- Dec 3, 2020
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Again, Repentance is in light of forgiveness' of sins, and the non elect dont have it. Also the none elect unregenerate are under the curse of the law, they owe obedience to it since Christ didn't render obedience to it on their behalf.Hello BF, let's see what we have here. I think when we agree on most things, there are sometimes small things that cause two people to not agree.
Now, we agree on many things as stated. Does the bible teach, election, reprobation, repentance, regeneration, sanctification, Total Depravity, Particular Redemption, etc. It is safe to say we do not differ on these main categories.
The Command in Acts 17 says:but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent:
All men everywhere would include [elect persons, and non elect persons] If it is all men everywhere. The article I offered clearly stated this;
{"Duty faith is the teaching that it is the duty or obligation towards God of the natural man (unregenerated person) to believe unto eternal salvation, even if it is impossible for him to do so in his spiritually dead condition. }
So to be clear, you see a distinction in this text that takes the all men, to mean not the Jew only, but gentiles who are already regenerated before they repent???
Saving faith and repentance happen in real time simultaneously.
From the Divine side, it is certain before time was 2tim.1:9. yet it happens in real time Eph2:1-5
We are conceived as sinners who need regeneration and conversion.
I agree that we get the whole package IN Christ. That being said, we are not saved from our sins until we are given a new heart, and indwelt by the Spirit of God. While Jesus accomplished redemption at the cross as our mediator, surety, and Great High Priest, as His part of the Covenant of Redemption and not one will be lost, salvation happens in real time. We openly confess that salvation by our public baptism. We do not intentionally baptize unbelievers.
Yes, I agree , believers receive all of this at the moment they are quickened by the Spirit.
I agree it is to be preached...and that everyone believing will receive this salvation. I am told that every believing one, will be saved,jn3:15,16. I know that only the elect are going to be effectually, and irresistibly drawn to saving faith, but once again, as we do not know who they are, we preach to all men everywhere, explaining what the are called to believe.
I agree that the non elect reprobate will never repent and believe the gospel. They will die in their sins and perish sadly. That does not mean that the command to repent is not a command. As stated above in red..
I do not say they have forgiveness of sins, neither does any Calvinist say such a thing. The non elect persons do not have the Spirit of God. They do not know the love of God which is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us.
Once again...when we face sinners and preach or teach God's truth, we do not know if the sinner we are speaking with is elect, or reprobate. So we freely preach and offer the truth of the gospel of the Kingdom.