Jethro Bodine
- Oct 31, 2011
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That's what most people say.If your wife has left the faith that tells me she never had a relationship with Jesus.
That's what Calvinism--brought into the church in the 1500's--has taught the church to believe.
But her spiritual gift (speaking in tongues) shows she did in fact have a genuine saving relationship with Christ.
She no longer has any gift of speaking in tongues. She also doesn't really know what was going on during that time when she was able to speak in tongues. She questions the experience now. But that is what happens to people who depart from the faith.So did she lose her ability to speak in tongues or is now stating she wasn't speaking in tongues?
She's an extremely shy, and honest person. I heard her speak in tongues and I know real tongues from fake tongues and hers was the real thing. That shows she me she had a genuine salvation experience, yet she abandoned it when things got tough, just like the 2nd type of soil believer in the Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:13). Coming up on 20 years now. I was heartbroken because I knew that most people who depart from the faith do not ever come back.
It doesn't make any sense to me either.For it doesn't make sense to me if she thought she spoke in tongues was really from above how she could deny the faith.
I've talked to her about it. I asked her how she could deny the faith having had direct observable evidence of the existence of God and the Holy Spirit.
I don't want to go into detail, but I know from talking to her it has nothing to do with whether or not she felt the experience was real. It was about something else that bothered her about Christianity, even though she had accepted the free gift of salvation. It's an issue I personally have settled in my own heart and mind, and and you probably have too, and which keeps us in the faith, but which she never did come to peace with and which has resulted in her not enduring in faith to the very end. There are others like her, just as there are others like us.
You and I do have something in common that all enduring Christians have and which keeps us from abandoning our faith and trust in our Great High Priest, Jesus. But the sad fact is, there are some Christians who do not have this common element of the faith firmly settled in their hearts, even though they are very much saved, and so they are more prone to have the gospel uprooted from their hearts when trials and troubles come their way.I know everyone is not like me but many are. Theology is for all though.