I agree. The problem is that we're here in this world and this is how things are.
Personally, and I say this in an open post, I trust what Jesus said about everything. Paul went into very theological matters that some cannot understand. Not even because they don't want to, or because they can't, but because they use Paul's words to back up what THEY want to believe.
OK. Anyway, I was away all day and an soooo far behind!
Good to have you here.
(I also knew about the green wood and was disgusted, as I am about the inquisition, witch burnings, etc etc. - man is truly lost)
Don't forget the hangings, the crushing to death, the guillotines, drownings, and all manner of other sadistic evils that were part of the inquisition.
I don't know about the green wood thing. There's conflicting stories about that being the method used to kill John Calvin's opponents.
Which I could see how that does come about. Calvin was trained in the law. I don't think he could cause something as inhumane to happen to someone found worthy of dying under the inquisitions form of punishment.
Also, burnings occurred in Scotland and Ireland. In England it was similar to what occurred in New England in America. People were hanged. Not burned.
Anyway, it never makes sense whatever the history to slaughter people because they're of a different faith or hold to a different reading of scripture. That's the antithesis of what the Gospel is suppose to interject into a society.
Yep, lots of pages to catch you up with. Happy reading.

And it is good to be here. This makes my third forum I'm in community with in Christ. "We are everywhere!" :wink
Hold the phone. I forgot scripture support. Galatians 3:28.
I think that's one scripture that really says the divide afforded by denominations isn't meant to be. And yes, I agree that Paul was authorized by Jesus inspiration to keep his teachings going and he is therefore a great teacher in that regard.
Paul being a Pharisee knew the laws of God very well. He'd also know when led by Christ to deliver the new covenant how to rightly divide what was, the OT, and bring in the teaching as to how the New took its place.