Hello everyone! I'm wondering what people here think about Calvinists claiming that Calvinism is the gospel, Arminianism is another gospel, and that Arminianism has another Jesus. Do these kinds of statements deserve to put Calvinism into the category of a cult? What do you think?
Maurice Roberts, on the back-cover of
The Potter’s Freedom, by James White, wrote, “In a manner reminiscent of Luther demolishing Erasmus, James White grinds the Semi-Pelagianism of Dr. Geisler to fine powder, not in the spirit of triumphalism, but knowing that all Arminianism is as hostile to the true gospel as it is friendly to a reviving Roman Catholicism.”
The description on the back-cover of
The Potter’s Freedom says, “This book is written as a reply to Dr. Geisler, but it is much more: it is a defense of the very principles upon which the Protestant Reformation was founded. Indeed, it is a defense of the very gospel itself!”
Arthur Custance said, “It is questionable whether a dogmatic theology which is not Calvinistic is truly Christian.”
He also said, “Calvinism is the Gospel and to teach Calvinism is in fact to preach the Gospel.”
Kenneth Talbot and W. Gary Crampton said, “any compromise of Calvinism is a step towards humanism.”
They also said, “The apostolic doctrine was that of Reformed Theology.”
Loraine Boettner said, “There is no consistent stopping place between Calvinism and atheism.”
and, “The doctrine that men are saved only through the unmerited love and grace of God finds its full and honest expression only in the doctrines of Calvinism.”
William Cunningham said, “Calvinism is just the full exposition of and development of the sum and substance of what is represented in Scripture as done for the salvation of sinners by the three persons of the Godhead.”
David Engelsma said, “Calvinism is the Gospel. Its outstanding doctrines are simply the truths that make up the Gospel.”
Charles Spurgeon has said, “It is a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, nothing else.”
and, “There is no such thing as preaching Christ and him crucified, unless you preach what now-a-days is called Calvinism.”
and, “The longer I live the clearer does it appear that John Calvin’s system is the nearest to perfection.”
Rienk Kuiper said, “It is my firm conviction that the only theology contained in the Bible is the Reformed theology.”
R. K. McGregor Wright said, “Arminianism thought is best understood historically, as a compromise of the Reformation gospel with the humanistic motif of the autonomy of the human consciousness flowing out of the ancient pagan learning that had just been rediscovered in the Renaissance.”
Alexander Leighton said this about Arminianism, “The last and greatest monster of the man of sin; the elixir of Anti-Christianism.”
William MacLean wrote in his book
Arminianism: Another Gospel, “Arminianism is the very essence of Popery.” Not potpourri, but Popery, as in the Pope.
He also wrote that Arminianism “appears as the gospel of Christ, but in reality is ‘another gospel.’”
Duane Spencer said that “Arminianism is but a refinement of Pelegianism.”
Grover Gunn said, “Arminianism teaches salvation mostly of grace but not all of grace.”
3 If Arminianism teaches a gospel not all of grace, that means they teach a gospel of works, which would mean teach a false gospel and are not real Christians. This would once again make Calvinism the only true form of Christianity.
Edwin Palmer said, “I believe some Arminians may be born-again Christians.” How gracious of Mr. Palmer.
According to Milburn Cockrell, “The Christ of Arminianism is not the Christ of the New Testament.”
He also claims that “Christ and His apostles” were Calvinists!
Joseph Wilson said that “no one has ever been or ever will be saved in the way taught by Arminianism.”
So after reading those quotes by prominent Reformed Theologians, what do you think? Is that an extreme cult-like form of Calvinism, or normal "orthodox" Calvinism? If you don't think those beliefs make Calvinism a cult, why not? Thanks!