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7th day adventist. Are they a cult?

Solo said:
Ellen G. White is a cult figure, and since the SDA holds her writings as being authoritative, the SDA church is a cult.
Satan hates the SDA church because its committment to God, by keeping 'ALL' the commandments of God....and the fact that the true church MUST have had a Prophet to be identified as God's true church.......

As it is written:

Revelation 12:17 "And the dragon (satan) was wroth (angry) with the woman, and went to make WAR with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ".

Did you miss the post depicting why the SDA is a cult.
NO ONE can call the SDA church a cult...without implying that Jesus Christ, is a cult also !!!

I stand with Jesus Christ, against the lies satan wants people to believe, about God's, Bible identified church (Revelation 12:17 & 14:12) !

If Solo wishes to cast accusations against God, so be it !
Jay T said:
NO ONE can call the SDA church a cult...without implying that Jesus Christ, is a cult also !!!

I stand with Jesus Christ, against the lies satan wants people to believe, about God's, Bible identified church (Revelation 12:17 & 14:12) !

If Solo wishes to cast accusations against God, so be it !
You stand ignorant of the truth of God as you ignore the Holy Spirit telling you about the lies of satan within the SDA church. You follow Ellen G. White and the SDA doctrines, not the truths taught by Jesus Christ. Your cultish belief that the Seventh-day Adventist church is the remnant is identical to the Jehovah Witness cult that believed that they were the 144,000 of the 12 tribes of Israel; but hey, you both are from the same beginnings in the early 1800s.

I stand on the truth of Jesus Christ and I call the Seventh-day Adventist church a cult teaching the lies of the devil. Those that are born again members of the body of Christ should leave the SDA and worship with other believers of a Bible believing church.
Solo said:
You stand ignorant of the truth of God as you ignore the Holy Spirit telling you about the lies of satan within the SDA church. You follow Ellen G. White and the SDA doctrines, not the truths taught by Jesus Christ. Your cultish belief that the Seventh-day Adventist church is the remnant is identical to the Jehovah Witness cult that believed that they were the 144,000 of the 12 tribes of Israel; but hey, you both are from the same beginnings in the early 1800s.

I stand on the truth of Jesus Christ and I call the Seventh-day Adventist church a cult teaching the lies of the devil. Those that are born again members of the body of Christ should leave the SDA and worship with other believers of a Bible believing church.

AMEN !!!!!
Solo said:
I stand on the truth of Jesus Christ and I call the Seventh-day Adventist church a cult teaching the lies of the devil. Those that are born again members of the body of Christ should leave the SDA and worship with other believers of a Bible believing church.

Then, you are at WAR against God.....

Revelation 12:17 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make WAR with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ".

I have your testimony on file now !
Jay T said:

Then, you are at WAR against God.....

Revelation 12:17 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make WAR with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ".

I have your testimony on file now !
I am at WAR with YOUR god. The Seventh-day Adventists are a cult living the false teachings of the devil himself. If you ever repent and recieve Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you would understand the spiritual things of the ONE TRUE GOD.
Jay T said:

Then, you are at WAR against God.....

Revelation 12:17 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make WAR with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ".

I have your testimony on file now !

AS is typical with ''cults'' and ''cultic teachings''
Here you pluck the single verse rev 12:7 and take it completely out of context...

Lets look at the context shall we...
Rev 12:7-9
7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Jay T
First of all; This is in the middle of the Tribulation. Michael, the archangel, is associated with the affairs of the nation of Israel (Dan. 12:1). Last I knew we were not in the middle of the tribulation.....Secondly, The dragon (Satan) is so thoroughly defeated that he loses any right of access to heaven. The devil and his demons including are cast down to the earth.

Jay T, so briefly; this sets the stage. Now lets hop over to verse 13

Rev 12:13-17
13 Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent. 15 So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. 16 But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. 17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

So Jay T
Who is the women here? Who is the offspring?
Keep in mind that this is in the middle of the tribulation period...

Actually, you obviously don't know because you are being true to your nature and keep plucking verses out of context. None the less, take a guess...
i would ask this;

What about the 'other' denominations that have been 'wrong' in their teachings? Would not these too be considered 'cults'?

I can personally point out 'faults', (false teaching), in ANY organized form of Christianity. Does that make them ALL cults?

Or, is 'cult' simply a term used to label 'any' that differs from the majority?

I am NOT defending the 'false teachings' of the SDA, I am simply asking if there is a SINGLE denomination that 'has it ALL right'? If so, I have YET to discover this elusive group.

Imagican said:
i would ask this;

What about the 'other' denominations that have been 'wrong' in their teachings? Would not these too be considered 'cults'?

I can personally point out 'faults', (false teaching), in ANY organized form of Christianity. Does that make them ALL cults?

Or, is 'cult' simply a term used to label 'any' that differs from the majority?

I am NOT defending the 'false teachings' of the SDA, I am simply asking if there is a SINGLE denomination that 'has it ALL right'? If so, I have YET to discover this elusive group.

My previous post clearly describes what a cult is, and how the Seventh-day Adventists fit the bill. Did you miss this post or was there another point that you were trying to make. Most cults follow the teachings of one individual as does the SDA bunch. They place the writings of Ellen G. White on equal authority as the Bible. The Jehovah Witnesses follow Russel and the watchtower, The mormons follow Joseph Smith, The Christian Science bunch led by Mary Baker Eddy, etc. etc.

Solo said:
The definition of a cult is fulfilled by Ellen G. White and the Seventh-day Adventist church according to a Seventh-day Adventist.

I have his written permission to share with this forum his information concerning this matter. Hopefully, those Seventh-day Adventists that are born again will read this and find a Bible believing church to worship the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in. God bless each one whom God will save.
  1. [*]A leader or group of leaders, prophet, prophetess, that claims to speak for God.

    Ellen G. White, the Seventh-day Adventist’s prophetess makes the claim that what she writes is not her ideas, but "that which God has opened before her in vision."[list:44536]
    "In my books, the truth is stated, barricaded by a ‘Thus saith the Lord.’ The Holy Spirit traced these truths upon my heart and mind as indelibly as the law was traced by the finger of God upon the tables of stone." Letter 90, 1906.

    "In these letters which I write, in the testimonies I bear, I am presenting to you that which the Lord has presented to me. I do not write one article in the paper expressing merely my own ideas. They are what God has opened before me in vision--the precious rays of light shining from the throne." Testimonies 5 p. 67.
[/*:m:44536][*]What they write and teach their followers, contradicts Bible.

Read, "Ellen G. White Contradicts the Bible Over 50 time" EGW holds strict authority over its members in respect to, finances, wills, diet, dress, amusement, associations, etc. as taught in her books such as Testimonies to the Church.

[/*:m:44536][*]Many members taking issue with the authority of the leader are excommunicated, (disfellowshipped), shunned, or not allowed to hold office in the church, etc.

EGW: "When the judgment of the General Conference, which is the highest authority that God has on earth, is exercised private independence and private judgment MUST NOT be maintained, but must be surrendered." Testimonies 3 p. 492.

Look at the SDA pastors that were fired for not believing in some of Ellen G. White’s teachings. Also members who have been put out of office and disfellowshipped for not accepting Ellen G. White as a prophet or her teachings.

[/*:m:44536][*]Cult leaders teach infallibility in their teachings or the writings of their cult leader, in this case Ellen G. White.

"It is from the standpoint of the light that has come through the Spirit of Prophecy (Mrs. White’s writings) that the question will be considered, believing as we do that the Spirit of Prophecy is the only infallible interpreter of Bible principles, since it is the Christ, through this agency, giving real meaning of his own words." G.A. Irwin, General Conference President, from the tract The Mark of the Beast, p. 1.

On February 7, 1887, the General Conference passed the following resolution -- "That we re-affirm our binding confidence in the Testimonies of Sister White to the Church, as the teaching of the Spirit of God." SDA Year Book for 1914, p. 253

"Our position on the Testimonies is like the key-stone to the arch. Take that out and there is no logical stopping-place till all the special truths of the Message are gone...Nothing is surer than this, that the Message and visions (of Mrs. White) belong together, and stand or fall together." Review and Herald Supplement, August 14, 1883.

[/*:m:44536][*]The cult members believes that they are superior to others because of their unique teachings as they have knowledge of God’s will that other Christians do not have. Because of the false teachings of their prophet or leaders, they consider themselves especially chosen by God, and look at themselves as the "Remnant Church," or "The True Church".

Ellen G. White and the Seventh-day Adventist Church view themselves as "the Remnant Church" alone especially called by God in 1844, over all other churches, which they called Babylon. The Adventist still considers themselves the Remnant Church. Read, "Seventh-day Adventist Believe 27," Chapter 12, The Remnant and Its Mission, p.153.

Seventh-day Adventist Believe: "One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy, This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White." "Seventh-day Adventist Believe 27," p.216.

Without Ellen G. White and her Bible Contradictions, the Seventh-day Adventist Church could not call itself the Remnant Church.

[/*:m:44536][*]Adventist leaders and their members use the writings of Ellen G. White to interpret the Scriptures. EGW's writings are the final arbitrator of doctrines.

The Adventist’s claim to hold the Bible above all teachings, but in fact they interpret the Bible by the writings of Ellen G. White. This is demonstrated in their Sabbath school Quarterlies, sermons, and articles in their church paper, "Adventist Review." Her counsel is to be followed as Scripture.

[/*:m:44536][*]They publish their own Bible and insert their own doctrines in the text.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church publishes The Clear Word Bible. It is a cultic Bible that does not separate the Bible text from the author’s personal commentary, opinions, which slants the text to agree with the writings of Ellen G. White and whatever else to make the text say what he wants it to say. This corrupt piece of work, makes the Word of God unclear to the reader.

Adventist scholar Dr. Sakae Kubo say’s, "I am concerned about how our membership regard and use Blanco’s Clear Word. Behind my remarks is a history of Bibles of this sort that have a terrible bias. The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ New World Translation is an obvious exampleâ€â€the divinity of Christ is removed and His createdness is brought out along with other tendential characteristics. The very obvious and serious danger is that our own people will be confused as to what the Bible really says. Interpretation has been so mixed in with the text that our people will think that the interpretation is part of the Word of God." Adventist Review, April 1995, p.15.


.....................The Clear Word Bible, 1994 by Jack J. Blanco.
.....................Printed and distributed by
.....................Review and Herald Publishing Association,
.....................55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740

To see examples of how, The Clear Word Bible perverts the Word of God, go to another site:

[/*:m:44536][*]Religious cults look at individuals that leave their group as being lost, and without salvation.

It is difficult for Seventh-day Adventists to fathom that a person leaving their church can remain a Christian and still be saved. After I left the Adventist Church I had letters telling me I was being led by Satan, I was making war on God's church, I would burn in Hell, and that I should come back to the church, etc.

Christians that do not belong to the Seventh-day Adventist Church are often called "outsiders." When a Christian from another Church joins the Seventh-day Adventist Church, they are said, "to have come into the truth."

[/*:m:44536][*]What is a cult?

A religious cult is an organization that has departed from mainstream Christianity to follow doctrines that are not Biblical. They hold their leader's Bible contradictions over the Word of God. The Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches many non-Biblical doctrines.[/*:m:44536][/list:o:44536]Webster’s Dictionary by Random House: cult n. 1. a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies. 2. a. a group that devotes itself to or venerates a person, ideal, fad, etc. 3. a. a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist. b. the members of such a religion or sect. -adj. 4. of or pertaining to a cult. 5. of, for, or attracting a small group of devotees: a cult movie. cultic, adj. cultish, adj. cultism, n. cultist, n.

Are there different kinds of cults?

Most definitely. There are religious cults, Satanic cults, secular cults. Some cults are purely secular such as; sport idols, UFO cults, movie stars, and some are dedicated for good of society. A cult in itself is not necessarily evil.

Christians need to be alert as to what is being taught as truth and refuse to accept Biblical Contradictions especially if a church has a prophet. People find comfort and security in belonging to religious cults, as it agrees with their beliefs that they were brain-washed into believing as truth.

EGW is as inspired as the Bible prophets

Retrieved from

The author is a 3rd generation SDA and his testimony can be found at
Jay T
Have you considered my challenge in the debate forum to go one on one?
Your heresys compared to what the bible teaches. I am waiting for you.....
jgredline said:
Jay T
Have you considered my challenge in the debate forum to go one on one?
Your heresys compared to what the bible teaches. I am waiting for you.....
OK, I'm of the belief that the truth can loose nothing thru close investigation.
And, so I accept your offer.
As offered Solo, I have NOT made ANY effort to defend SDA doctrine. Just made an effort to 'point out' that I have YET to find an organized denomination that has chosen to follow the 'truth' as laid out in The Bible WITHOUT allowing 'men' to insert 'their OWN' understanding into it. And in this CONTRADICTING scripture.

So what you have offered is ALMOST exactly my point. I did read your earlier post, read them all in fact, before making my statements.

So, now I ask you personally, WHICH denomination do YOU use to discern the 'truth' from that which 'a cult'?

Imagican said:
As offered Solo, I have NOT made ANY effort to defend SDA doctrine. Just made an effort to 'point out' that I have YET to find an organized denomination that has chosen to follow the 'truth' as laid out in The Bible WITHOUT allowing 'men' to insert 'their OWN' understanding into it. And in this CONTRADICTING scripture.

So what you have offered is ALMOST exactly my point. I did read your earlier post, read them all in fact, before making my statements.

So, now I ask you personally, WHICH denomination do YOU use to discern the 'truth' from that which 'a cult'?


Very good point!
Imagican said:
As offered Solo, I have NOT made ANY effort to defend SDA doctrine. Just made an effort to 'point out' that I have YET to find an organized denomination that has chosen to follow the 'truth' as laid out in The Bible WITHOUT allowing 'men' to insert 'their OWN' understanding into it. And in this CONTRADICTING scripture.

So what you have offered is ALMOST exactly my point. I did read your earlier post, read them all in fact, before making my statements.

So, now I ask you personally, WHICH denomination do YOU use to discern the 'truth' from that which 'a cult'?

I don't use a denomination to discern whether a group of people are practicing their belief within a cult, I use the Word of God and whether it is the final authority or not.

There may be churches within a denomination that is a cult as well. Study the Jesus' letters to the seven churches in Revelation 1 and 2 and see where not all of the folks within a church are guilty of the sins of the church.

By: Editor: Blessed Quietness-- Steve Van Nattan

Ellen G White, along with Joseph Smith of the Mormons, condemned drinking of coffee or tea. This is a very central point of works salvation to Seventh Day Adventists. We know that coffee can be a problem to some folks, and they should not confound the temple of the Holy Ghost, their body that is, with the stuff if it is contrary to their own health. But is coffee always evil?

In a recent issue of Science News, March 2, 1996, p. 143, I read that research had been done at the Harvard School of Public Health to see how drinking of beverages would affect the incidence of kidney stones. It was learned that the more you drink water, the less your chances for kidney stones. Not very startling, right? Water is the Old Testament fluid to cleanse things, houses, etc. Blood cleanses people.

Well, the Harvard boys took it a bit farther. They tested various beverages. They found that your chances of kidney stones dropped 10% if your drinking beverage was coffee, and 14% if you drank tea. They found, on the other hand, that your chances of having kidney stones increased by 36 % if your beverage was grapefruit or apple juice. So, coffee, sometimes referred to as "Baptist holy water," is good for your kidneys. By the way, it is the caffeine in the coffee and tea which stimulates the kidneys to cleanse themselves. Ellen G. White was NOT in fellowship with real science.

Well, just 5 days after I got that issue of Science News, I tuned a piano in a Seventh Day Adventist Church. The pastor was a gentleman, and we had some good conversation. He even let me bring my coffee into the fellowship hall to drink with my lunch. I hope the man is saved, but I am not yet sure. But, he told me that, as good Adventists, they did not drink coffee.

Later in the day, I tuned his piano at home. During the tuning, he kindly gave me a big glass of juice which I appreciated. Guess what kind of juice was preferred? Right, apple juice. Now, I do not tell you this to make a fool of the pastor of that church. It DOES show, however; that Phariseeism is just as perilous today as it was 2000 years ago in Galilee. It is not a question of, "Would you suffer kidney stones for the Glory of God?" That IS a fair question. The greater question is, "Are you trying to work your way to heaven by keeping a health law that will eventually damn you to hell and, in the mean time, give you bad health?"

Frankly, I would not be at all surprised to see Arab coffee at the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. Coffee seems to do such wonderful things when served in a Middle Eastern protocol. Of course, tea will be served so that the English can, "Do it up proper, old man."

More false teaching from the SDA's prophet :-?
I'm sorry, but I just can't get a grasp on this issue of tea and coffee. As someone affiliated with the SDA Church this has never been an issue for me. Whether I may offend 'either side' or not I believe that it all comes down to individual choice. If one feels that they should refrain from drinking coffee or tea - for whatever reason - then refrain from drinking coffee or tea. On the other hand, should one not be convicted either way on this issue - whatever their denomination - then go ahead and drink one or either. Simple.

I have two cups of coffee in the morning on the average and for the rest of the day I drink fruit and herbal infusion tea ...whatever the heck that is. I don't live my life by a book of rules and no one has ever tried to force rules on me. Are any of you aware that SDAs are REAL human beings and really don't have antenae growing out of their heads? Most of you seem to have no real idea what you're talking about. NONE of you 'anti-SDAs' are talking about me, that's for sure.
SputnikBoy said:
I'm sorry, but I just can't get a grasp on this issue of tea and coffee. As someone affiliated with the SDA Church this has never been an issue for me. Whether I may offend 'either side' or not I believe that it all comes down to individual choice. If one feels that they should refrain from drinking coffee or tea - for whatever reason - then refrain from drinking coffee or tea. On the other hand, should one not be convicted either way on this issue - whatever their denomination - then go ahead and drink one or either. Simple.

I have two cups of coffee in the morning on the average and for the rest of the day I drink fruit and herbal infusion tea ...whatever the heck that is. I don't live my life by a book of rules and no one has ever tried to force rules on me. Are any of you aware that SDAs are REAL human beings and really don't have antenae growing out of their heads? Most of you seem to have no real idea what you're talking about. NONE of you 'anti-SDAs' are talking about me, that's for sure.

Have you ever thought folks were ganging up on your because of your habit of drinking tea or coffee?

Have you ever explained this habit away as if it were something unrelated to your beliefs or way of life?

Have you ever been accused of living by a book of rules or have been felt like you were being forced to live by a set of rules just because you love tea or coffee?

Or have you ever felt like the 'anti-SDAs' were talking about you about drinking coffee or tea?

Welcome to the .....................Twilight Zone!!!!!!
