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youre banned!


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Well, I can’t exactly ban you for reading the Bible, now can I? :shame :nono:headbomb

Jason, you are banned for outsmarting me!!! :headbomb

You're all banned for being historical oddities.

l'Chante, you're banned for not banning Jason for using his knowledge of biblical historical accuracy to object to my banning him and history.

Vince, you're bannd for calling people oddly hysterical.
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Theo, you’re banned for quoting Vince, and then banning Jason for being odd.

What are you talking about? I didn't mention Jason.

l'Chante, you're banned for not banning Jason for using his knowledge of biblical historical accuracy to object to my banning him and history.

Vince, you're bannd for calling people oddly hysterical.

You're banned for noticing mistakes that aren't there any more.
Well, I can’t exactly ban you for reading the Bible, now can I? :shame :nono:headbomb

Jason, you are banned for outsmarting me!!! :headbomb
lol. you could have asked me to back this up. and dug up something that i may not easily have known about.

banned for not outhinking poor chess skills.
You're all banned on general principles, except for L'Chante, who is having a rough day.

You can do that when you grew up in Levittown, the apex of civilization.
You're all banned on general principles, except for L'Chante, who is having a rough day.

You can do that when you grew up in Levittown, the apex of civilization.
banned for being ignorant that pa was the center of the quaker faith.
Vince, you're banned for banning people that have already been banned and have never been un-banned and are now double-banned and therefore require doubleunbanning.

I hereby doubleunban everybody except Vince, whom I ban with a doubleplusungood ban.
Vince, you're banned for banning people that have already been banned and have never been un-banned and are now double-banned and therefore require doubleunbanning.

I hereby doubleunban everybody except Vince, whom I ban with a doubleplusungood ban.

May I humbly request that you post in English in future? :confused:
You're banned for banning using multiple bans for banning banimpaired people who ban you. :chair

AND you didn't bring any chocolate chip cookies.
You're banned for banning using multiple bans for banning banimpaired people who ban you. :chair

AND you didn't bring any chocolate chip cookies.

:thumbsup That was doubleplusgood. Completely unbannable. Here, have some chocolate chip cookies.

:thumbsup That was doubleplusgood. Completely unbannable. Here, have some chocolate chip cookies.


Hmm.. for some reason, the cookies didn't make it through. Let's try this again.


Whoever stole l'Chante's cookies is very very banned.
Theo, may I please use one of your elaborate calculations to ban Jason for eating my cookies? :rollingpinThe new cookies are mine, mine, mine. Gulp, gulp, gulp. So is the gummy berry juice.:pepsi
Theo, may I please use one of your elaborate calculations to ban Jason for eating my cookies? :rollingpinThe new cookies are mine, mine, mine. Gulp, gulp, gulp. So is the gummy berry juice.:pepsi

Stealing cookies of any kind is a serious offence, but stealing chocolate chip cookies is the most serious of all. Feel free to use any method you want to ban this despicable cookie theif.
:sad ban dukey for a honest trade? gummi berry juice for cookies. i had to send my ogres to get this from the gummi bears.:lol
Jason, you are banned (5177+1) + (DC * X + III) + [(60*1000+((6+4)*10)) / (6+4+2)] times for thinking that chomping my chocolate chip cookies in exchange of gummy berry jiuce is a honest trade!

It was a nice touch, though.
Jason, you are banned (5177+1) + (DC * X + III) + [(60*1000+((6+4)*10)) / (6+4+2)] times for thinking that chomping my chocolate chip cookies in exchange of gummy berry jiuce is a honest trade!

It was a nice touch, though.


That was great! I don't expect Jason will be stealing any more cookies any time soon. He'll be busy figuring out how many times he's been banned and how to unban himself that often. It won't be easy, since there's a fraction of a ban in there.


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