Lets look at a few verses that deal with growing in Grace as = how to effectively "work out your salvation">
1.)""" leaving the first principles"""
The bible is a progressive reveal.
Its God revealing Himself, and its God's showing you how He deals with mankind from beginning to the final...
Jesus is our entire Sanctification.
1 Corinthians 1:30
He is also the author and finisher of our faith.
Do you have Him in you? Are you born again?
So, when we are "In Christ", we are as spiritually sanctified as God Himself, as its God's Sanctification that is to have become "the...
Salvation is the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.
This is defined as the "blood atonement" as explained as the "new Covenant".
A.) "without the shedding of Blood there is no forgiveness of sin".
The Cross is where Jesus shed His BLOOD and DIED for us, .... and the resurrection proves its...
The concept of where we go when we die holds great concern in Christian denominations. Some believe in reincarnation, purgatory and other dogmas, while others believe in immediate judgment after death. This is evident in Hebrews 9:27, which states, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die...
For you to go to Heaven, you have to become as Righteous as God. As it only the righteous who exist there and who are allowed to stay there once they arrive.
And the problem is, you have no way to become righteous. You have already sinned, so, that's it.
So, you now have this to...
its pretty obvious that Satan's intent for everyone is to cause them to end up in Hell.
That's Job #1.
However, once you are born again, and have become a part of God's Heavenly Spiritual Family, .. Satan can't lead you to hell, so, he has a different plan for you if you are born again, and...
Abiding in the vine" is to be born again.
The VINE is symbolic for/as : Jesus The Christ, and to be IN the VINE, is to be "In Christ", born again as "One with God".
This is the born again Spirit that "Abides" IN......the Vine., which is symbolic for The Christ.
Christ is also the "root"...
"when i am weak, then i am strong."
I hope this Thread will help you go deeper into the true understanding of God's Grace, that is KEY to sustaining a beautiful discipleship.
Look at these these 2 verses.. Paul teaching.
1. """As many as be PERFECT"
2. ""the fullness of the stature of...
Being a real disciple, .........
So, first..... lets qualify "REAL"
Everyone who is born again, has become a disciple.
This is like, everyone who has joined the army, gets a uniform, and learns how to march.
A disciple of God and Christ, "works out their salvation", not to stay saved, but...
Now, if we really want to drill it down, then we surely understand that salvation started in the "foreknowledge of God", where everything began.
So, God created Salvation, in His Foreknowledge, as He knew what Satan would do, and He knew what Adam and Eve would do, and He knew what He would...
To have Victory, is to be able to withstand the devil, and to be able to live holy.
That's the victory, that Paul defines as ...>"CHRIST always gives me the Victory"
So, how do you get that power, that is "always the victory"?
A.) You submit to God.
See, most believers, are not submitted...
Sometimes a believer has issues with feeling not worthy to be helped by God.
Well, how to resolve this wrong mind.....this wrong faith ????
Its by understanding that you are made worthy to receive from God, because Christ is in you and this makes you ETERNALLY worthy and keeps you ETERNALLY...
How are you actually born again?
What literally happens. ?
I thought i would share this faith fundamental with you because its very possible you can be in Church for 50 yrs and no one there can explain it to you.
So lets look at what it means to be : BORN AGAIN.....how it happens...
There are 2 dominions, spiritually..... that exist In the Spiritual Realm.
1. Law
2. Grace.
WE<>Everyone : are under one or the other.
When we are under the law, the law has dominion and it judges us.
Its the law that judges and defines us as a : "SINNER".
When we are born again, we are...
The confusion for most Christian, is that they are trying to stay MENTALLY DEFINED (wrong mind, broken faith) by what isn't able to define you any more.
They are trying to keep defining themselves as a "sinner" or a "saved sinner" when in fact they now spiritually exist in GOD, where there...
Here is how you get eternal life.
Do you want it?
Here is how you get it.
"The Gift of God is eternal Life".
See that?
"The gift of God.... >IS< ....eternal life".
So, to have eternal life, you have to get God's Gift.
You have to possess this "gift", as "Christ in you".
And who is...
Satan is alive, and he's very clever.
He is a perfected deceiver.
He is the "father of lies", and is the trainer of religious pretense, that sounds legit, because it speaks advanced "christianese".
For example...> Satan has had more time with the Greek texts and the rest of the bible...
All the born again are "Saints".
That means you, if you are born again.
And, the history of Christianity has recorded the life stories and testimonies of some amazing believers.
If you have never read the life story or the testimony of historically remarkable "saints", then by all means
Lets look at a few verses that deal with growing in Grace as = how to effectively "work out your salvation">
1.)""" leaving the first principles""". Hebrews 6
Reader....The bible is a progressive reveal.
Its God revealing Himself, and its God's showing you how He deals with mankind from...
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