word of God.

This one and two of her followers, who were never charged, left our Fellowship ¿for greener pastures? This Forum is, exactly, as is my Church Family. You, Chopper, Reba and so many others here, Baby Christians, Elder Christians and all measure of
Christians between are my family. As long as ez is here, that includes him and if I stand by, refusing to assist him getting on the Narrow path to enter the Narrow Gate (judging), I am unworthy.

When my little sister, by natural birth, was lost, I prayed, witnessed and judged until she came into our Spiritual Family. My younger sister, older than Sarah but younger than me, was accepted as being in danger from the Russian Mafia on the West Coast, and went into Protective Custody and disappeared, even though I can no longer witness and judge her condition, I still pray for her not to go to Hell.

Now, about this judgment of mine you are concerned about here, ez has consistently preached (said, posted) that he does not need (read) the Bible because there is the Spirit of God is in Him. That directly violates the Word of God, the Messages God promised three times to keep Holy, like unto Him. Here there is, absolutely no, real, judgment required beyond observing and reading the "clear" Word of God. Call it Judgment if you must but we are commanded to measure (judge) everything by the Word ez ignores.

And if we follow Jesus, the God of the ible and of the Commentary so many choose to follow rather than the Bible Jesus taught from. One, though not exclusive, result of ignoring the first 39 books disrespect through excessive familiarity with the LORD. One that was here, once upon a time, informed me here or on another forum that5 he was the, not a, son of God and as such, he did not owe God a darn thing, only he used not the word, darn.

  • Not reading the wholw Word of God is dangerous. Not measuring all things with the complete Word of God is to stroll down the wide and crooked path that leadsw to the Wide Gate that leads to Hell. May I never be weak in the strength of my Lord and stand by, watching any man work his or her way into Hell.
Bill, what Salvation have you gained from Moses?

Hi Deborah13, I know this question was to Bill, but i will answer what Salvation I gained. First, I gleaned what sin is to God, that God left it up to men to obey or disobey, that Satan can impostor himself as God, that he is sly (disguising himself)., that the first promise of a savior is in Gen. 3:15. The power of God to deliver. How God's Grace and promises are irrevocable, That He chastises those whom He loves. That all sinners are condemned to death. That in the beginning Adam and Eve were co-rulers of the earth. After sin, Adam lost dominion of the earth and Satan became ruler, and lots more.

After understanding how man, by pride (the first sin of man) had caused the curse upon the earth and the pain that it causes. I realized that I was Adam. My spirit was grieved. Man can not save himself. Moses prophiced of a man that was to come that we should do all that He says. (The Christ) Acts 26: 22-23

In Christ
Douglas Summers
Don't you think there is a difference between judging the fruit of one who says they are saved and judging their salvation?

To me that is pure arrogance to think that somehow I could be so pure as to judge anothers salvation. Their salvation is of the Lord, not me, and however the Lord is working in their life, I am not privy to.
Now if they tell me that they don't believe that they are justified by Christ then I can give them the gospel. That is totally different.

I take my belief from Paul's judgment on the man who was having an affair with his father's wife. Paul never even implied that man wasn't saved. He said when he repents (changes what he is doing, because he has submitted to the Lord) allow him to come back into the congregation and not only that don't cause him to be overly sorrowful. In other words accept his testimony of repentance and leave it at that.
Sorry, forgot to consult God. In Matt. 7:16 we find that by their fruit we will know them. This is the measuring device God has given us to use, when we have been about cleaning our lives to live under God's rule.

Sorry about my pride rising up.
If I could give you a word of encouragement eddif I would say that you are well on your way, and continue to trust in the Lord. For the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ. We can not have this testimony unless we seek after Christ with all of our heart. Through the power of the Holy Spirit the Lord reveals from the Law and the Prophets through faith those thing written of and fulfilled in Christ. If we are not secure in Christ when we look to the Law and the Prophets, then our minds are blinded to the truth, and the Law and the Prophets become a witness against us.

Do not become dissuaded or discouraged with your imperfect prophecy. As Paul said, we know in part and we prophesy in part, and yet we press forward toward the mark of His high calling. To many people get caught up in debating what they think the Bible says, or what it should say, but they lack the courage to begin expressing what they believe the Word of God means to them. For the Spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Jesus warned us that is was easier to see the imperfection in others than it is to see those same imperfections within ourselves. He reminded us to first pull the beam out of our own eye before we try pulling the splinter from our brothers. Well try as I might, I suspect the beam is still firmly planted in mine own eye, and it is only by the Grace of the Lord that I am able to look past this beam. By taking the beliefs that you hold internally, as imperfect as they might be, when you can learn to express those beliefs in your own words and speak them forth, then you have the opportunity look upon them more clearly once you have brought them to light.

The Lord said that we are like gold refined in the fire. When gold is put to the fire, it is natural for the impurities to rise to the surface that they might be looked upon. Count it a joy when you see this imperfection and know that the Lord is working in your heart. A flame once lit must be fed by the fuel that sustains it, and if the fuel should be cut off, then the light shall go out. To keep the light burning, the fuel must be continually fed. Likewise our Faith can only grow when we begin to express the joy of our salvation as we know it within ourselves.

Sing, sing your new song unto the Lord. If you should begin to sing out of key, or if you should forget the words, then may the chorus step up and sustain you until you can sing with clarity once again.

Greetings ezrider, There should never be any animosity between true believers. (2 Peter 3:15-16) Please study the Scripture.

In Christ
Douglas Summers
If I could give you a word of encouragement eddif I would say that you are well on your way, and continue to trust in the Lord. For the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ. We can not have this testimony unless we seek after Christ with all of our heart. Through the power of the Holy Spirit the Lord reveals from the Law and the Prophets through faith those thing written of and fulfilled in Christ. If we are not secure in Christ when we look to the Law and the Prophets, then our minds are blinded to the truth, and the Law and the Prophets become a witness against us.

Do not become dissuaded or discouraged with your imperfect prophecy. As Paul said, we know in part and we prophesy in part, and yet we press forward toward the mark of His high calling. To many people get caught up in debating what they think the Bible says, or what it should say, but they lack the courage to begin expressing what they believe the Word of God means to them. For the Spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Jesus warned us that is was easier to see the imperfection in others than it is to see those same imperfections within ourselves. He reminded us to first pull the beam out of our own eye before we try pulling the splinter from our brothers. Well try as I might, I suspect the beam is still firmly planted in mine own eye, and it is only by the Grace of the Lord that I am able to look past this beam. By taking the beliefs that you hold internally, as imperfect as they might be, when you can learn to express those beliefs in your own words and speak them forth, then you have the opportunity look upon them more clearly once you have brought them to light.

The Lord said that we are like gold refined in the fire. When gold is put to the fire, it is natural for the impurities to rise to the surface that they might be looked upon. Count it a joy when you see this imperfection and know that the Lord is working in your heart. A flame once lit must be fed by the fuel that sustains it, and if the fuel should be cut off, then the light shall go out. To keep the light burning, the fuel must be continually fed. Likewise our Faith can only grow when we begin to express the joy of our salvation as we know it within ourselves.

Sing, sing your new song unto the Lord. If you should begin to sing out of key, or if you should forget the words, then may the chorus step up and sustain you until you can sing with clarity once again.

This your first post that I almost take no issue with and the issue is important though not major. This would have much more bearing if the scripture address had been referenced, that others might see that your words are scriptural.
Yes, but why did they cast him out of their fellowship?
Paul, did not excommunicate him. He had to leave so others, especially the youngest, would not think that what he was doing was OK to do. Thus, spreading the sin among other believers.
Breaking Fellowship is a judgment of Salvation!
Nope. Breaking fellowship can be a call to repentance of A sin. As it was here.
Now, about this judgment of mine you are concerned about here, ez has consistently preached (said, posted) that he does not need (read) the Bible because there is the Spirit of God is in Him.
LOL, ezrider sure knows a lot about what it says for never reading it and believing what it says about salvation and grace.
I'm not sure and maybe he will respond to this post, but the more I have read his posts, I get the idea he is saying, "worship the Lord not the Book."
what Salvation I gained. First, I gleaned what sin is to God,
And you couldn't see what sin was by just reading the New Testament? You couldn't receive the Gospel message and salvation without reading the old testament and especially Moses'?
How long did you study the old testament before you accepted the Gospel message, brought to you by the Holy Spirit?
Or are you saying that if you didn't have the old testament you would have forsaken the faith that you stood in?
Hi Deborah13, I know this question was to Bill, but i will answer what Salvation I gained. First, I gleaned what sin is to God, that God left it up to men to obey or disobey, that Satan can impostor himself as God, that he is sly (disguising himself)., that the first promise of a savior is in Gen. 3:15. The power of God to deliver. How God's Grace and promises are irrevocable, That He chastises those whom He loves. That all sinners are condemned to death. That in the beginning Adam and Eve were co-rulers of the earth. After sin, Adam lost dominion of the earth and Satan became ruler, and lots more.

After understanding how man, by pride (the first sin of man) had caused the curse upon the earth and the pain that it causes. I realized that I was Adam. My spirit was grieved. Man can not save himself. Moses prophiced of a man that was to come that we should do all that He says. (The Christ) Acts 26: 22-23

In Christ
Douglas Summers

I can not disagree with what you said, but you answer still falls short of the question that I asked.

Deuteronomy 18:15-19
The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken; According to all that thou desiredst of the Lord thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not. And the Lord said unto me, They have well spoken that which they have spoken. I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.

There is no denying that the law became our schoolmaster that would teach us of the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ. But when that promise of salvation is come, you are no longer under the schoolmaster and tutors, but the Spirit of God teaches you Himself. If the school master has done its job and has led you to the Salvation found in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Then what more can Moses do for your salvation?

Greetings ezrider, There should never be any animosity between true believers. (2 Peter 3:15-16) Please study the Scripture.

In Christ
Douglas Summers

Could you clarify what animosity you are referring to? I do not believe that there is any animosity between eddif and myself, nor is there any animosity that I can see in words of encouragement that I shared with eddif?

What is funny though is that he who has made himself and adversary to me can find nothing wrong with what I stated, and yet you see animosity and take up the chorus of presumption that I do not know the scriptures and that I should go study.

Lo, I come. In the volume of the book it is written of me. I am not made in the image of a book. I am created in the image of Christ. Lo, I come, for in the volume of the book it is written of me. How shall the righteousness of Christ and the Glory of God be manifest in your flesh when you would rather glory in the written word.

I know people from all over the world consider the Mosaic Law to be a Covenant but a Covenant is a Contract that must be fulfilled and there has never been a single man, save Jesus, that could fulfill the Ten Commandments. When Paul, in Romans, taught the Ten Commandments were our teacher, he was, absolutely correct. Did Jesus, then at His death, finalize the Covenant, yes, but there is no New Covenant of Grace.

How can you presume to judge the righteous judgement of the Lord when by your own words you have rejected His new covenant of Grace.

James 4:5-12
Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy.
But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep:let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?