I haven't studied Calvin. I have too many other things needing my attention. As I go to a reformed church, we recite from the WCF nearly every Sunday and I hear the teaching from the pulpit.
I also have other things needing my attention.
But if I'm going to discuss Catholicism, I like to know about it.
If I'm going to discuss Calvinism, I like to know about it.
And not from other posters, but from the original sources.
Get the WCF.
Read it for yourself.
Let's start with Chapter I
Of the Holy Scripture
Read the first 4 sentences and then tell me what it means and if it makes sense.
Since you go to a reformed church, you should know what the reformed teach.
I have discussed but you don't like my answer. So, yes according to the reformed, we evangelize because Christ told us to; because we are God's hands and feet. Everyone that is to be saved will only be saved by hearing the gospel.
How is that possible if the reformed teach that GOD will CHOOSE who is to be saved and damned?
Do I need to post the Istitutes AGAIN? Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragrah 5
Hearing the gospel is not important in calvinism.
In fact, high calvinism will state this with no problem.
Others cannot accept the truth and mask it over.
John MacArthur can't seem to explain anything when asked.
Everything is a secret or a dilemma, or whatever.
The answer is always that God knows what we can't know.
Do YOU know why you must evangelize?
Why? Is it a mysterY, or do you KNOW WHY?
If you know why, it's time for you to leave that church.
That they believe God chooses who will be saved is irrelevant to that fact. Remember, that is the same as saying God chooses who will believe the gospel, and so be saved. But the gospel has to exist in the first place.
And what is the gospel for the reformed?
I've never received a reply.
All the OT is still for us. Jesus most certainly has not shown us exhaustively the mind of God.
He's shown us and taught us what we need to know to be saved.
Didn't Jesus come to earth to teach us how to be saved?
How to behave?
To be our atonement?
Why go through all this IF it's God that chooses, UNCONDITIONALLY, who will be saved or not??
1Co 2:11 For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. (ESV)
And is our spirit not connected to God so that we can know Him?
1 Corinthians 6:17
But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.
Of course. Same God, remember?
Ummm. I don't think so.
Not if you understand calvinism.
The WCF, chapter I, paragraph VI
states that nothing may be added to scripture, whether by new revelations of the Holy Spirit, or by traditions of men.
Isn't that funny?
Calvinism didn't even exist till the 1,500's.
It was NEVER taught before Luther, Calvin, Knox, etc.
Isn't that adding to scripture?
Isn't that traditions of man?