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7th day adventist. Are they a cult?

mutzrein said:
Actually it was God (my Heavenly Father) who sent His son (Christ Jesus) to die on the cross and since it is in Christ that I dwell and have my being, I have no condemnation. So what do you reckon I need to repent from?

Thats the other Jesus your talking about. You know the one who was created.
The Jesus I am speaking of is God who was crucified and rose on the third day....The Alpha and the Omega, The I AM, The All Mighty, The Logos.....
jgredline said:
Thats the other Jesus your talking about. You know the one who was created.
The Jesus I am speaking of is God who was crucified and rose on the third day....The Alpha and the Omega, The I AM, The All Mighty, The Logos.....

No I don't know about the Jesus who was created. Which one was he?
mutzrein said:
No I don't know about the Jesus who was created. Which one was he?

You know, the one your buddy Mec worships...Oh, Wait, that is yet still another Jesus :o Its hard to keep track of all these differant Jesus that some of come up with...
jgredline said:
You know, the one your buddy Mec worships...Oh, Wait, that is yet still another Jesus :o Its hard to keep track of all these differant Jesus that some of come up with...
Well I'm sure MEC can defend himself adequately. So let's go back to my question. What do I need to repent from?
mutzrein said:
Well I'm sure MEC can defend himself adequately. So let's go back to my question. What do I need to repent from?

You need to repent from worshiping the false Jesus that you worship. The one true Jesus is deity, the secons person of the God Head, the God god who went to the cross and died for all whom would accept him. The Jesus you worship can't atone for sin because he is not God..
jgredline said:
You need to repent from worshiping the false Jesus that you worship. The one true Jesus is deity, the secons person of the God Head, the God god who went to the cross and died for all whom would accept him. The Jesus you worship can't atone for sin because he is not God..

Boy you jump to a lot of ill founded conclusions.

I don't worship Jesus. Jesus is an heir of His father's kingdom, as I am.

No, I worship God who is the father of His only begotten son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is through Christ that I know God and have been made His son also.

This same Christ (the spotless lamb OF God) has made atonement for my sin whether you like it or not so it is not for you to judge the heart of one whom God has cleansed.
jgredline said:
You need to repent from worshiping the false Jesus that you worship..

DO NOT deny yourself the same advice !

Luke 6:41 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
6:42 Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.
Hey, I've got a novel idea!....

How about we actually get back on topic???

I've no idea how you guys got sidetracked on a Christological argument but it seems jg, that you only pitch a fit on keeping a topic on track when it is your own
guibox said:
Hey, I've got a novel idea!....

How about we actually get back on topic???

I've no idea how you guys got sidetracked on a Christological argument but it seems jg, that you only pitch a fit on keeping a topic on track when it is your own

Actually Guibox
You are correct. The topic here is

''7th day adventist. Are they a cult?''

I never considered the SDA a cult and still don't consider all the SDA folk a cult.
It is very obvious there are atleast two types.
One is a cult and the other is not.
So far, while I disagree with many of your teachings or post, I don't consider you a cult...Of Course this could change.

Now we have the Fundelmental SDA like Jay T. Clearly that sect is a CULT.
How do I know this. Simply look and read his post.
jgredline said:
Actually Guibox
You are correct. The topic here is

''7th day adventist. Are they a cult?''

I never considered the SDA a cult and still don't consider all the SDA folk a cult.
It is very obvious there are atleast two types.
One is a cult and the other is not.
So far, while I disagree with many of your teachings or post, I don't consider you a cult...Of Course this could change.

Now we have the Fundelmental SDA like Jay T. Clearly that sect is a CULT.
How do I know this. Simply look and read his post.

This is the bottom line before anybody listens to and starts to believe the complete fallacies that oscar is putting forth...

The SDA church is not a cult and does not follow the criteria for being a cult. Though there are some with cultic thinking in the church and some that would give that impression. I believe that there are many 'cultic' thinkers and legalists in all faiths and not merely SDA church.

Heterorthodox beliefs that you don't agree or that seem strange to you don't make us a cult.
guibox said:
This is the bottom line before anybody listens to and starts to believe the complete fallacies that oscar is putting forth...

The SDA church is not a cult and does not follow the criteria for being a cult. Though there are some with cultic thinking in the church and some that would give that impression. I believe that there are many 'cultic' thinkers and legalists in all faiths and not merely SDA church.

Heterorthodox beliefs that you don't agree or that seem strange to you don't make us a cult.

You are the one who wanted to get this thread back on track right? Well we have done that.

I also have not read 1/3 of what Oscar has posted here and I don't need a bunch of articles to prove anything to me. I look at what members of the SDA church are saying...

Jay T has said things and I am paraphrazing......

He has said that Jesus was a member of the SDA church.
He has also said that Ellen G White is a messenger from God, when Ellen G white clearly teaches contrary to the bible...Here Oscar was a huge help...
He has also stated that if one does not follow the 10 commandments that one will loose their salvation.
He has said way more than this, but I am sure you get the point....

Straight out ''Jay T is a false teacher''....Not only does he teach contrary to what the bible teaches, but he breaks the law of this website everytime he says anything contrary to the TOS of this site....He is always baring false witness here by his false teaching....So his sect is a cult....

So if you read my post again, you will see that I did not say ''ALL'' SDA's are cults....
The definition of a cult is fulfilled by Ellen G. White and the Seventh-day Adventist church according to a Seventh-day Adventist.

I have his written permission to share with this forum his information concerning this matter. Hopefully, those Seventh-day Adventists that are born again will read this and find a Bible believing church to worship the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in. God bless each one whom God will save.
  1. [*]A leader or group of leaders, prophet, prophetess, that claims to speak for God.

    Ellen G. White, the Seventh-day Adventist’s prophetess makes the claim that what she writes is not her ideas, but "that which God has opened before her in vision."[list:5c7e2]
    "In my books, the truth is stated, barricaded by a ‘Thus saith the Lord.’ The Holy Spirit traced these truths upon my heart and mind as indelibly as the law was traced by the finger of God upon the tables of stone." Letter 90, 1906.

    "In these letters which I write, in the testimonies I bear, I am presenting to you that which the Lord has presented to me. I do not write one article in the paper expressing merely my own ideas. They are what God has opened before me in vision--the precious rays of light shining from the throne." Testimonies 5 p. 67.
[/*:m:5c7e2][*]What they write and teach their followers, contradicts Bible.

Read, "Ellen G. White Contradicts the Bible Over 50 time" EGW holds strict authority over its members in respect to, finances, wills, diet, dress, amusement, associations, etc. as taught in her books such as Testimonies to the Church.

[/*:m:5c7e2][*]Many members taking issue with the authority of the leader are excommunicated, (disfellowshipped), shunned, or not allowed to hold office in the church, etc.

EGW: "When the judgment of the General Conference, which is the highest authority that God has on earth, is exercised private independence and private judgment MUST NOT be maintained, but must be surrendered." Testimonies 3 p. 492.

Look at the SDA pastors that were fired for not believing in some of Ellen G. White’s teachings. Also members who have been put out of office and disfellowshipped for not accepting Ellen G. White as a prophet or her teachings.

[/*:m:5c7e2][*]Cult leaders teach infallibility in their teachings or the writings of their cult leader, in this case Ellen G. White.

"It is from the standpoint of the light that has come through the Spirit of Prophecy (Mrs. White’s writings) that the question will be considered, believing as we do that the Spirit of Prophecy is the only infallible interpreter of Bible principles, since it is the Christ, through this agency, giving real meaning of his own words." G.A. Irwin, General Conference President, from the tract The Mark of the Beast, p. 1.

On February 7, 1887, the General Conference passed the following resolution -- "That we re-affirm our binding confidence in the Testimonies of Sister White to the Church, as the teaching of the Spirit of God." SDA Year Book for 1914, p. 253

"Our position on the Testimonies is like the key-stone to the arch. Take that out and there is no logical stopping-place till all the special truths of the Message are gone...Nothing is surer than this, that the Message and visions (of Mrs. White) belong together, and stand or fall together." Review and Herald Supplement, August 14, 1883.

[/*:m:5c7e2][*]The cult members believes that they are superior to others because of their unique teachings as they have knowledge of God’s will that other Christians do not have. Because of the false teachings of their prophet or leaders, they consider themselves especially chosen by God, and look at themselves as the "Remnant Church," or "The True Church".

Ellen G. White and the Seventh-day Adventist Church view themselves as "the Remnant Church" alone especially called by God in 1844, over all other churches, which they called Babylon. The Adventist still considers themselves the Remnant Church. Read, "Seventh-day Adventist Believe 27," Chapter 12, The Remnant and Its Mission, p.153.

Seventh-day Adventist Believe: "One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy, This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White." "Seventh-day Adventist Believe 27," p.216.

Without Ellen G. White and her Bible Contradictions, the Seventh-day Adventist Church could not call itself the Remnant Church.

[/*:m:5c7e2][*]Adventist leaders and their members use the writings of Ellen G. White to interpret the Scriptures. EGW's writings are the final arbitrator of doctrines.

The Adventist’s claim to hold the Bible above all teachings, but in fact they interpret the Bible by the writings of Ellen G. White. This is demonstrated in their Sabbath school Quarterlies, sermons, and articles in their church paper, "Adventist Review." Her counsel is to be followed as Scripture.

[/*:m:5c7e2][*]They publish their own Bible and insert their own doctrines in the text.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church publishes The Clear Word Bible. It is a cultic Bible that does not separate the Bible text from the author’s personal commentary, opinions, which slants the text to agree with the writings of Ellen G. White and whatever else to make the text say what he wants it to say. This corrupt piece of work, makes the Word of God unclear to the reader.

Adventist scholar Dr. Sakae Kubo say’s, "I am concerned about how our membership regard and use Blanco’s Clear Word. Behind my remarks is a history of Bibles of this sort that have a terrible bias. The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ New World Translation is an obvious exampleâ€â€the divinity of Christ is removed and His createdness is brought out along with other tendential characteristics. The very obvious and serious danger is that our own people will be confused as to what the Bible really says. Interpretation has been so mixed in with the text that our people will think that the interpretation is part of the Word of God." Adventist Review, April 1995, p.15.


.....................The Clear Word Bible, 1994 by Jack J. Blanco.
.....................Printed and distributed by
.....................Review and Herald Publishing Association,
.....................55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740

To see examples of how, The Clear Word Bible perverts the Word of God, go to another site:

[/*:m:5c7e2][*]Religious cults look at individuals that leave their group as being lost, and without salvation.

It is difficult for Seventh-day Adventists to fathom that a person leaving their church can remain a Christian and still be saved. After I left the Adventist Church I had letters telling me I was being led by Satan, I was making war on God's church, I would burn in Hell, and that I should come back to the church, etc.

Christians that do not belong to the Seventh-day Adventist Church are often called "outsiders." When a Christian from another Church joins the Seventh-day Adventist Church, they are said, "to have come into the truth."

[/*:m:5c7e2][*]What is a cult?

A religious cult is an organization that has departed from mainstream Christianity to follow doctrines that are not Biblical. They hold their leader's Bible contradictions over the Word of God. The Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches many non-Biblical doctrines.[/*:m:5c7e2][/list:o:5c7e2]Webster’s Dictionary by Random House: cult n. 1. a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies. 2. a. a group that devotes itself to or venerates a person, ideal, fad, etc. 3. a. a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist. b. the members of such a religion or sect. -adj. 4. of or pertaining to a cult. 5. of, for, or attracting a small group of devotees: a cult movie. cultic, adj. cultish, adj. cultism, n. cultist, n.

Are there different kinds of cults?

Most definitely. There are religious cults, Satanic cults, secular cults. Some cults are purely secular such as; sport idols, UFO cults, movie stars, and some are dedicated for good of society. A cult in itself is not necessarily evil.

Christians need to be alert as to what is being taught as truth and refuse to accept Biblical Contradictions especially if a church has a prophet. People find comfort and security in belonging to religious cults, as it agrees with their beliefs that they were brain-washed into believing as truth.

EGW is as inspired as the Bible prophets

Retrieved from

The author is a 3rd generation SDA and his testimony can be found at
Thanks for getting my post back on track. jg shame on you for hijacking my thread :wink:

The Ellen White Research Project

Mirror 1 Mirror 2
An independent source of information about Ellen White having no affiliation with the White Estate or the Seventh-day Adventist Church

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." 1 John 4:1 KJV

Here is a website I think you will enjoy
Thanks Oscar. Here is a website of a former Seventh-day Adventist pastor who reaches out to those in the Seventh-day Adventist church with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It is amazing that the SDA sect and the JW sect have alot in common...Then again both got there inspiration from the same place.. :-?
mutzrein said:
JG - I guess you've got nothing more to say about my last post in this thread then huh?

Actually Mutz
I did not see it. None the less, I don't want to keep sidetracking this thread.
Don't worry though, Our paths will cross again :wink:
guibox said:
The SDA church is not a cult and does not follow the criteria for being a cult. .
That's true....if the SDA church is a cult, then Jesus Christ is a cult figure.....because the SDA church is patterned after everything Jesus Christ said, and did !
Jay T said:
That's true....if the SDA church is a cult, then Jesus Christ is a cult figure.....because the SDA church is patterned after everything Jesus Christ said, and did !
Ellen G. White is a cult figure, and since the SDA holds her writings as being authoritative, the SDA church is a cult. Did you miss the post depicting why the SDA is a cult. Many former SDA pastors and SDA church members have been shown the lies of the SDA, and they have left on their own or have been excommunicated for their stand on the truths of Jesus Christ.