The late Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith holder of three earned PhD's and a reformed atheist turned Christian states many interesting points about the impossibility of one species evolving into another. In his writings and recordings he gets into the DNA RNA depths of the arguments. Fascinating stuff.
Dr. Wilder Smith's degrees were focused in chemistry and pharmacology, and not in the relevant fields of biology or genetics. He was a great chemist, but his views on genetics are quite dated and irrelevant now due to new findings in both biology and genetics since his remarks. He also tend to take a more thermodynamic argument towards evolution, but this argument assumes we are talking about modern cells and not originating or proto cells.
I would only add that micro-evolution does take place within a species. Within a species. Macro-evolution (transpeciation, one species transmuting into another) is a myth.
Macro Evolution is not transmutation. Macro Evolution is where a linage is tracked back to where it diverged from the last known ancestors genetically. The only difference between macro and micro is time scale and lineage.
It goes against the very sequencing of the DNA RNA that makes up all things.
Your definition of Macro evolution would be a problem. Good thing Biology does not use that definition.
So the absolute bottom line is those who teach and preach evolution are not teaching and preaching science as they claim but their religion instead.
Two things.
* The only people I've ever heard or read using your definition of Macro Evolution have been people trying to discredit Biology and supporters of the modern theory of Evolution. My main focus ( until I switched to computer science) was biology with a main focus in phylogeny. I have had several professors, and none of them ever used your definition of Macro Evolution. The term Macro Evolution is actually an archaic term anyway since macro and micro only differ on time scale but follow the same rules of genetics.
* Where did you get this information that Macro Evolution equals to species transmutation?
Religion is what people choose to believe whether true or not / factual or not despite any attempts or evidences to prove otherwise.
Then its a good thing that the theory of Evoltuion follows the scientific method and isn't a faith based theory, but one that is shaped and improved based on evidence.
This is one reason why Christianity (by God's own choosing) is not a religion but rather a relationship. And this is where man (Churches) keep getting Christianity wrong by turning it into a religion. So... no religion is good. Not really. It leads to untruth and deception.
Thank you for listening.
So you redefined the term religion to not mean Christianity and re-branded the religion of Christianity as a relationship so you could make a special pleading argument.
I don't care that you are a Christian, that is your personal belief and its up to you if you hold it or not, but don't play games and shady car salesmen tactics with definitions so you don't have to back up anything you have to say or accuse people of saying things that they haven't.