Sure I had attended other Church of God locations , my wife became a Christian long before me . Training people to speak in tongues is something I have never ever been around , nor would I want to be !
I had attended sunday school for a few years off and on , so yes I probably did hear this in the lesson at some point . But was this on my mind when I went to the altar ? No ! All that was on my mind was getting to the altar and getting right with God !
Well it can be in the back of your mind since hearing talks about that for when you went up there. One could refer to the subconscious but I'll just asked you what your expectations were in going up there to pray for salvation other than tongues as proof of receiving the Holy Spirit? What were you looking for in receiving salvation?
At this point I would like to know something about you and YOUR salvation , if you please , you have got a lot of my info .
What age @ were you when you were saved ? I was @ 25 .
Were you in church ? Did you go to the altar ?
Was this a church you had been attending already ?
What was it like for you ?
I must make a trip and will be back later today to read you replies .
I cannot say exactly when because I have been a believer since a tot.
I had prophetic dreams as a tot where one was about being in Heaven with Jesus showing me the future if I went back.
I am close to 60 years of age now.
Still having prophetic dreams of what is to come. I had registered to this forum and sent for the confirmation e-mail but it never came. So I just gave up & let it go, thinking the Lord did not want me here, but continue t wait for Him while I lean on Him to abide in Him. But I kept having these dreams of me working in the basement in cleaning things up for "Someone". I was annoyed because it kept repeating.
So I checked again and resent for the e-mail confirmation and finally it did came right away and so I came here to post, hoping in Him to do His work because I know I am nothing in His ministry but a profitless servant.
Had another dream of me waking up & looking out my small bedroom window towards my neighbor property beside my home. His son was there cutting the grass on the riding mower as there were other people working in the yard by the road where there was ditch there with a man made small bridge where none exists in real life and on that bridge and near it were 2 fawns and a young mother deer.
That dream shifted to me in bed as I remembered the thought of wanting to my mom and dad to see that and that thought was raising me up to get them to see that, but stopped as I was seeing my dad in the shadow pointing at that small window as I was announcing to him but faintly "Yeah... I saw the fawns too.." or something to that effect and then I woke up.
I discerned with Him that He was telling me that something wonderful was happening that I like to see which was the fawns but symbolic about Him working and that small window was representing the window of my folks' computer screen.
I can see Him working but to what avail, I have yet to see but I enjoy seeing Him work.
Anyway at some point as a tot, I had believed in Jesus Christ and that God raised Him from the dead and I was saved I did not know that I was having prophetic dreams even though this one girl in one dream was trying to tell me her name so I would know her when I meet her in the future. I recalled that I did not like her first name but her last name she was trying to tell me to say it the way it was spelled but it did not sound like the way she said it, and so I was afraid because if I said it the way it was spelled it would sound like a bad word. I was so afraid to say it the way it was spelled because I loved her and did not want to hurt her feelings and so I said I wanted to call her "Angel" as the light coming from her hair made her look like one. She could not understand my insistence and the cream ended.
In real life as a tot, I was reading the Bible and came across a verse in Revelation about the mark of the beast 666 and "let the reader understand" and so I went to the kitchen where my mother was asking what is "666?"
She got mad and pulled me to the bathroom and washed my mouth out with soap. I was crying tears and confused, but still determined to know what that meant because I did not understand it so I went to the kitchen again with that Bible opened to that passage and had asked again "what does 666 mean?" Got my mouth washed out with soap again. And I asked again for the third time and got my mouth washed out with soap again. ( You'd think I would give up by now ) But no. I had asked again, but this time, I went carrying the Bible opened to that passage and asked "What does that mean?" To wit she finally looked at what I was asking and she said that was not what I had said. Baffled, but she walked away irritated.
I forgave my mother, since later on I figured out she must have thought I said that dirty word "sh**" 3 times instead of the number 6, 3 times.
Just conveying how in real life, I was reluctant to say her last name for fear of saying it like a bad word. As it is, years later after moving to P from Iowa for the summer before 5th grade, and then years later after high school and about 1990's, I met that girl in my dreams in real life as the series of prophetic dreams fell into place as I said her last name as I heard it but I spelled it wrong Fosco when it was spelled Fusco for which the Holy Spirit in me was reminding me of that dream. Other goal posts in the dreams came true but enough of that.
I refer to John 16:13 of the Holy Spirit showing me what is to come since I was a tot and I did not know I was having prophetic dreams until later on and still having them.
I think I'll stop here since I am digressing but I believed in Jesus Christ since a tot.
Have to take a break for lunch. I am late.