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A discussion on TOTAL DEPRAVITY

Agreed, I add comments to help those that lack understanding in the hopes they may see other possibilities. Granted, they rarely do.

John 3:16 is a good example. People assume Man's FREE WILL into the verse due to bias and I point out that the verse could just as easily assume God's free will.

that whosoever [because of God's WILL] believe
that whosoever [because of Man's FREE WILL] believe

... most people are not sharp enough to even see the possibility *sigh*
Ben Shapiro - What you want to believe you tend to believe and you tend to look for excuses to believe it.
Those of us that know reformed theology know very well the difference with John 3:16

And someone on here told me I learned what I know from Leighton Flowers.
That's a good laugh.
I've been studying calvinism for about 10 years.
I only started watching YouTube recently.

You keep telling me I'm Catholic, like as if you know anything about me,
I think it's funny.
Did I ever assume anything about you?
How about you do the same?

We make so many assumptions about people.
This is why we must stick to the topic,
we have enough trouble here just doing that.
Premise 1: God is not just and sends persons to hell for no reason other than to glorify Himself and for His own pleasure
Premise 2: God is evil
Conclusion: Wondering thinks God is evil
Well, assuming Reform theology is correct got some explaining to do *giggles*

Well, the Muslim might .. .not sure about .ridiculous claim ... lot's of LGBT theologians ..., do you agree with them. Your statement is so broad as to be ridiculous.

Agreed... .and thus Reformed theology thinks God is just.
You're problem is you think you are the ultimate authority on what JUST means ... I think God is the ultimate authority on the meaning of JUST. So when God orders the Israelites to kill babies, at first glance that might not seem just but I realize it was God giving the order so by definition it is JUST. Your problem is you define GOD in your image to a degree and it's distorted your knowledge of God (aside: granted, we all do to some degree)
Granted, each of us thinks the other distorts more. Reform people will use scripture to back up claims. Non-reform not so much, yourself being a good example.

Many claim the Bible says this or that, but do not use Scripture much.

No credibility.
Premise 1: God is not just and sends persons to hell for no reason other than to glorify Himself and for His own pleasure
Premise 2: God is evil
Conclusion: Wondering thinks God is evil
Well, assuming Reform theology is correct got some explaining to do *giggles*

Except it's reformed theology that teaches that God sends people to hell for no reason.


Well, the Muslim might .. .not sure about .ridiculous claim ... lot's of LGBT theologians ..., do you agree with them. Your statement is so broad as to be ridiculous.

Your statements are so illogic as to be ridiculous.

Agreed... .and thus Reformed theology thinks God is just.
You're problem is you think you are the ultimate authority on what JUST means ... I think God is the ultimate authority on the meaning of JUST. So when God orders the Israelites to kill babies, at first glance that might not seem just but I realize it was God giving the order so by definition it is JUST. Your problem is you define GOD in your image to a degree and it's distorted your knowledge of God (aside: granted, we all do to some degree)
Granted, each of us thinks the other distorts more. Reform people will use scripture to back up claims. Non-reform not so much, yourself being a good example.
Oh stop already.
You're funny.
A year from now you'll be saying the same stuff.
I'll still be getting a good laugh out of it.

And yes, IF God states He is JUST,

God does not lie.
Need verses?
In all fairness, these are deep, difficult discussions that have been disagreed upon by scholars and theologians for a very long time,
As Homer Simpson would say, "DOH". I thought we might start a revival *wink*
I agree with you. The other major issue is most on here can't articulate ideas well so that another hurdle to jump over.
You articulate well.... again, I invite you to come to the "Dark Side". :)

And it's just the meanings of a few words, which affect how things play out throughout Scripture.
Yeah ... scripture interprets scripture .... implicit verses should be interpreted by explicit verses
Aside: I swear that given 1 verse you can find 10 guys to assign it different meaning ... and don't get me started on parables *giggles*

Many claim the Bible says this or that, but do not use Scripture much.

No credibility.
What good is stating verses for persons that don't understand them?
But, apparently, you don't read all my posts.

I know persons that have NEVER READ the bible,
and know God better than some on this thread.
Most on this thread.
No. This is not what is being discussed.
We're discussing a different God here.
The God of calvinism is NOT the same God all other Christian denominations worship.
This cannot be denied.
Now that is to certainly misrepresent their beliefs. Same God, same gospel.

What evangelism?
Why would you care to evangelize when it's GOD that will be doing the choosing?
What does He need YOU for?
Because Christ told us to; because we are God's hands and feet. Everyone that is to be saved will only be saved by hearing the gospel.

Our understanding is not deficient because this is one of the reasons Jesus had to come to us.
God tried different ways of making us understand Him in the OT.
Jesus is the ultimate and last revelation.
God did this so we COULD understand Him.
Imagine God coming to earth.
It's like one of us becoming an ant so we could warn them not to go over the edge.
Isa 55:8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord.
Isa 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. (ESV)

We can know certain things about God, yes, but only that which he has revealed; we simply cannot know God exhaustively. Anyone who claims to know all God's reasons for doing and saying things, knows all God's thoughts, and the God they believe in is a God of their own making.

Calvinism believe Jesus came here....FOR WHAT?
God has predestinated everything, even the ants going over the edge, so what's the use of sending Jesus?

Reformed theology really has to be thought out.
It could sound so nice. But it isn't.
Jesus came to die as a propitiatory sacrifice in our place. Same God, same gospel, same need for Christ.

As an analogy, these discussion are, to me, the same as whether or not there is a rapture, and if there is, when will it take place, as well as the whole timeline of eschatological events. While those things are interesting, ultimately it doesn't matter to me. What matters is that when Christ returns, however that all plays out, that he finds me doing what I am supposed to be doing.

Similarly, to me, it is irrelevant as to whether or not God has chosen those who will be saved, especially since he already knows exactly who will be saved in the end and who won't. It was necessary for Christ to die to make atonement so we could be reconciled to God, and before he ascended he commanded his followers to go into all the world and make disciples. So, regardless as to who is right in this discussion, it is imperative that I be obedient and go and evangelize with the gospel.
I NEVER said any one on any of these posts blaspheme God.
I said that reformed theology blasphemes God.
LOL ... guilt by association ... and again, you say you provide proof with quotes from the WCF and Calvin yet never do so; least wise not in my memory.

Like, I can say all non-calvinists think God is evil and everyone knows your are a non-Calvinist .... so, you don't have to think too hard to determine what this statement would say about your opinion of God. That basically what you do.
As Homer Simpson would say, "DOH". I thought we might start a revival *wink*
I agree with you. The other major issue is most on here can't articulate ideas well so that another hurdle to jump over.
You articulate well.... again, I invite you to come to the "Dark Side". :)

Yeah ... scripture interprets scripture .... implicit verses should be interpreted by explicit verses
Aside: I swear that given 1 verse you can find 10 guys to assign it different meaning ... and don't get me started on parables *giggles*
Invite Free to the dark side.
That's what you're here for.

And, yes, DARK SIDE is right.
God is LIGHT, and in Him there is no darkness.
1 John 1:5
LOL ... guilt by association ... and again, you say you provide proof with quotes from the WCF and Calvin yet never do so; least wise not in my memory.

Like, I can say all non-calvinists think God is evil and everyone knows your are a non-Calvinist .... so, you don't have to think too hard to determine what this statement would say about your opinion of God. That basically what you do.
Yes, your memory is lacking.
What good is stating verses for persons that don't understand them?
But, apparently, you don't read all my posts.

I know persons that have NEVER READ the bible,
and know God better than some on this thread.
Most on this thread.
Wow, you know God better than some?

If you truly knew the God of the Bible as you say, you would see He is just in all He does, even if He chose some for salvation and some for hell. You would also not question what He does for His own glory.

Romans 9:20 On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God? WILL THE THING MOLDED SAY TO THE MOLDER, “WHY DID YOU MAKE ME LIKE THIS”?

Your pride is what blinds you my friend.
As Homer Simpson would say, "DOH". I thought we might start a revival *wink*
I agree with you. The other major issue is most on here can't articulate ideas well so that another hurdle to jump over.
You articulate well.... again, I invite you to come to the "Dark Side". :)
One of the main reasons I debate is to continually learn to articulate my positions better. I've been doing this a long time, so I've had a lot of practice, yet I still fail at times. I already go to a church on the Dark Side, I just don't agree with everything they teach and choose to hold some things in tension.

Yeah ... scripture interprets scripture .... implicit verses should be interpreted by explicit verses
Aside: I swear that given 1 verse you can find 10 guys to assign it different meaning ... and don't get me started on parables *giggles*
Of course, that just highlights the biases we all bring to the table. We can never be completely objective, as much as we like to think we can.
Now that is to certainly misrepresent their beliefs. Same God, same gospel.
How can we know for sure?
You won't discuss this with me.
Did you study Calvin?
Did you study the WCF?
Then how do you know WHAT "their beliefs" are?

Because Christ told us to; because we are God's hands and feet. Everyone that is to be saved will only be saved by hearing the gospel.
Not according to the reformed.
But you won't discuss.

Isa 55:8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord.
Isa 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. (ESV)

Old Testament.
We have Jesus now.
Does He look like the God the reformed believe in?
Is that what He taught?
What IS the difference anyway?
Do we want to stop to find out?

We can know certain things about God, yes, but only that which he has revealed; we simply cannot know God exhaustively. Anyone who claims to know all God's reasons for doing and saying things, knows all God's thoughts, and the God they believe in is a God of their own making.

We know enough to know that God will NOT send anyone to hell who does NOT WANT to go there.
Unlike what the reformed/calvinists teach.

Jesus came to die as a propitiatory sacrifice in our place. Same God, same gospel, same need for Christ.
No sir.
Let me know when you're ready...
Not same God.
Not same gospel.
No need for Jesus in their theology.

As an analogy, these discussion are, to me, the same as whether or not there is a rapture, and if there is, when will it take place, as well as the whole timeline of eschatological events. While those things are interesting, ultimately it doesn't matter to me. What matters is that when Christ returns, however that all plays out, that he finds me doing what I am supposed to be doing.

Eschatology is irrelevant.
Soteriology is very important.
HOW one gets saved is very important.
Some may lose their salvation because of this teaching as to how to become saved.
(you can't).

Similarly, to me, it is irrelevant as to whether or not God has chosen those who will be saved, especially since he already knows exactly who will be saved in the end and who won't. It was necessary for Christ to die to make atonement so we could be reconciled to God, and before he ascended he commanded his followers to go into all the world and make disciples. So, regardless as to who is right in this discussion, it is imperative that I be obedient and go and evangelize with the gospel.
No need to evangelize if the reformed are right.
It's not a matter of God having known.
Please study calvinism more.
Honestly and lovingly I say this...

And now.
Last thing. Then I have to go.
Justice means to give to each one what he deserves.

IF God is choosing who will go to heaven and who will go to hell,
without our even knowing why,
for no reason at all except that it glorifies Him and pleases Him,

Did each person get what he deserved?

So they'll say we all deserve hell.
Then justice would be to send ALL to hell.
But this is my point: If God chooses who will be saved, because he is perfectly just, then he is just in so choosing, even if we can't see it or understand why.

And, yes, we all do deserve hell, that is clear in Scripture. So, if God were to choose even one person to be saved by his grace, then he is worthy to be praised. If he chooses many, through no merit of their own, how much more worthy.
*short interlude*

Despite our disagreements, I do respect you as a strong Christian woman who does her homework.

O.K. ... back to fighting ... hopefully you will go to bed so we can have the final word.
If the bible states that God is LOVE
then He must be LOVE.
If the bible states that God is MERCIFUL
then He must be MERCIFUL.
Every Christian thinks God is Love, Merciful and Just. You defined these words according to whatever and then find Reform people at fault for to compiling with your definition.
Reform people think God is Love, Merciful and Just because He says so anything He does is Love, Merciful and Just.
Man has a depraved mind. What does he know. My ways are not your ways, my thoughts not your thoughts ....
As an analogy, these discussion are, to me, the same as whether or not there is a rapture, and if there is, when will it take place, as well as the whole timeline of eschatological events. While those things are interesting, ultimately it doesn't matter to me. What matters is that when Christ returns, however that all plays out, that he finds me doing what I am supposed to be doing.
Can't say I agree. Well, I agree with the eschatology part. Many Arminian concepts contradict the attributes of God IMO. Some realize this and have given God attributes skewed meanings as I define skewed. Reform's understanding of God is somewhat different with many consequences. ... anyways... I would leave it at that. From a 20,000 ft level, I agree.

Similarly, to me, it is irrelevant as to whether or not God has chosen those who will be saved,
Well, the synergists take partial credit for their salvation and the monergist do not. If the monergist is correct, then God is going to be 'ticked' at the synergists taking credit for what He has done seeing God says we don't sway Him.
Job 35:7 “If you are righteous, what do you give God, Or what does He receive from your hand? 8 “Your wickedness affects only a man such as you, And your righteousness affects only a son of man [but it cannot affect God, who is sovereign] (several other similar verses).
How can we know for sure?
You won't discuss this with me.
Did you study Calvin?
Did you study the WCF?
Then how do you know WHAT "their beliefs" are?
I haven't studied Calvin. I have too many other things needing my attention. As I go to a reformed church, we recite from the WCF nearly every Sunday and I hear the teaching from the pulpit.

Not according to the reformed.
But you won't discuss.
I have discussed but you don't like my answer. So, yes according to the reformed, we evangelize because Christ told us to; because we are God's hands and feet. Everyone that is to be saved will only be saved by hearing the gospel. That they believe God chooses who will be saved is irrelevant to that fact. Remember, that is the same as saying God chooses who will believe the gospel, and so be saved. But the gospel has to exist in the first place.

Old Testament.
We have Jesus now.
All the OT is still for us. Jesus most certainly has not shown us exhaustively the mind of God.

1Co 2:11 For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. (ESV)

Does He look like the God the reformed believe in?
Of course. Same God, remember?

We know enough to know that God will NOT send anyone to hell who does NOT WANT to go there.
Unlike what the reformed/calvinists teach.
Actually, I don't see how that would disagree with their teaching. I think it might be hard to sustain the argument that anyone actually wants to go to hell. Perhaps a relatively few do, but many simply don't believe hell even exists. These people sure thought they were going to heaven and don't want to go to hell:

Mat 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Mat 7:22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’
Mat 7:23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ (ESV)

Not same God.
Not same gospel.
No need for Jesus in their theology.
Absolutely, unequivocally the same God, the same gospel, and the need for Jesus. I find their theology far more robust and their focus on Jesus much greater than anything I ever heard in Pentecostal/charasmatic circles, but that probably goes without saying.

Eschatology is irrelevant.
Soteriology is very important.
HOW one gets saved is very important.
Soteriology is important but whether or not God chooses is not important to me. Everyone who gets saved, gets saved from hearing the gospel, which is why Jesus commanded his disciples to go make more disciples.

Some may lose their salvation because of this teaching as to how to become saved.
(you can't).
If salvation can actually be lost. If a person is sure they are saved, then why should they then doubt their salvation just because it is taught that God chose them to be saved? That should rather make a person that much more grateful to God.

No need to evangelize if the reformed are right.
Always the need to evangelize since no one is saved apart from hearing the gospel, and it's being obedient to the command of Christ. The gospel is still central and the death of Christ necessary.

It's not a matter of God having known.
I'm just saying that for me, since God knows and has always known who will be saved, it doesn't matter whether or not it's because he has chosen them. Jesus said to make disciples, so all Christians need to follow that command, since all who are to believe still need to hear the gospel.

And now.
Buona notte!
The NT teaches that it is RESISTABLE:

John 7:17
.Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God
Again, you assume. Open your mind.
The cause of our choosing is God chose up which cause us to choose. The first does not address the cause of us choosing. Your bias insert your Free Will. Open your mind. 50 verses say God chooses. John 1:12-13 not only says God chooses us for salvation but several times says MAN WILL IS NOT INVOLVED. Open your mind. See other possibilities.
(Yeah, that's going to happen)
Simply because the Bible says God is just. That is all that needs to be said.

Again, the argument is in exactly what it is that God has said and done, not in whether or not he is just. If the reformed position is right, say about God's election and choosing who will be saved, then it doesn't matter what you think, God is just in what he has done. For example, God decreed that whole nations were to be wiped out and he was just in doing so, regardless of what anyone today thinks about it.
And he wiped out the amelikites ,no one was spared .in Egypt the first born males that weren't protected by the blood ,despite being infants or adults where slain by the Angel .

An infant wasn't aware of the sin of the father .

He paid the price