Who Says
Great testimony, Mike!!!
In a lot of ways, it was the reverse for Steve and I when we married...so much so that some in my family said they wouldn't go to my wedding because they felt I was "unequally yoked"...(they all wound up coming).
It was hard because I was by far the more spiritual one, and Steve was like..."Hey, I believe in God but..." He was a good, moral guy, and he did believe in God, but spiritual things just weren't all that important to him.
Then when we got our daughter...it started to become more important to him...by the time our son came to us, he truly wanted to be much more spiritual...and I was the one holding us back, partly because I was just in the habit of explaining to him the Biblical perspective of things and also because I felt that he would make some terrible mistakes...like having our family join a denomination that was about to go south in a bad way.
It took that class on wifely submission to show me the error of my ways, and yes, we joined that denomination...and I found that that was where God intended us to be, so that He could show Steve things....
Since then, our marriage is a lot like yours, we discuss differences of opinions, in private, but I support his decisions. And he has grown in faith by leaps and bounds.
Which was part of the reason why I wanted to start this thread...to see if other men felt that dealing with a unsubmissive wife hindered their own spiritual growth.
Frankly, I believe the way we set at the dinner table with our families for a meal reflects the situation in this life where Paul said it was because Eve had been deceived.
But in the way it was to be before Adam sinned and will be again, the woman sets at the head of the table with her husband and the children around their feet at the sides and the end of the table.
I really believe it should be that way now so that even dinner time sends the message to the children that mom and dad are united as one and they ought to not try to divide them.