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Search results

  1. J

    The order of Revelation.

    Hi all, There is a very logical explaination as to why events in revelation seem to repeat. There are certian aspects concerning the last days, that few have considered when viewing the events of revelation. Once one understands these "aspects", the Book of revelation becomes one of the...
  2. J

    The "key" that opens the door to understanding Revelation?

    The Book of Revelation, is the easiest Book in the entire Bible to understand. But to do so, One must view it properly. If one "steps back", and views the entire order of events through Revelation, what does one see? First there is the Seals, Followed by the First Six trumpets. I believe these...
  3. J

    Timing of The Rapture

    If anyone has any doubts about the scenario I just revealed in the previous post, Just ask the People in the sixth seal of Revelation, who hide from the "face of him that sitteth on the throne", and then proclaim, "for the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand...
  4. J

    Antichrist, Babylon of Rev.13,17 explain most history & 9/11

    It is quite simple to understand the Nature of the one called the coming antichrist. INstead of thinking of Him as an opposite of Christ, we need to view his nature as a deciever, one coming in the place of Christ, saying "I am God, I am the Christ, I am the returned Messiah."In Isaiah 14, It...
  5. J

    Timing of The Rapture

    If anyone has an "out in Left field" perspective, its me. I believe satan is going to feed on Mankinds most base human nature. Mankind is reactionary to the enviroment around Him. Extreme events makes most, make hasty decisions, without carefully thinking through what exactly is actually...
  6. J

    The Great Apostasy

    The decisions and actions mankind makes and takes in the end time will be event driven. The great apostacy will be no different. Mankind will have a very good reason for this to occur. Just like the believers in II thess, they thought they had already entered the day of the Lord. It will be no...
  7. J

    Prophecy books?

    Have to agree with most of all the other posters on this one. Cut out the middleman, stick with the word of God, letting the Holy Spirit discern it to you!! If you have read 100 books from 100 different authors, all you will end up with is confusion!!If you are truly serious with the study of...
  8. J

    Prophecy again John... But Why??

    It is nice to find one who has done their homework. I do agree that there is a paralell between the trumpets, and the vials. There is two very big differences in the trumpets and vials, which disqualifies them as being concurrent, or paralell. The trumpets bring on the destruction of 1/3 of...
  9. J

    Prophecy again John... But Why??

    I always have an open ear! What do you percieve the Sweet/bitter analogy to be?
  10. J

    If I were satan, What Would I do?

    [list I don't understand what this has to do with what the motivating factor that drives end time events???[/list]
  11. J

    The Great Apostasy

    We need to take the Second Letter to the thessalonians as a prophetic warning. They percived that they were already in the day of the Lord. I see this scenario being played out in the end time. Certian events are going to occur PRIOR TO The reign of the false Messiah, that will appear to be full...
  12. J

    Prophecy again John... But Why??

    Correct!! But Why Did John Have to Prophecy again?? The Little book he ate was "sweet in the lips, but bitter in the belly". We really don't know what is in the little book, but this phrase alludes to one's understanding of what is actually occuring, as being first a vague understanding, after...
  13. J

    The "key" that opens the door to understanding Revelation?

    Very Very Good, Grasshopper!!! Most today try to view the book of revelation with a futuristic perception of events. The Book of revelation makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, if it is viewed like this. Each individual event within revelation MUST be viewed as if you are there experiencing...
  14. J

    Barack Obama - the Anti-Christ?

    Antichrist will Not make war against His own Land. As a matter of fact, the following is the real reason WHY most will accept Him as the messiah. The Lord divinely intervines at the climax of the Ezekiel 38 war. We read, "all the men on the earth shall shake at my presence". What is Jewish...
  15. J

    Barack Obama - the Anti-Christ?

    Exactly....And he will come upon the scene when Most of the (Christian) world will think the real Messiah is supposed to return. Most will accept the climax of the Ezekiel 38 war as the final battle. The events that occur prior to His reign will be the Foundation He uses to try to establish...
  16. J

    Ezekiel 38 in Revelation...Is it there??

    Well, my apolagies If you think what I shared was "ugly", wasn't meant to be!!! I guess we are Just both Looking up that Prophecy mountian from Different sides, and have drawn different conclusions. I find it somewhat amazing though... The Lord stated that the closer we get to His return...
  17. J

    Ezekiel 38 in Revelation...Is it there??

    Hello again Joyce.....Here we go again!!! You stated...You think I believe that the abomination is the tent of the Antichrist, Which will be "set up" at the end of His reign in the temple. Nothing could be farther from the truth. PLease put meaning behind my Words. I stated, that I believe...
  18. J

    Ezekiel 38 in Revelation...Is it there??

    Good evening Joyce... I have alot to respond to concerning your two previous posts, so I will have to do it in multiple posts. I may not get to all of it tonight. First, I want to tackle the time split between the stopping of the sacrifices, and the abomination of Desolation. To do this I must...
  19. J

    If I were satan, What Would I do?

    Satan is the author and father of confusion. If we have the Spirit of Christ in us, we shouldn't be confused. Concerning prophecy, I view alot of God's Children drawing conclusions from what they are viewing in the World. Satan is called the "god of this world". Are we going to allow events...
  20. J

    Ezekiel 38 in Revelation...Is it there??

    Hello again Joyce....I need to clarify a few more points you brought up. The first deals with jeremiah 30:7 and Matthew 24:21. You have concluded because the wording is somewhat the same, the event is the same, But is the wording actually the same?? Look at it again... concering the time of...