You are a brave lady beginning a thread like this.
There seems to be a misunderstanding, particularly among Calvinists, that Arminius did not believe in total depravity. Please remember that to his dying day at the young age of 49 he was a Dutch Reformed minister and university professor.
What did Jacobus Arminius believe about Total Depravity? In one of his disputations, Arminius wrote:
V. In the state of Primitive Innocence, man had a mind endued with a clear understanding of heavenly light and truth concerning God, and his works and will, as far as was sufficient for the salvation of man and the glory of God; he had a heart imbued with “righteousness and true holiness,” and with a true and saving love of good; and powers abundantly qualified or furnished perfectly to fulfill the law which God had imposed on him. This admits easily of proof, from the description of the image of God, after which man is said to have been created, (
Gen. i. 26,
27,) from the law divinely imposed on him, which had a promise and a threat appended to it, (ii, 17,) and lastly from the analogous restoration of the same image in Christ Jesus. (
Ephes. iv. 24,
Col. iii. 10.)
VI. But man was not so confirmed in this state of innocence, as to be incapable of being moved, by the representation presented to him of some good, (whether it was of an inferior kind and relating to this animal life, or of a superior-kind and relating to spiritual life,) inordinately and unlawfully to look upon it and to desire it, and of his own spontaneous as well as free motion, and through a preposterous desire for that good, to decline from the obedience which had been prescribed to him. Nay, having turned away from the light of his own mind and his chief good, which is God, or, at least, having turned towards that chief good not in the manner in which he ought to have done, and besides having turned in mind and heart towards an inferior good, he transgressed the command given to him for life. By this foul deed, he precipitated himself from that noble and elevated condition into a state of the deepest infelicity, which is Under The Dominion of Sin. For “to whom any one yields himself a servant to obey,” (
Rom. vi. 16,) and “of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage,” and is his regularly assigned slave. (2 Pet. ii. 19.)
VII. In this state, the free will of man towards the true good is not only wounded, maimed, infirm, bent, and weakened; but it is also imprisoned, destroyed, and lost. And its powers are not only debilitated and useless unless they be assisted by grace, but it has no powers whatever except such as are excited by Divine grace. For Christ has said, “Without me ye can do nothing.” St. Augustine, after having diligently meditated upon each word in this passage, speaks thus: “Christ does not say, without me ye can do but Little; neither does He say, without me ye can do any Arduous Thing, nor without me ye can do it with difficulty. But he says, without me ye can do Nothing! Nor does he say, without me ye cannot complete any thing; but without me ye can do Nothing.” That this may be made more manifestly to appear, we will separately consider the mind, the affections or will, and the capability, as contra-distinguished from them, as well as the life itself of an unregenerate man (
Arminius 1977:525-526). [from my article,
Do Arminians believe in election and total depravity?]
Jacobus (James) Arminius and Reformed/Classical Arminians most certainly believed and believe in Total Depravity. I used to go to an evangelical Presbyterian church where the pastor was thoroughly a TULIP Calvinist. One time he preached that Arminius did not believe in total depravity. I asked where he got that information from. He said he has not read the
but his Calvinistic professors at theological college told him what Arminius believed. I sent him the section from Arminius's writings above, but I never heard back from him.
I'll comment later on the Reformed Arminian (Jacob Arminius) view of Perseverance of the Saints.
My Nutri-Grain and mango are calling first on this Sat morning.