Do you really know of anyone that advocates that?
I know of no reformed Christian that does.
Neither do I personally. There may be a few here that hear it, but most believe that our Father needed to punish his Son in order for sinners to be forgiven. That's what you believe. I believe sinners need to repent for punishing his Son to be forgiven.
The issue is simple … Ephesians 2:10 comes AFTER Ephesians 2:8-9 because we are saved by the grace of God (not our good works) and we are sustained in God’s salvation by the grace of God (not our good works)
I never said we are saved by our (pride) works. I said we're saved by our (humble) works,
When we were dead in sins, we were made alive. Eph.2:1, Isa.66:2
Those sins were by pride. vs.2, Jb.41:34
Our former conversation, all pride. vs.3,
But our Father in mercy put up with our crap and the proof of this is when Jesus had the people who murdered him, standing around cross mocking him. vs.4, 1Sam.2:25
because our MERIT rests on the WORKS and the BLOOD of Jesus Christ and not on any innate merit that we earned by working for it.
Our merit rests on the "the blood of Jesus Christ" because it was shed holding back his anger at the injustice that was happening to him, vs.4, Heb.12:4
His grace made us alive. vs.5, Act.5:41
And now we have this heavenly knowledge of how much our Father loves us. vs.6, Jn.15:20
So that throughout church history, people would see Christ in us, vs.7, Mt.5:44
Our faith is the result of what Jesus did. vs.8, Heb.11
Not because we've been good according to the law as as source of pride. vs.9, Psa.143.2
THEN comes Ephesians 2:10 where we are GOD’s Masterwork (the wonderful thing that God has done). Free from any need to perform or fear of being “good enough” or “not good enough”, we are free to DO what God has given us to DO out of a joyful heart full of gratitude and love. We need earn or keep nothing; Christ keeps us.
Because of our Savior, God writes the law he gave Moses in our hearts that way. The way God in human flesh observed it himself.
Our only debt is one of love.
I completely agree. To transgress what God on earth said, is worse than anyone elses testimony,
He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace? Heb.10:28-29
To continue to wallow in sin is anathema to our new birth. Not because God will reject us and cast us out if we do (obey or God will stop loving you, as you advocate), but because THAT is not who we are.
No, that's who we were. And we remember who we were, we're not superior to anyone, but we're one in him now. In him there is no condemnation. No condemnation to anyone who walks after his Spirit, his example.
The natural man cannot do the things of God because they are contrary to his nature.
By "natural man", Paul means people driven by pride, lust, etc. He doesn't mean people are incapable of understanding God if they want to.
The NEW MAN cannot live the life of the world/flesh because they are contrary to his (and God’s) nature … and God’s nature lives inside of us.
Don't put your battle gear away until you're six feet down. After laying an assault against Jesus, it says the devil
departed from Him until an opportune time. Lk.4:13
and here's the most opportune time he had,
His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground. Lk.22:44
Calvanists believe the Lamb suffered so they don't have to. A follower of Christ believes the Lamb suffered, so
I beseech youtherefore, brethren, by the merciesof God, that ye present yourbodies a living sacrifice, holy,acceptable unto God,
which isyour reasonable service Rom.12:1, Psa.44:22